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Sketchbook Heroes talking all things art! Run by two nerds who aim to help, inspire and entertain. So step out of your comfort zone and into the Danger Zone!

info_outline 222. Game Over 2.0 12/25/2022
info_outline 221. Making XMAS 2022 12/18/2022
info_outline 220. the Impostor syndrome 12/12/2022
info_outline 219. Whining Willows 12/04/2022
info_outline 218. Feeling stuck? 11/20/2022
info_outline 217. The Power of Socializing Comic Con Edition 11/13/2022
info_outline 216. Living up to expectations of you 11/07/2022
info_outline 215. Comic Con, inktober and IG 10/30/2022
info_outline 214. Self Sabotage 10/23/2022
info_outline 213. Art of Atey Snatti89 Ghailan 10/09/2022
info_outline 212. Why you are failing as an artist 10/02/2022
info_outline 211. Effort vs Outcome 09/26/2022
info_outline 210. Quitting to soon 09/11/2022
info_outline 209. Inktober prep 2022 09/04/2022
info_outline 208. Studio 666 and celebrities getting attention for their art 08/28/2022
info_outline 207. Know your own crazy 08/21/2022
info_outline 206. Working for friends and for Exposure 08/14/2022
info_outline 205. Dumber Impact with Double Van Damme 08/07/2022
info_outline 204. The Marvel Rant Summer Special 07/31/2022
info_outline 203. Everything Everywhere all at once 07/24/2022
info_outline 202. THOR - Love and Blunder Summer special feat Mattias 07/17/2022
info_outline 201. Age vs the artist 07/10/2022
info_outline 200. Love you 200 07/03/2022
info_outline 199. Art VS wokeness 06/26/2022
info_outline 198. Do you really want to get better at art? 06/19/2022
info_outline 197. Dress to impress (we had a point at one point) 06/12/2022
info_outline 196. Love Death and oppinions about art 06/05/2022
info_outline 195. Feedback and why you should avoid it 05/29/2022
info_outline 194. Art on vacation 05/22/2022
info_outline 193. What makes you happy? 05/15/2022