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Sko Vote Den

Sko Vote Den is a mini-series podcast about voting in Indian Country produced by NDN Collective. On this podcast, we’re gonna talk with organizers, movement leaders, journalists, activists, and researchers on the realities of voting in Indian Country and why it’s so important to prepare and show up at the polls this November.

info_outline Sovereignty on the Ballot with Judith LeBlanc 11/03/2022
info_outline 2022 Midterm Elections: Analysis and Perspective From Nick Tilsen and Holly Cook Macarro 10/26/2022
info_outline Indian Country's Changing Landscape Post-Biden Election 05/28/2021
info_outline What did the election mean for Indian Country? 12/05/2020
info_outline What did the election mean for Indian Country? 12/05/2020
info_outline Voting for a livable future: The climate and the native vote. 10/31/2020
info_outline Indigenizing the Vote with Judith Le Blanc and Sikowis (Christine) Nobiss. 10/27/2020
info_outline The Complexities of the Native Vote with Rebecca Nagle 10/09/2020
info_outline The Power of the Native Vote with Julian Brave Noisecat 09/28/2020
info_outline Sko Vote Den Podcast Trailer 09/25/2020