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Say Something

歡迎來到Shelley和Kevin主持的Say Something Podcast 他們倆人希望可以透過這個Podcast跟大家探討任何感情、友誼、婚姻關係的奧妙、人生哲學以及個人經驗,進而給予觀眾更多的啟發和想法。 Say Something Podcast is hosted by Shelley and  Kevin from Youtube channel Something Shelley. The Podcast explores a wide range of topics from relationships, personal philosophies, passions and life experiences. This Podcast is Bilingual in Mandarin and English.

info_outline Say Something #12|動力是什麼?能吃嗎? 02/26/2021
info_outline Say Something #11|Tiffy Cooks 02/10/2021
info_outline Say Something #10|Michael Hsu 02/04/2021
info_outline Say Something #9|Something Shelley 01/28/2021
info_outline Say Something #8|你有對自己負責嗎?我們聊聊所有權 01/21/2021
info_outline Say Something #7|不用永遠保持正能量, 了解不同心態 01/13/2021
info_outline Say Something #6|感情的七年之癢、男女純友誼存在嗎? 04/03/2020
info_outline Say Something #5|如何尋找動力?負面情緒&時間管理 03/27/2020
info_outline Say Something #4|家事如何分配?女強人&大男人的定義 03/20/2020
info_outline Say Something #3|國外與亞洲教育差異、種族歧視問題 03/13/2020
info_outline Say Something #2|如何讓自己更有自信心? 03/06/2020
info_outline Say Something #1|擇偶條件:到底怎麼知道他是對的人? 03/02/2020