Sought Out Radio
Sought Out Radio Podcast: Holy Spirit Radio | Online Radio Ministry | Christian Podcasting | Spiritual Growth & Development
SOR-025 When Storms Come
SOR-025 When Storms Come
Herb Marks, George Watkin and Bethany Marks discuss when storms come to our lives and how we prepare and respond to God during such times Welcome to sought out radio. I'm your Host Mark Grote and I'm joined by Sought Out Ministry Leaders, Pastor Herb and Bethany Marks and Pastor George Watkins. Hello everybody welcome back to the podcast and it's good to have you with us as well the listener most of all as we hopefully bring you more information about our walk with God and just our interaction with the Holy Spirit and how are daily walk with him involves relationship intimacy and interaction in a way that we can hear obey and respond to God in a very dynamic and loving lifestyle with the father so that welcome her to have you back on the podcast but obviously this has been a tumultuous time but I hope all of you are are healthy and well and so as we talked in our production meeting yesterday we discussed the idea of what we wanted to cover for a topic on this podcast today and so today we wanted to type take you through a situation of when we're under the stress of life and when things are coming at us it could be happening personally could be happening in a broad context like what's happening with the covet 19 or I think the cultural racial crisis is happening in America and all around the world today these things add anxiety to our life in addition to things that you might just have going on regularly in life like losing a job or or a family member or or just being under the pressure of something in relationships that type of thing marriages these things can pile up on the back of the believer and and I think there's a a time when we have an opportunity to respond to the Lord in each of those situations but there's also an opportunity before those things happen to prepare us and so we were talking about this yesterday and you talked about something that you wanted to share kind of up front in this conversation about a vision that you had and how it might be an opportunity for us as a as a body of believers to look at that situation and gives us the opportunity to prepare for what we're walking into right future do you want to share that with our listeners it's an experience that I had at work and it was Christmas time recently is and and I'll send the music cuz I had on some Christmas music on my cell phone and Olsen it stopped I looked down and the battery to my cell phone had died and and I thought huh and I looked at the time stamp on the computer it was 3:33 and at that moment was taken into a pictorial or a visual in the in the spirit and I saw a black clouds off over the Pacific and they there were gathering and forming and beginning to tumble in our direction and the sense for the essence of that vision that I saw was that it was going to be difficult times for America and also for believers and we don't know the time or or when this could come to our country however it's certainly been interesting the the turmoil that our nation has been in and these last especially couple of years and this last year especially and as that was coming my response to watching this was heavenly father how do we prepare ourselves for this and the answer that came back quickly and I know we're not in an audible word but just to my nowhere by nowhere just knows because God speaks to us the inner person and that's the more common way that he speaks to people he speaks many ways but this is one of the more common ways and this is how I believe or can have a conversation with their heavenly father throughout the day if you're writing the bus or if you're shopping you know just because all the while I'll be dialoguing with him at times and down to my nowhere I'll get his response so that's available for office came he said you don't remember I asked the question father how do we get ready for this and he said you don't and at that moment I was drawn back by the answer and yet I leaned into him as well because I wanted to know what does work for this thing and he said just stay close and he does he hides us in the palm of his hand and I just say he said you don't get old geared up for this thing it's your everyday life is staying close to him that works and then I looked out at my phone again and then in my door Mark a second time you spoke can you said those who don't have my power will lose their song that was very powerful to me indeed I because my music had gone away the song the Christmas song had disappeared because the power and the cell phone had died and people who people must have his strength and his ability they must have the strength and power of God in difficult times and a good times as well so what does the phone represent in that picture or in that word well end in that vision to me the song is certainly spoke of hope it was Christmas music Mark and that's a message about the Savior who has come to the world and because he's risen from the dead whosoever believe upon him will have everlasting life but he's also the baptizer where the father has given the promise to his son and now that he has risen from the dead and is defeated hell and death it is here that that he's given the promise to the son of the precious Holy Spirit to be distributed as Jesus wills upon his people and and that would be the bride of Christ and so this power of the Holy ghost waits for every person who follows Jesus and so when the father was saying those who don't receive him and his strength then in difficult times your personal song will be challenged and for some you will lose that song some will fall away and the clouds that you mentioned that picture of those clouds they represent what they they represent coming trial difficulty what would you like to put in a fast forward real movie real as it were said I saw these clouds gather and they were small but they begin to tumble and become large quickly and I think it was for my sake that it was quickly because all said in fast time they got big and they came to our coasts here on the west side of of America in real time it was gathering slowly but coming in our direction and we could see them coming our way and many have talked about you know America coming into a a difficult time I think that's what this represented.
SOR-024 Apostolic Immaturity (with Christa Smith)
SOR-024 Apostolic Immaturity (with Christa Smith)
Special guest, Christa Smith, joins Sought Out Radio to share the example of Moses for the generation impacted most by the racial crisis in the church today.
SOR-023 Three Bowls Prophecy
SOR-023 Three Bowls Prophecy
Show Notes 00:00 Introduction 02:00 Conveyor belt vision and the beginning of ministry 07:00 Jesus on the white horse was beginning to lead an army. 08:45 Vision of massive vision. On the side of the key was a beautiful design work and the word “wisdom.” Wisdom has been lacking today. Wisdom brings guidance, knowledge and helps you in the learning. Brings discernment and safety without fear of harm. These keys are in the first 4 chapters of Proverbs. 11:00 There is so much fear today that we can see in people’s eyes behind ever face mask. 11:45 Next was a massive door for this massive key. As it moved, the key got smaller. 12:45 On the door was the word, “Wisdoms.” Suddenly suspended above America. Clouds engulf our nation but the nation appears alive. 14:15 There is conflict and it appears to be the racial divide in our country. There was oil that was seeping into the clouds and become a mist. The mist falls into the clouds and into the atmosphere. Not everyone wanted this. 18:00 But some people who were responding were coming from all walks of life. There were angels on the southern border of America facing inward. 19:15 In a room, there were 3 bowls. The 1st bowl was full. The first bowl is called “Awakening of the church” and it was just being tipped and being poured out and was nearly overflowing. The 2nd bowl was called “Heightened Healings.” The 3rd bowl is not full but being filled is labeled “terrible.” This is to be poured over all of America. When it does pour, Americans will respond because they will be taken into how horrible it will be to be taken without the Lord Jesus. And Americans will be running to churches whose doors are open. The final vision, the Americans who are running to the people of God that is the church, they will be asking. “What does this mean?” We need to be ready with the answer. They will go to those who have the answer. God is giving us insight and a warning that he is giving America another chance. 24:00 Discussion We are the ones who set the atmosphere. People look to government officials but a praying church will make the difference. We can’t keep looking to government. 27:00 Wisdom if a spirit and we receive it much like we receive the Holy Spirit - by faith. 30:00 People are crying out for value and want to belong somewhere. Because people feel excluded, they need wisdom. James 3. There is social disorder. 35:30 James 3 is shared from the Passion Translation. There is a future but it’s His future. 37:00 Most of us need a sign. The list of James 3 are the characteristics of wisdom. That helps us point the way. Just a practicality that we’re on the right road. 43:00 We are under an umbrella. Jesus is a tangible breathing, a God, that everything begins and ends with and he loves us. For those who will respond to wisdom calling in the streets, will live in safety and be free from harm. 47:30 If the bowl is just barely ready to be poured out, then we are at the very beginning of awakening and the beginning of heightened healings.
SOR-022 The Gift of Tongues (incl prophetic ministry)
SOR-022 The Gift of Tongues (incl prophetic ministry)
01:30 | Intro 02:00 | Attributes of the gift of tongues 04:30 | The 2 different manifestations of tongues 08:30 | Describing the gift of tongues – What if you don’t have the gift of tongues. The role of the baptism of the Holy Spirit? A signet of coming under the Holy Spirit is tongues because our tongue comes under the Spirit’s control. Not that we’re out of our minds but under the influence and willingness to submit it to Him. Speaking in tongues is speaking to God not to man. 11:30 | Does someone have to have the gift of tongues to be saved? The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the endowment of power. 13:30 | Being filled with the Holy Spirit is like being on a bow of a ship and the water crashes over the bow and we get drenched in water. 15:00 | Anyone can meet God. When we add in tongues to our relationship with God, it’s the most natural thing. It’s not about be elite. The gift can be a sign and a wonder, but when you speak in tongues, you feel like you have fully communicated with God. 17:00 | The experience of the gift of tongues coming is shared. 19:30 | It’s common for some who have not received the gift to be frustrated. Do you have to speak in tongues? It’s more like you get to. Gifts are distributed according to God’s will, but if we want to go to the further places with God, we have to. 21:00 | The principle of faith is you will get what you believe. It doesn’t come from the head but the heart. 22:45 | Another example of someone receiving the gift of tongues is shared. 23:45 | It’s not unusual for people to speak in tongues in their dreams. 24:00 | A gift given is not necessarily a gift received. 27:00 | Tongues are like healing. Some people get a gradual healing and as they contend for it full healing comes. 30:30 | When we pray in the spirit for a period of time, eventually God gives us the answer and will tell us what he’s saying. 32:00 | God is bringing his DNA together with ours. We can feel a oneness with God and when it happens we can hardly draw breath in his presence. 33:00 | An example of praying in the spirit is shared where a visit with God is shared. 35:45 | More examples are shared. After several hours of pray in the spirit over several ours, God revealed the plan for their church which led them forward for the next 30 years. 39:00 | As we allow room for God, He moves in and helps us expand. Jude 20. 44:00 | As a women there’s an intimacy thing when we pray in the Spirit. 45:30 | What do you say someone who doesn’t believe in the gifts. We spoke in tongues. We believed in healing. We need to understand someone’s doubt. The gift of the Holy Spirt gives us a broad spectrum of gifts and that we should move on the best gift. If I have a need for prophecy, I don’t need healing. If I need for a miracle, I don’t need the gift of faith. Whatever the best gift is, it is there for us to take a hold. Tongues and interpretation = prophecy. 49:00 | When the perfect comes, the imperfect disappears. Jesus is perfect, we are imperfect. 50:00 | 10 reasons for the gift of tongues by Kenneth Hagen. 57:00 | The power of the tongue and pray that you might interpret. Paul said if there is no interpretation, pray that you might interpret. The only thing that can rule your tongue is the Holy Spirit. The tongue has to come under the bridal and when the baptism of the Holy Spirit comes over you, the tongue begins to be submitted. 1:00:00 | Prophetic ministry
SOR-021 Spiritually Led Prayer (Part 3) Incl prophetic ministry
SOR-021 Spiritually Led Prayer (Part 3) Incl prophetic ministry
In this 3rd or 3 episodes on spiritually led prayer we discuss how we as Christians are meant to function in prayer. Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Mark Grote and Theresa Grote host.
SOR-020 Spiritually Led Prayer (Part 2)
SOR-020 Spiritually Led Prayer (Part 2)
In this edition, we discuss what spiritually led prayer is and how we as Christians are meant to function in it. Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Mark Grote and Theresa Grote host.Introduction The majority of people are prodigals. I am challenged by how I react to them and how others react to me. It makes me look at both more parts of that dynamic more closely. Ephesians 6. Praying for all of God’s people and having his mind for them. The mind of Christ. Our jobs is bring and carry his heart. 4:40 It comes down to are we listening to the heart of God. There is a place where God can use us a vessels. God will release things only those who are yielded. 5:45 What is role of faith in prayer? The kingdom is very evident in life. A survey was conducted to ask if a miracle occurred in your life? Scores of Muslims are having dreams about Jesus. The kingdom is touching down. The completed work is not finished but the kingdom is evident on earth. 9:00 God have your way is a safe prayer for us all. The amount of time that it takes someone to get frustrated is measure of their maturity. 10:30 We can’t be careless and prayer and be like those who pray their own will. That’s witchcraft. But when we pray sincerely and from God’s will, heaven is touching earth and God is on the move. 13:20 God is revealing himself. You don’t have to be good for Him to reveal himself. He reveals himself to whoever he wants. But if you want Him, he will come. 16:00 God is the one who gives the answer and we are trusting that His timing is never off. If people will keep in front of them who he is, then it won’t be so difficult. 17:00 There is the prophetic and there’s the timing of the prophetic. It requires faith to walk out prophecy to see it happen in your life. Abraham’s life is mentioned as an example. But Abraham never lived to see the promise fulfilled. 19:00 If our automatic go to with God is to inquire – when he give us an answer is that prophetic? Don’t forget – the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
SOR-019 Spiritually Led Prayer
SOR-019 Spiritually Led Prayer
Spiritually led prayer and how to align our prayers with God's purpose for our lives is discussed on Sought Out Radio.
SOR-018: Testimonies of God Encounters
SOR-018: Testimonies of God Encounters
Introduction: Testimonies of God encounters with Sought Out attendees. Understanding the true meaning of what being a Christian didn't come until after experiencing God's presence for the first time. Even though some of these young men didn't want to go to a meeting, some experienced the presence and fire of God. Another young man was a church-goer and didn't have a first hand experience with God previously in his walk with God. It changed his life when he had his first encounter. Herb Marks frames what these experiences are like and why it's important to bring in 3 young men in particular to explain their experiences. One guest explains how a Sought Out meeting is different from church. These young men are a lot like Daniel in how God wants to speak to this generation to explain where He would take them and wants to connect with them in a tangible way. Another guest explains his upbringing as a missionary kid and how different it was from a Sought Out meeting. He wasn't looking for anything and didn't feel a need to go but was so glad he went and explains how God used him and spoke through him in such a profound way that it changed him forever. One of the guests explains how his family had problems when he was growing up and was befriended by one of the other boys' family. He felt like when he went to the Sought Out meeting he had a connection with God. One of the young men experienced the spontaneous gift of tongues that just flowed out of him after the meeting. He went to talk to Herb and suddenly, there his prayer language was. Herb closes with how you can have an a God-experience like these young men did.
SOR-017: Dealing with Passion
SOR-017: Dealing with Passion
Show Notes for SOR-017: Dealing with Passion 00:00 Introduction 04:00 Are you experiencing passion. Do you consider yourself a person who is experiencing passion for God? 05:00 Are we passionate people? Passion ebbs and flows in our lives. If we lived in a place of constant passion then we would have no way of knowing when passion was on the increase. 8:00 Staying engaged and pressing hard into God is just a choice. It's his character that steadies me, not my passion. 10:00 Our emotions report what we're experiencing. Passion will flow from good times and bad. Sometimes when we look into our lives, it is not an emotion as much as it is desire to go deeper with God. Part of passion is a climate maker. Our passion should be to know him. 12:00 Passion like that for a football team is for the moment. The depth we have for God is for a love relationship is much deeper. it defines some of the fire inside of us. 13:00 Passion: Strong or barely controlled emotion. 14:00 What moments do we recall of a pure passionate response to God? 16:00 Herb shares a home encounter experience where a man fell onto a couch with a demon screaming and later exhausted, eventually testified that he never knew "normal" in his walk with God. 18:00 We should all feel passion when we see others encounter God. 20:00 There should be a balance between experience and faith. Not everything should be something we get emotionally carried away with just like not everything should be solely knowledge.
SOR-016: Abraham
SOR-016: Abraham
Abraham was called the Father of faith. Join us on Sought Out Radio as we examine the life of Abraham, how he walked with God and how his example can help us all develop a deeper walk of faith. 0:00-2:00 Introduction. 03:00 God wants to be personal for his people. 06:00 Destination vs process with God. 08:00 From the beginning God maps out and describes the journey. 10:00 Abraham quickly obeyed. Delayed obedience is disobedience. 12:00 The waiting on God to show up after the promise. 14:00 Abraham believed and it was credited him righteousness. 16:00 The level of conversion is measured by our intentionality. 18:00 If our will resists the Lord, then our will, will resist him more. 20:00 Abraham, despite being a flawed human, he believed God. 22:00 When we step after hearing, God opens the doors. 24:00 Following the voice of God even when it's really hard.
SOR-015 Anointing
SOR-015 Anointing
Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Mark Grote and Christa Pitcairn-Smith discuss the anointing of God. Originally broadcast for radio August 2014.
SOR-013: Honor, Accept, Know (Part 3 of 3)
SOR-013: Honor, Accept, Know (Part 3 of 3)
From a 3-part series on Prophetic Word of 2015 (Honor, Accept & Know). What it means and what to expect in the year of 2015 and beyond. Intro and Welcome. 2:00 We replay Herb's word from the previous week as a summary of the word her received from God. 1. Honor 2. Accept 3. Know 6:00 The subject is Know. Knowing who we are is tied to our identity. It’s a position of strength in our walk with God. To know was awe inspiring and it’s instruction because he’ wanting to align his people. God is wanting his word to be personal to us. He will fashion it to how he wired us. The key will unlock the door of some insight and instruction for how we are to live well. This should be a lifestyle and discipline. Turn off the TV more often and get up earlier. Be a audience of what he is saying. Habakkuk positioned himself to what God is saying. 11:00 Christa - Intimacy is the key to hearing God’s voice. Obedience is a result of a cultivated relationship with the Father. Knowing what he is saying about my life on a major basis. If a praying mantis is around you and you see it, it means we should start to pray about what God is doing in your life. 13:15 - Mark comments, yes we need to know God, but once we do, we can’t obey God if we can’t hear him. Christa responds with thought about doing something out of intimacy and not performance and obedience. 15:30 - Herb and all, more commentary on intimacy vs obedience. 18:00 - Herb To know someone is not passive, it’s interactive. 19:00 - Prophetic ministry.
SOR-012: Honor, Accept, Know (Part 2 of 3)
SOR-012: Honor, Accept, Know (Part 2 of 3)
From a 3-part series on Prophetic Word of 2015 (Honor, Accept & Know). What it means and what to expect in the year of 2015 and beyond. Intro and Welcome to our guests Diane Fink. 3:00 we replay Herb's word from the previous week as a summary of the word her received from God. 1. Honor 2. Accept 3. Know 5:00 What was God saying about Gideon. For 2015 God has some strong things to say to his people. We are discover by prayer what he wants and to know what he is saying. 6:30 - Diane Fink shares what God wants for us and how to know our identity in Christ. Accept who God says you are in this season. We have prophetic words from the past, and some say if it comes to pass, it's God. If it doesn't, it's not from God. But Diane says we have to accept the promises from God. If we aren't actively accepting the words and declare them, we may not receive them in faith. We need to step up to the responsibility of what those words are. God is saying: "No, step up and allow me what I have intended." No one can fulfill your place in the Kingdom. Only you can do that. 10:30 There are seasons where we can get stuck in our past. She quotes from Isaiah as an example. There's a time for digging up the past and allow God to heal us but there also comes a time when God has brought the healing and we need to step into the season of planting. 12:00 We get stuck in the present and past, when God is present future - living between the now and the not yet. 13:00 Diane shares an illustration about an elephant being tied to stake from its past, chained there as it were by an inferior thing, because the elephant, now an adult, it doesn't know that it cannot hold him anymore. He has been trained to accept that inferior thing in his life. 15:30 The wait (of previous prophetic word) is over. Stop hesitating in the old identity of the past and step into and accept who God says you are and walk into the future. 17:30 We are called to be active participants in our lives not bystanders. 20:00 Bethany shares about identity. Accept means no one else has your relationship with God. IF we would dare real relationship with God we would see love and accept God on another level. That first step of us and God and then we are in a solid place to go out and affect others around us. 21:00 Mark shares about what it means to receive what God has for us. Accept is the ready reception of what is offered from God. There is a positioning here that's required. 21:40 Diane shares a story about a prophetic word she once received when she was told that she hasn't embraced a word spoken over her life that she was called to be a prophet and that God was indeed saying that over her life. The position was key. 23:15 Herb summarized the show and confirms the things that Diane shared and carries as prophet of God. God is encouraging us to stop hedging and lay hold to what he has said. It's part of the continuation of the transformation. We need stop with the excuses and step into it. Bethany: "Dare real relationship with God."
SOR-011: Honor, Accept, Know (Part 1 of 3)
SOR-011: Honor, Accept, Know (Part 1 of 3)
Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Mark Grote and Christa Pitcairn-Smith discuss the prophetic direction of God for 2015 and beyond, expressed in 3 topics: Honor. Accept. Know. Originally broadcast for radio on 11/06/14. 0:00-1:30 Open 01:30 Introductions 2:00 The key to Honor 2:30 HERB: Honor, Accept & Know. Background on the prophetic word about all 3 words and the upcoming year (2015). 1. Honor: We need to be a people that honor. 2. Accept: Accepting what God has said to us about us. 3. Know: The Lord has some strong things to say about this people and we are to discover by prayer so that we are seeking to know what he is saying. 6:15 - HONOR We inherit honor because of Jesus' and glory and presence in our lives. Word in the Greek means Doxa which means glory. Honor is huge! God is telling us to what it is to honor God and each other. 8:30 Bethany - We need to see people through God's eyes. If we are filled up with receiving it from God we are going to overflow onto others. 9:30 Mark - The enemy attacks us with how we think we are valued by others. 10:30 Herb - The angel that appeared to Gideon. 11:15 Bethany - if we can't receive honor, how can we give it? 11:30 Mark gives 2 scriptural examples of Honor. 13:30 Christa - We need practical examples of honor. Christa mentions Danny Silk's book "The culture of honor." The results of honor are that you feel powerful around me. When people step into the fullness of who they are, they should feel empowered and powerful. Confident in their identity in God. 16:00 - Mark explains the difference between powerful people and powerless people. We need to own our feelings. Powerlessness acts like a victim. Powerful people don't act like victims. They own their own situation. 18:30 - Discussion on how do we receive honor. We can either receive it or reject it. When we reject value or hold it off in honors, we reject the glory of God because of what he has deposited in us. We need to be saturated in honor. 21:30 Mark explains how God showed him how our value comes from Heaven and that we must have our eyes on Jesus. 24:00 Herb wraps up the discussion on the lifestyle of honor. 24:45 Close
SOG-010: The Generations IV
SOG-010: The Generations IV
SHOW NOTES 00:00-3:50 Introduction 3:50 Herb Marks provides an update on what God showed him about the generations of people so we can learn from them and be amazed by what God has done with all the generations. The young generation is fearless and wants to be exposed to things. They are bold! 5:00 Theresa Grote - calls Millennials risk takers. They are not afraid. 6:00 Mark Grote - God wants to restore trust. God is building bridges of trust between the new generations. God is going to raise up elder statesmen in the faith that younger generations will want to help them. 7:20 Herb Marks – Younger people are saying “tell us more stories.” I believe the Lord is wanting us to be prepared for the next move he is going to bring to the US. It’s going to be the unification of the church. There is a calling to men that they would come out of their lazy chair and stand up to father others. To invest in other people’s lives. God wants to raise up fathers. For all who feel inadequate, ‘drop kick’ that out of your mind. 12:00 Prophetic Ministry 17:30 Theresa Grote – God is relational. Jesus died so we can have access to God. Jesus cares about relationship (fathers and mothers). He’s wanting us to foster a new view of relationship. He wants us to know that every single person is valuable and can be used. He’s there in each of us. When we get a hold of who we are we begin to live a restrained life. This choice affects things and my future. Vision. Purpose. Identity. God is branding us for these times. 19:30 Bethany Marks – Our kids need to hear the stories of the generations before them. 20:40 Theresa Grote- God wants us to link arms. He wants us to be deliberate and intentional. 21:30 Herb Marks – Our kids love to hear the stories of what our history was like. It gives young people depth. There’s a wooing on the hearts of men to encourage and mentor others. 23:45 Theresa Grote- A branding of spirit is coming onto people today by what God thinks of them. 24:15 Bethany Marks – Keep praying and love, love and love others. 24:45 Mark Grote - Close
SOG-009: The Generations III
SOG-009: The Generations III
Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Mark Grote and Theresa Grote discuss the teaching of Christa Pitcairn-Smith on the generations and help apply some principles of the generations to the church today. Originally broadcast for radio on 10/02/14. Introduction to Generations III 2:30 - Bethany Marks and what she identifies with about being more of a Gen-X'er more so that being a Baby Boomer. 4:00 - Herb Marks - Praying that new generations see the value and honor and respect of those who came before them. If they are looked back with honor preserves our past and brings us where we are today. 5:30 - Mark Grote - Younger generations don't know how to relate with older generations and lack exposure makes it hard to build those relational bridges. A lot of might be misunderstanding rather than dishonor. 6:45 - Herb Marks - The more we spend time with someone with people we don't the more we learn to appreciate them. We need to be people who are listening because they have a history to impart to use. 8:40 - Theresa Grote - One of things we need to get a hold of us how deliberate God is how much he wants us to be deliberate and intentional as well. 9:30 - Herb Marks - The word of the Lord came to Herb that God will be releasing in America another revival and for that to happen that church needs to be in unity and all generations needed to be appreciated by each other. 11:20 - Mark Grote - Our ceiling is supposed to be the floor of the generation that comes next to us. They are to build upon us and take what we have already established and help them launch from wherever we left off. The prophetic speaks identity into people so they can learn their part and their identity. 14:15 - Theresa Grote - God called Gideon out of before he stepped into the next season of his life. Specifically, God call Gideon "Mighty Warrior" before he was a warrior. Unity is important key for the church but it's not conformity. We are all different, but we honor each other within those differences we still honor. 15:40 - Herb Marks - It's crucial to know how we're made and how unique each one of us is. To honor that and to look at the other generations knowing that God made them unique too and to know that so that we don't battle them of something. Move into what I called you to be. Celebrating our differences is an art form. 16:30 - Mark Grote - That's a radical thought. We're afraid at times that unknowns are not trustworthy and therefore we tend to overly control. 17:00 - Herb Marks - Some of the outward expressions like the prophetic have not been represented well. When we allow the Holy Spirit to express himself as he would choose, it would take us out of our western thinking. The Holy Spirit will come with the same zeal for souls as he did when Jesus was here. Why is it sometimes we want to make our environment so safe when if the Holy Spirit was in charge he would rock our walls. Generationally, there's a whole new slate that has yet to be written on and this generation is about to write on it. 19:45 - Theresa Grote - It's a cry of my heart that God could be who he is when we meet together. God is asking: "Will you let me bring you into places that perhaps you don't have experience in because I want to show you you things you haven't seen before." We shouldn't hinder what God is doing because of fear and a tendency to control. God wants to bust us out and we need to be willing. 21:00 - Mark Grote - Do we trust God enough? For instance, if we haven't seen a certain manifestation before, or if it's not been recorded in the bible does that mean that God can't express himself in that new way today? Is God boxed in by his word that he can't manifest himself or Spirit in a new and different way without people thinking that's not God? 21:45 - Mark Grote - I wrote about Fire Tunnels, a great source of attack from others in the faith. I asked what is so wrong with walking past people as they lay hands on me and prayer. What's wrong with that? 22:00 - Theresa Grote - Young people are risk takers. 22:40 - Bethany Marks - If God doesn't help us to bring ourselves together, we are going to be trouble Him. Close
SOR-008: The Generations II
SOR-008: The Generations II
Christa Pitcairn-Smith teaches on the differences of the generations of people and how God uses and honors what each generation brings to the work of the kingdom of God. Originally broadcast for radio on 9/25/14. 0:00-2:00 Introduction Mark Grote 2:00 - GI Generation review by Christa Pitcairn Smith. The greatest ever. 3:45 - The silent generation 1925-1942. Confused morally. Early married. 5:40 - Baby Boomer generation - associated with civil rights movement. Experimental, distrust of government. Christa declares a new identity over them. 8:30 - Generation X - 1961-1981 - Cold war and fall of the Berlin Wall. Oil Crisis and Black Friday crisis. Generation of video games and home computer. Represents a more diverse generation. Often the children of divorce, change is the rule not the exception. Christa declares that Gen-X is now Generation Extreme. Pioneers. All or nothing generation. 12:00 Millennials - Generation Y. Not wanting to be associated with GenX. Grew up with more protections. Increase narcissism. Spurring the rapid growth of non-denominational churches. They are the Why Not Generation. Why not me. Why can't we? If Jesus said, then so be it. They believe they can do more. 16:45 God is calling forth a trans-generational movement. 17:30 We are Joel 2 church. Sanctification is coming and God will pour out my spirit." 19:00 Invitation to the altar. 20:00 There is a discerning gift on Generation X. 21:00 Closing
SOR-007: The Generations I
SOR-007: The Generations I
Christa Pitcairn-Smith teaches on the differences of the generations of people and how God uses and honors what each generation brings to the work of the kingdom of God. Originally broadcast for radio on 9/18/14. 1:15-2:25 Mark Grote Introduction Christa Pitcairn-Smith Teaching on Generations 2:30 Background info from Christa about where she came from and what God has done in her life. 4:00 God is a pouring out God for is so faithful. 6:00 Christa explains she is going to Jesus Culture Chicago. 7:30 Jesus Culture was not an event to her. She doesn't want anything to do with "events." But if it's about an encounter, she's there! 8:30 Christa said God told her Reinhard Bonnke would have a word for for during his session. 11:00 Many are responding to Bonnke's messages and ministry. 12:00 Christa has huge burden for America but she gets "wrecked" for God as Bonnke shares video on outreach to Africa. 13:45 Christa explains the anointing of Bonnke and how much of an impact it had on her. She has never experienced anything like it. 15:20 God brings Christa's attention to the Generations that were in attendance. 16:00 Socially Transmitted Behaviors: God is looking to redeem the generations. Each generations has redemptive gifts. 18:00 Christa begins to do some research on the generations that are alive today. 19:15 From 1901-1924: GI Generation - The "greatest generation" to date. 21:00 From 1925- 1942: Silent Generation 24:00 Mark Grote Close
SOR-006: Promises from God
SOR-006: Promises from God
In this edition of Sought Out Radio, Hosts, Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Christa Pitcairn-Smith and Mark Grote discuss promises from God. Originally broadcast for radio on 09/11/2014. SHOW NOTES: 1:30 Mark Grote: Introductions 2:40 Bethany Marks: I will never leave you or forsake you 3:00 Herb Marks: God is bringing promises to set mankind free. 4:30 Herb Marks: Jesus is promised to come over 300 times in scripture. 5:00 Herb Marks: Look at Jeremiah - God training his prophet. 6:00 Mark Grote: Scripture is God's love letter to mankind. Isa. 9:6 is a promise. 6:40 Bethany Marks: What about the person who got a promise but hasn't received it yet? Abraham was given a promise that he never saw - but it was a promise. 8:00 Christa Pitcairn What if I don't have any promises that I know of? Meditating on God's word. It may look different than we think. Everyone of us has promise because everyone a son or a daughter of the king. 9:50 Herb Marks: How should promises impact us? They kick out our walls. They challenge us to a higher level of trust in God. 11:30 Mark Grote: Prophecy is the difference between the now and the not yet. 12:30 Bethany Marks: There is a time to pursue the promise. Judah is one example used here. 14:30 Mark Grote to Christa: Why are promises and prophecy so closely tied to one another? It unleashes faith in our life. There's an invitation to believe it and walk it out in our life. It's essential to releasing promises even when we don't think it's real. We go from quiet hope to a promise. 16:30 Mark Grote to Herb Marks: I had a promise and I gave it up. What do you say to that person? Herb: "Come back." Insecurities push against the promise. Also the adversary is the accuser of the brethren who discourages us. God is causing us to stand against the enemy who steals the promises from us. 19:30 Mark Grote to ALL: I have a promise that God would heal a loved one but then that person died. Did I have a promise in the first place? Herb: Do we trust him when things that we want don't turn out like we think they should. Scripture is so caulk full of promises, we feel like we can pull one off the shelf like we're at the store. Learn to listen and receive. 22:00 Mark Grote: Close and ending notes.
SOR-005 Guidance
SOR-005 Guidance
In this edition of Sought Out Radio, Hosts, Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Christa Pitcairn-Smith and Mark Grote discuss the principles of guidance and following the perfect will of God in our lives. When it comes to following God, it may be easier to ignore these principles, but that's not the ingredients for spiritual growth. The best guidance is when it comes straight from God to you. Originally broadcast for radio on 8/28/14. SHOW NOTES 00:00 Open Mark Grote 1:30 Intro to guidance Herb Marks 3:30 Every Christian wants to know what God wants for their life. 4:00 When it comes to God, what is considered a wise decision? 5:15 Guidance is to take you into a rock solid place with God even when things are crumbling around you. Bethany Marks 6:00 When you’re around the atmosphere you will begin to hear God. Herb Marks 7:45 Your conscience is your first experience of hearing God. If our conscience has been damaged, God speaks to that area. 8:30 If you don’t know God, he will continue to reach out to you. Damage comes when people try to rule themselves. Being under authority promises to guide us in his love. When we obey, that posture opens up a whole new world when we choose to follow the Lord. It’s an adventure. Mark Grote 10:00 Our view of God affects our response. If we view God as vengeful, we’re less likely to respond to him than if we view him as loving. Christa Pitcairn-Smith 10:45 What’s your view of God? If you don’t believe you’re totally loved and have destiny, it’s difficult to follow a God you don’t trust. He has plans and destiny for you that are great. Our heart at Sought Out, if you know who your God is, and he loves you, he is easy to follow. How much easier is for people to surrender to love than judgment. Herb Marks 12:10 Jer. 29:11 – God has plans to prosper us and give us a future. If people would learn to accept this people would relax. Bethany Marks 15:00 There’s two things. Knowing who we are from his perspective and valuing who were are to receive his view of us. When you’re alone where do we go to hear and feel where we live? Everybody wants a loving Father. The journey of intimacy with God uncovers things in us. If we can’t go through the journey and the process, we can’t get to intimacy with God. Christa Pitcairn-Smith 17:25 Regarding mercy, grace and kindness. Every time I reach out together, I experience his grace and mercy. Your behavior does not detect the love of God in your life. There’s consequence but his love never wavers. Herb Marks 20:00 As we go into prophetic ministry, Herb briefly explains the heart of God that comes through prophecy or prophetic ministry. 21:00 Prophetic ministry 22:35 Close 4.
SOR-004: Hearing God
SOR-004: Hearing God
In this edition of Sought Out Radio, Hosts, Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Theresa Grote and Mark Grote discuss the basics on hearing God. How do we hear God? How can we grow in the gift of hearing God's voice? How do we know it's God or if it's just bad pizza? Originally broadcast on radio on 10/30/14. Show Notes: 1:45 What does it mean to hear God? 3:00 What is God saying to you right now? God has plenty to say and he speaks a lot more than we know, and he's speaking more than we're asking for. 4:30 Herb Marks: God comes down to our level to communicate with us. God meets us where we're at. He meets us there. Theresa Grote: Scripture of Fathers, "If your son asks for a piece of bread, how much more will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" So we should ask Him. 6:00 How do we hear God? Let's look as some examples: Herb Marks says we need to begin with a clear conscience. If your conscience is at risk, if we have sin in our lives, we can go back and make things right with God. Doing so, says, Bethany marks, causes our intimacy with God to increase. 7:40 Herb: We can make the noise loud in our life with sin and that sin just won't allow us to have peace. 8:25 Scripture puts a special emphasis on sexual sin. Do what you need to do. How do you hear God? Clear conscience is the start. 9:10 Theresa Grote: Once we hit a level of growth, that doesn't mean we've arrived. With every new level, another level is required beyond it. Herb Marks: We can step into higher authorities as we develop our hearing of God's voice. 11:00 Mark Grote shares a story of an experience where he prophesied to a customer in Starbucks what he thought God wanted to say to that man. 12:40 - Herb summarizes and asks listeners to ponder what if this happened to you? What is God asks you to share something? What if someone comes to you as was the case with this man? What would we think? 15:00 Bethany Marks asks as a doubter might ask, stating "you're just going to make a mess of things." Some tell you not to do it. She asks, "What is the worst thing that can happen?" Take the risk. Most people won't be upset with you even if we make mistakes. 16:00 Herb Marks, if we get an impression like that, remember that the one giving this impression to you, He's really big. And God allows us to be involved in an introduction to Himself. A lady asked Herb and Bethany to pray for her once. She asked God, if they hearing you, God, show them a crow. And as he shared a word, he shared a vision that he saw a crow. She was blown away and convinced that God was real and that Herb and Bethany we're hearing God. 17:45 Herb Marks continues with story about some construction workers where God impressed him to pray for safety over his crew. A story follows of miraculous rescue of a construction worker working high in basket at the end of boom who fell out but felt as if someone pulled him to safety. 20:00 Theresa Grote speaks about her private time with God and how she practices hearing his voice. She listens and sees visions or pictures in her mind and she journals what she hears and sees so she can test her own hearing when she reviews it later. She starts there and then she practices on people as she grows in confidence of her own hearing. 21:30 - Bethany Marks will ask servers at restaurants if they can pray for them when they are eating out and about to bless their food. It's her little way to opening the door so they can speak openly about their faith in the marketplace. 22:30 - Mark Grote shares some guidance to follow to help point us in the right direction and to keep us from being paralyzed by fear. Speaking of God thoughts....we can know if it's God when our thoughts are out of place with our life. If we don't normally speak openly about our faith, or if we never do something like that, or that's a huge fear for us, Mark says that's probably a good bet that it's God. He continues, when we are stepping out to do something we would never do that's usually good sign. Mark also encourages listeners not to take themselves too seriously with the prophetic - as if God would really let us ruin someones life with a wayward prophetic word. He discourages listeners from thinking like that because God is always in control and much bigger than any prophetic words we could offer to someone. Herb closes with a thought.
SOR-003: Understanding Prophecy
SOR-003: Understanding Prophecy
Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Christa Pitcairn-Smith and Mark Grote, host Sought Out Radio & discuss prophecy relative to our walk with God as well as in the context of responsible prophecy in ministry. Originally broadcast for radio on Aug. 7, 2014 this discussion will encourage and excite you to deepen your walk with God and hear his voice more clearly in your life. Show Notes: Understanding Prophecy What are prophets really like? 4:20 – The story of Samuel and Eli. Samuel was a boy that was anxious to please. God first puts opportunities to put mentors in our lives. When we get the opportunity to speak in someone’s life we have to take that seriously and responsibly. 6:20 – When it comes to hearing God, He is committed to us until we get it. Let’s demystify this idea of hearing God. Hearing God is a core component of relationship. 8:00 – Jesus said I never knew you because they never asked him his opinion. What is he saying and what is our reason for doing certain things? 10:00 – What is the purpose of the prophetic and how do we release it into our lives. Get around people who are prophetic. Need to get into a prophetic culture and get in with people who are stronger in than ourselves. 11:30 – We get passionate about things when God encounters us in a personal way. 12:45 – Are we spiritualizing our thoughts? What are people afraid of? We’re taping into the spirit of God on behalf of other people. These are gifts that edify and encourage others. It’s simply calling out a detailed fact or information about people that is shared through the gifting. 16:00 – People listening are prophetic. The role the prophetic and how it should work. 17:40- For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The Holy Spirit is as work today pointing people to Jesus. The revelation of God is upon his Son Jesus. 20:00 – Prophecy to listeners who want to hear God.
SOR-002: Getting Ready for Revival
SOR-002: Getting Ready for Revival
What is true revival? When does revival occur and what does God need from us before the next revival arrives? In this edition of Sought Our Radio, Hosts Herb Marks, Bethany Marks, Christa Pitcairn-Smith and Mark Grote discuss revival. What is revival? When does revival occur? What is God looking for in the next coming revival? Is there something that we need to do before it comes? And what can we do to help encourage revival? Show notes: 1. How would you define revival? 02:30 – Jesus is the bridge to everlasting life. We are changed after our encounter with God. 2. What are people saying about revival? 04:45 – Revival is produced from desperation and it starts with us. More of God changes us. 3. People are sitting in church dissatisfied. Desperation brings on a pursuit of God. 08:15 4. Allowing our conscience to be seared is the first step in hearing God. 11:30 – Pornography will kill a conscience quicker than anything. 5. Dream interpretation by word of knowledge is the same gifting as those used for evil by psychics or the enemy with sin that draws us to it. 12:30 6. Women at the well. 14:00 – Jesus addresses the state of her life knowing that she is searching for more. 7. Frustrations in our life is usually a catalyst for change. 18:00 – Things that frustrate us will push us toward God. 8. Prophetic Ministry. 21:30