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More Than Commas

Join Sound Financial Group CEO Paul Adams and President Cory Shepherd every week, as they help you Design and Build a Good Life™. Through the information provided on this podcast, we give you the ability to do this yourself. Why do we need to do this? Because every other media you're going to engage in has a vested interest in capturing your mindshare, and in having you spend your surplus, rather than you caring for your financial future. Your financial future is inevitable and uncertain. The only question is, will you have a Good Life? No one has one by default, only by design.  Most of the financial podcasts out there can be valuable, though you will notice that many of them are from someone who is unlicensed.  This podcast is unique in that it is led and hosted by licensed financial advisors who have been in the industry for nearly 2 decades, hence the disclosure below and in the description attached to each our episode. This Material is Intended for General Public Use. By providing this material, we are not undertaking to provide investment advice for any specific individual or situation, or to otherwise act in a fiduciary capacity. Please contact one of our financial professionals for guidance and information specific to your individual situation. Sound Financial Inc. dba Sound Financial Group is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Insurance products and services are offered and sold through Sound Financial Inc. dba Sound Financial Group and individually licensed and appointed agents in all appropriate jurisdictions. This podcast is meant for general informational purposes and is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. You should consult a financial professional regarding your individual situation. Guest speakers are not affiliated with Sound Financial Inc. dba Sound Financial Group unless otherwise stated, and their opinions are their own. Opinions, estimates, forecasts, and statements of financial market trends are based on current market conditions and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

info_outline 313 - Why We Ignore a Powerful Retirement Tool 03/10/2025
info_outline 312 - Why Active Management Doesn’t Work 03/03/2025
info_outline 311 - Disciplined Investing 02/24/2025
info_outline 310 - Savings Rate or Investment Rate 02/18/2025
info_outline 309 – Buying Real Estate with Your IRA 02/10/2025
info_outline 308 - Starting a Business with your 401k 02/05/2025
info_outline 307 - Assuming a 3% mortgage 01/31/2025
info_outline 306 - Simple vs Compound Interest 01/24/2025
info_outline Bonus Episode - Mortgage Payoff 01/17/2025
info_outline 305 - How much does it take to Retire the 4% rule 01/08/2025
info_outline 304 - The difference between 401(k)s and IRAs 01/02/2025
info_outline 303 - Traditional vs ROTH 401k 12/16/2024
info_outline 302 - Backdoor ROTH 12/10/2024
info_outline 301 - Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA 12/05/2024
info_outline 300 - Introducing More Than Commas 12/02/2024
info_outline 299 - Dave Ramsey can bankrupt you with this advice 11/29/2023
info_outline 298 - Maximizing Your Retirement Income with Whole Life Insurance 11/22/2023
info_outline 297 - How Much Life Insurance Should You Own? 11/08/2023
info_outline 296 - Should I Buy Life Insurance for My Kids? 11/01/2023
info_outline 295 - The Three Stooges, Jimmy Carr, Whale Oil, and Playgirl... 10/25/2023
info_outline 294 - Dave Ramsey Doesn’t Understand Life Insurance (Part 2) 10/18/2023
info_outline 293 - Dave Ramsey Doesn’t Understand Life Insurance (Part 1) 10/11/2023
info_outline 292 - How Much Insurance Should You Have? Auto, Home, Umbrella, Disability & Life 10/04/2023
info_outline 291 - Avoiding Investment Scams 09/27/2023
info_outline 290 - How much do you need to retire? 09/20/2023
info_outline 289 - UPDATE: Jim Cramer’s 2023 Predictions 09/13/2023
info_outline 288 - What do Michael Burry and THE GUY who called the 1929 crash have in common? 09/06/2023
info_outline 287 - Young + 401(k) = IRS Wins 08/30/2023
info_outline 286 - Dave Ramsey’s PPP Advice Worse than Fraud? 08/24/2023
info_outline Does Your Bank Offer a Wealth Coordination Account? 08/09/2023