The Brian D. O'Leary Show
The Brian D. O'Leary Show brings you "serious content amidst an unserious culture." This feed also includes all @BrianDOLeary content. The O'Leary Review Podcast — a "chat show" with guests from the world of business, sports, politics, and more who enjoy "Conversations That Matter," with host Brian O'Leary. This podcast network began with Sportlanders the Podcast, a show exploring the week in sports primarily from a Portland perspective. O'Leary and guests break down the week that was in sports and chat about what is to come. Find out more at
Reading People – Human Typology with Scott Fischbuch
Reading People – Human Typology with Scott Fischbuch
After a long delay in production … Brian hosts Scott Fischbuch, a Jungian Typology expert, for an in-depth conversation on personality types and his methods. Scott explains his approach to personality typing, which involves analyzing preferences in conversation, turns of phrase, and behavioral mannerisms. Brian shares his journey into podcasting and reflects on how his personality type has evolved. Scott identifies Brian's personality type as ISTJ and explains the significance of introverted sensing and extraverted intuition. They discuss the impact of cultural influences on personality and the importance of effort and team dynamics in professional and personal settings. The episode touches on the nuances of effective communication and the role of empathy and sympathy in understanding others. Scott's site: Brian O'Leary –
They hate you for believing in real things. Who's team are you on?
They hate you for believing in real things. Who's team are you on?
Website re-launch: Los Gatos Review (quarterly magazine): The O'Leary Letter: O'Leary's Laws O'Leary's First Law: Nice is not a virtue. O'Leary's Second Law: You can't cast yourself out of a tangle. O'Leary's Third Law: While apologies are often necessary or appropriate, never should you have to explain yourself, particularly for something you believe and are not sorry for.
They're now calling it discourse ... not disinformation
They're now calling it discourse ... not disinformation
Column at Substack: For our regular emails: Find us on 𝕏-Twitter : This column on 𝕏-Twitter : Text of article follows: They're now calling it 'discourse' What happened to disinformation? By now, you've probably seen a host of graphics in the swampwaters of social media, hastily cobbled together by run-of-the-mill milquetoast leftists. Virtue-signalers, viz. A meme gone viral over the last few days is a checklist that attempts to pacify the reader with a bunch of platitudes, one being "Contribute to discourse, not division." This, of course, is a less-than-subtle dig at non-leftists. Gaslighting. To oppose the leftist agenda naturally causes "division" in the minds of these people. However, and as a matter of principle, it is really only our people who have been the ones to contribute — and show interest in — discourse so-called. We're the ones with ideas and questions. They're the ones scolding you and forcing compliance with their inanities. In other words, the left divides. Their people dismiss you and want you dead. The underlying motive is still not entirely clear, but it matters not. Remember if you wanted to learn more about the coronavirus mania and the resulting panic? You were told to shut up, wear a mask, and get injected with vaccines. Any information that did not tow the party line was called "disinformation" and was not allowed within their polite society. That's division. Now, it appears that the political left — the most violent and destructive force in the entirety of Western Civilization — still runs cover for those within its ranks. Lately it's for those who express displeasure in the fact that the gunman in Butler, Pennsylvania "missed." Once again, this is nothing short of division. There is no discourse where this is remotely appropriate. Yet, the talking heads in corporate media circles and the lunatic fringe spouting "conspiracy theories" are nonetheless given free range. The meme concludes: "We can transcend the bitterness and be better, even when we disagree." No we can't. They should, however. It is their problem and it is much more than disagreement. It is an impossibility. Where there was once a large fissure within the culture, the last several days have revealed a cleaving on that divide. For it is not tenable to maintain a polity or a culture with people that hate you and want you dead. These people are your enemies. They are the dividers. It is personal. They came for your family and your livelihood. They'll do it again. It is political — which is, to say, little more than the simple distinction between who is a friend and who is an enemy. And it has nothing to do with elections. Some people might think there are hard choices to be made. To the contrary — the choices aren't difficult. Painful perhaps, but pain is part of life. It's unavoidable. Suffering, on the other hand, is a choice. For too long folks have been entirely too comfortable suffering and enduring under this regime. Admittedly, the left may be a catalyst for such "victim mentality," but mentality is a choice. Attitude is also a choice and you are in control of your choices. As always, Brian
Surround yourself with better people
Surround yourself with better people
Straight to the email list + our FREE Time Management checklist : O'Leary's Inner Sphere : (gathered by Alistair Cooke) “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” Since we tend to “Serious Content Amidst an Unserious Culture,” we don’t believe in linking to anything that isn’t worthwhile. We believe in our mission here and we’re in the business of keeping our website, emails, and podcasts going. Affiliate commissions do help to cover some associated costs.
Biden v. Trump - where do we stand right now?
Biden v. Trump - where do we stand right now?
The first and perhaps only presidential debate happened on June 27. Adam Haman and Brian O'Leary have the definitive smackdown of the whole thing. The fellows awarded a winner and offered some commentary. Hilarity ensues (though not necessarily intentional - it's a factor of who was "debating.") Adam Haman - Brian O'Leary - O'Leary's FREE e-book Run at Thunder, Vol. 1 - Natural Order -
Henry Bingaman - Freedom Through Freelancing
Henry Bingaman - Freedom Through Freelancing
Links: (Tom Woods School of Life)
Save Standard Time — Ditch Daylight Saving. Keep Standard.
Save Standard Time — Ditch Daylight Saving. Keep Standard.
Links: O'Leary and Company Brian O'Leary on 𝕏-Twitter Save Standard Time on 𝕏-Twitter
Jason Purcell on the Petrodollar System (part 3)
Jason Purcell on the Petrodollar System (part 3)
Links: Tucker talks to Vlad about the role of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. They must have been listening to Purcell and O’Leary … O’Leary side project (Natural Order Podcast) breaks down the entire Tucker-Vlad interview… Possible definitions of “petrodollar” Revenues from petroleum exports. Dollars paid to oil-producing nations (petrodollar recycling). The currency of oil-producing nations usually fluctuates with the price of oil. E.g.s when the price of oil rises, the currency has more value. Vice-versa … when the price of oil falls, the currency’s value drops. Thus, Petrodollar/Petrocurrency? The pricing of oil in US dollars: currencies used as a unit of account to price oil in the international market. Zoltan Pozsar – Hungarian-American “shadow banker” Moscow Gold In the first year of the Spanish Civil War, the New York Times reported on August 7, 1936, that Spanish gold reserves (held in Madrid) were the equivalent of $718 million (US), which was the equivalent to $15.14 billion in 2022 USD. Reports range from 72.6% to upwards of 90% of Spanish gold reserves were given to the USSR months after the outbreak of the civil war. The communist-backed government of the Second Spanish Republic under Francisco Largo Caballero either sold the gold to the Soviets or placed the reserves in Moscow for the Soviets to act as custodians. Well, that was a bad move. Largo Caballero and his Republican cause were eventually defeated by the Nationalist side and Spain was left broke, for most if not all of the remaining gold reserves were sold to France for currency. In the context of the Spanish War, the gold the Soviets ended up with (ostensibly to caretake or use for deposit on future munitions) is known as “Moscow Gold.” The gold taken in by the French is called the “Paris Gold.” King Juan Carlos I of Spain There is speculation that Spain stayed out of the western oil embargo during the 1970s because of the then-prince and future-king’s business dealings with the Arab oil merchants.Juan Carlos abdicated the Spanish throne in 2014 and as of 2020, he now makes the United Arab Emirates his permanent residence. Warren Mosler – It doesn’t matter what currency you trade in … What do you save in? Wesley Schlemmer on The Brian D. O’Leary Show Peter Schiff (is welcome on the program to talk Petrodollar) Fountain.FM – Listen to podcasts, earn bitcoin.
Remembering Buddy Holly and Friends
Remembering Buddy Holly and Friends
Building wealth with ₿itcoin w/ Wesley Schlemmer (Bitcoin Bay)
Building wealth with ₿itcoin w/ Wesley Schlemmer (Bitcoin Bay)
The Brian D. O’Leary Show January 27, 2024 Wesley Schlemmer – Bitcoin Bay Ep. 94 Wesley Schlemmer is a leading bitcoin (₿) evangelist and educator in the Tampa Bay region. One of the goals of his 501c3 organization — Bitcoin Bay — is to create a circular economy with bitcoin at the center of it all. We had Wesley on the show a few months back to talk about Wesley is a born-and-raised “Florida Man” who is working to Make America Florida. Links and topics mentioned: · · ₿itcoin Bay 𝕏-Twitter - · ₿itcoin Bay Instagram - · ₿itcoin Bay nostr – · ₿itcoin Bay Telegram - · · The mission of the Florida Beef Initiative “is simple yet profound: to create a self-sustaining local economy where wealth circulates within the community. We achieve this through a blend of traditional practices and modern innovations.” Price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies · CoinGecko - · We are big fans of Fountain.FM at the Brian D. O’Leary headquarters. Earn bitcoin while listening to podcasts… who wouldn’t love that? · Fountain is now out of beta testing and it is a great podcast app. · Sign up today to start earning ₿itcoin at · is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency that keeps your finances confidential and secure. · is not bitcoin. “It’s a whole separate blockchain.” · Find bitcoin ATM locations worldwide · TAPSIGNER · The simple bitcoin wallet in your pocket · SATSCARD · Like cash in hand, pass physical Bitcoin along multiple times. Gift. Anonymous. Trust no one. · RoboSats · Learn about Robosats at Mullvad VPN · The VPN that Wesley mentioned · The offical grand opening of The Bitcoin Bay Foundation and the grand unveiling of Tampa as the next Bitcoin City in the United States. · February 3, 2024. · Sign up NOW : · Coupon Code MISES will get you a discount. · I’ve heard that if you try coupon code WOODS it may get you a deeper discount · Wesley and I are members of Tom’s growing community of people who are always learning and taking things to the next level. Find out more at the page I created for the · Some other folks from Tom’s School of Life that we’ve interviewed: Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the host or The Brian D. O'Leary Show. Opinions or assertions expressed by guests of The Brian D. O'Leary Show are their own and any statements or advice on this podcast or written material for the show are for general information, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as personal tax or financial advice. You should not make any decision, financial, investment, trading or otherwise, based on any of the information presented on this podcast, its notes, or website before seeking appropriate advice from an accountant, lawyer, or other professional.
Jason Purcell — The Petrodollar System (Part 2) - The Brian D. O'Leary Show Ep 93
Jason Purcell — The Petrodollar System (Part 2) - The Brian D. O'Leary Show Ep 93
The Brian D. O’Leary Show December 5, 2023 Jason Purcell – The petrodollar system (Part 2) Ep. 93 Check us out on Substack: We welcome financial analyst Jason Purcell on the program for the second part in a series on the history of money and banking. We’re talking about the “petrodollar” once again. Jason is working on a book on the topic which includes a chapter about his theory of the “Petrodollar System.” You can find the first episode at our Substack page (and on all podcatchers): Jason will be on the show again soon to complete his analysis of the petrodollar system. Once we complete the discussion, we’ll have a longer compilation episode and more robust show notes page for you. Topics discussed: (Forbes) · Jason mentions this article as an entry point into our discussion. · Gary Richied article that Jason mentions. "Petrodollar" search at · · Several articles reference “petrodollar” (36 at last count). Take some time and read the free resources. · Jason’s theory runs somewhat counter to what you’ll hear in Forbes or, but it helps to have the background Not So Fast My Friend! · (eBay) · OPEC countries include: Algeria, Angola, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela o The host was unaware that Nigeria was a part of OPEC. It is! · OPEC+ is a loose grouping of countries that includes Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Russia, South Sudan, and Sudan. · Governments represented are from countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. · Monetary hegemony is an economic and political concept in which a single state has decisive influence over the functions of the international monetary system. A monetary hegemon would need: o accessibility to international credits, o foreign exchange markets o the management of balance of payments problems in which the hegemon operates under no balance of payments constraint. o the direct (and absolute) power to enforce a unit of account in which economic calculations are made in the world economy. · a currency which is stable, does not fluctuate much, and provides the foundation for exchange rates for international transactions. Because of their global use, key currencies tend to set the value of other currencies. Also, these currencies tend to have a stable valuation over time. A key currency usually comes from a country that is financially strong, economically stable and developed, and one that is involved in the global market. Currency Converter (Yahoo!) · Petroleum refining in the United States · (Wikipedia) · Also known as the “Peel Act” Bearer Bonds, et cetera in Die Hard · (1988) · Bearer bonds and how they figure into the plot (a McGuffin, if you will) o · . (eBay) This was a real movie prop. · A more modestly priced replica of · o As for questions with your own taxes, and for your free report on ideas for over 60 Business Expense Ideas and a few personal deductions: visit o Matthew Sercely, the man behind Agorist Tax Advice was a recent guest on the show. Check it out ... Jason Purcell’s Links Jason Purcell – LinkedIn Purcell Investments - YouTube Email Jason Supply & Demand Update - Instagram Jason Purcell Senior Writer, Financial Markets at The Lake Street Review To learn more about the fine community of people where Jason and I first met: Social Media, etc. Follow us on Twitter. Yes, I still call it Twitter… Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the host or The Brian D. O'Leary Show. Opinions or assertions expressed by guests of The Brian D. O'Leary Show are their own and any statements or advice on this podcast or written material for the show are for general information, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as personal tax or financial advice. You should not make any decision, financial, investment, trading or otherwise, based on any of the information presented on this podcast, its notes, or website before seeking appropriate advice from an accountant, lawyer, or other professional.
Matthew Sercely - Agorist Tax Advisor
Matthew Sercely - Agorist Tax Advisor
The Brian D. O’Leary Show December 4, 2023 Matthew Sercely – Agorist Tax Advisor Ep. 92 Matthew Sercely has been a licensed attorney since 2009, and in 2020 he founded his own company to provide tax advice and planning for small businesses. He is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and side-hustlers by setting up their businesses to legally avoid as much tax as possible. While he exclusively works with those who have or are starting businesses, Matthew’s weekly newsletter offers general advice that anyone can use. When he's not screwing with the government, Matthew enjoys camping, weightlifting, and gaming. For Matthew’s free report on over 60 Business Expense Ideas (and a few personal deductions as well), go to Topics discussed: 1031 Exchange · According to is a swap of one real estate investment property for another that allows capital gains taxes to be deferred. Agorism · The defines as the practice of counter-economics and the ideas associated with that practice. Agorist ideas assert that Libertarian philosophy occurs in practice, in the real world, as Counter-Economics. It was first proposed by libertarian philosopher Samuel Edward Konkin III in 1975. · The Agora program at Boston College we mentioned is now apparently retired: Libertarianism · On the , we give listeners a primer on libertarianism in of the show. · The Substack page for that show: Austrian Economics · Also on the , we dedicate a show for our listeners to learn the basics of the . · You can find the Substack version here: Adam Martin – Texas Tech University · is Political Economy Research Fellow at the Free Market Institute and Associate Professor of acgricultural and applied economics in the Gordon W. Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources at Texas Tech University. Kelo vs. City of New London (Supreme Court Case) · . It is depressing and criminal. · Go ! Eminent domain in Tennessee · · · Many such cases… Is taxation theft? · (Wikipedia) the act of taking another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. · (Wikipedia) the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, threat of force, or by use of fear. · (Wikipedia) the practice of obtaining benefit (e.g., money or goods) through coercion. · (Wiktionary) In all likelihood. The Tom Woods Show · (Matthew Sercely) The Lew Rockwell Show · Universities mentioned: More resources: For your free report on ideas for over 60 Business Expense Ideas and a few personal deductions: Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the host or The Brian D. O'Leary Show. Opinions or assertions expressed by guests of The Brian D. O'Leary Show are their own and any statements or advice on this podcast or written material for the show are for general information, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as personal tax or financial advice. You should not make any decision, financial, investment, trading or otherwise, based on any of the information presented on this podcast, its notes, or website before seeking appropriate advice from an accountant, lawyer, or other professional.
The Petrodollar System (Part 1) w/ Jason Purcell
The Petrodollar System (Part 1) w/ Jason Purcell
The Brian D. O’Leary Show November 29, 2023 We welcome financial analyst Jason Purcell on the program for the first part of what we hope to be a series on the history of money and banking. Jason is working on a book on the topic which includes a chapter about his theory of the “Petrodollar System.” In this first part of our series, Jason gives us a background on the history leading up to the idea of the “petrodollar” phenomenon. Jason will be on the show again soon to complete his analysis of the petrodollar system. Once we complete the discussion, we’ll have a more robust show notes page for you. Until then, check out these resources… Jason Purcell – LinkedIn Purcell Investments - YouTube Email Jason Supply & Demand Update - Instagram Jason Purcell Senior Writer, Financial Markets at The Lake Street Review Tom Woods School of Life Brian O’Leary on 𝕏-Twitter Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
Deep Thoughts - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 90
Deep Thoughts - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 90
The Brian D. O’Leary Show October 12, 2023 Try as I may, I still can’t shake not being a sports narrowcaster. The topic still comes up. At some point, I have to accept that it is part of who I am. An interesting thing came up today when I was listening to a podcast that my friend and Natural Order Podcast co-host Adam Haman was on. They mentioned a “Deep Thought” from Jack Handey. That got my wheels spinning, and thus this podcast. Links on topics mentioned are below… Brian O’Leary home page The O’Leary Letter Natural Order Podcast Brian O’Leary on 𝕏-Twitter Adam Haman on 𝕏-Twitter Haman on the Bob Murphy Show Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey Saturday Night Live history by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales College Football Baseball There's no need to be so complicated. One of the many issues that I have with Baseball™ ...though they don't say it like that. Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
On culture ... through the lens of Boston sports — The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 89
On culture ... through the lens of Boston sports — The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 89
The Brian D. O’Leary Show September 15, 2023 Show notes available: The O’Leary Letter Brian O’Leary on Twitter/𝕏 Baseball College Football Football (Movie) (the best Eagles blogger out there) Pro Football resource page Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
On Coach Prime, the NFL, MLB, and college football - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 88
On Coach Prime, the NFL, MLB, and college football - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 88
The Brian D. O’Leary Show September 12, 2023 Show notes available: The O’Leary Letter Brian O’Leary on Twitter/𝕏 New York Jets Baseball Fantastic new rules from Major League Baseball turning game into a travesty College Football Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
Things I've been marinating on: College football and inflation - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 87
Things I've been marinating on: College football and inflation - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 87
The Brian D. O’Leary Show August 17, 2023 Show notes available: The O’Leary Letter The Brion McClanahan Show A must listen-to podcast. Rich Men North of Richmond – Oliver Anthony Twitter (X?) account Viral song with soul. The Arena Football League I’m thinking of how to get an amateur version of this game. I love it. The Pac-12 Implodes That’s not the real story. Listen to the pod for more. Richard Nixon: California’s Native Son by Paul Carter (Paul Carter’s Twitter) Foreword by Tricia Nixon Cox (the president’s daughter) Podcast interview on John Ziegler’s Death of Journalism podcast: All the President’s Men – “These aren’t bright guys” O’Leary on Nixon: · Feb 21 Listen now (23 mins) | The Brian D. O’Leary Show February 21, 2023 Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at Fountain.FM Presidents Day … Continued Substack mentioned: Pretium Insights by JD Breen Cleaving Mt Rushmore Building the Regulatory State Pouring the Fuel Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
Once more (with feeling) — on the great Kristofferson - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 86
Once more (with feeling) — on the great Kristofferson - The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Ep 86
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 30, 2023 Show notes available: In yesterday's email, we wrote about the great Kris Kristofferson. If you didn’t get the email and want to read it, reply to this email and we will send it to you. Kristofferson Moonlight Graham Show Host is Tim Flattery & I was a recently a guest on his brother Andy Flattery’s podcast, The Reformed Financial Advisor Podcast, episode: “What we have been reading…” Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Control the 'controllables' - Ep 85
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Control the 'controllables' - Ep 85
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 23, 2023 Show notes available: Daily 3 1. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from. 2. The hardest battle you will fight is living in a world where—every single day—someone is trying to make you be someone you don’t want to be. 3. Control the Controllables. It’s not “don’t worry about things outside our control…” Take initiative. o What can you control? § Our words § Our routine § Our choices § Our actions § What we read and watch § How we treat others § Evaluating your life and priorities…regularly o What can’t you control? § What others say and do § Our past experiences § The mistakes of others § What happens around us § What others think The Reformed Financial Advisor Podcast I was a guest on Andy Flattery’s podcast. “What we have been reading…” O’Leary and Company Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Some philosophy. A little windbaggery - Ep 84
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Some philosophy. A little windbaggery - Ep 84
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 21, 2023 Show notes available: Daily 3 1. Discipline: If you’re offering excuses for your behavior, don’t accept the offer. 2. Boundaries: Define your own. Don’t let others define your own boundaries. 3. “I make myself rich by making my wants few.” ~Thoreau. Just marinate on this thought and see if it makes sense or if it is mere blowhardiness. I find it a mixture. The Reformed Financial Advisor Podcast I was a guest on Andy Flattery’s podcast. “What we have been reading…” O’Leary’s Book Club A page where we reference all the books (and now movies) we’ve talked about on this show and in the daily emails. Work in progress… Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - A fresh take on American politics. The candidacy of Dr. Taylor Marshall - Ep 83
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - A fresh take on American politics. The candidacy of Dr. Taylor Marshall - Ep 83
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 15, 2023 Show notes available: Best-selling author, podcaster, and YouTuber Taylor Marshall was on the Crisis Point podcast with host Eric Sammons a few weeks ago. Marshall announced his intent to run for President of the United States. While I don’t endorse anyone, I support the candidacy of Dr. Marshall. He’s a “dad with a webcam,” but more importantly has a vision for America that no political figure has properly articulated. Today’s show is my commentary on Marshall’s candidacy…and that leads us to talking about regular themes and principles of The Brian D. O’Leary Show. Topics and links follow… Crisis Point · for more on friend of our program, Andy Flattery, Dr. Taylor Marshall ? by Kennedy Hall Pat Buchanan (The Pete Quinones Show) Pat Buchanan on the "Silent Majority" · · Jim Camp O’Leary’s Book Club Books mentioned: Links can be found at RIGGED by Mollie Hemingway Fascism by Stanley Payne Fascism by Paul Gottfried Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at Natural Order Podcast For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Eliminate the drama. Daily action — whatever it takes - Ep 82
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Eliminate the drama. Daily action — whatever it takes - Ep 82
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 14, 2023 Show notes available: The Daily 3 – 6/14/2023 1. How you see your life is more important than how it looks to outsiders 2. “Culture” is happening regardless. Eliminate the drama. Focus on The Process 3. DAILY ACTION. Consistency over proficiency. Ruthless organization. Every day…whatever it takes. Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at Natural Order Podcast Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order. Offer code: OLEARY For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Don't do what everybody else does. You've got this! - Ep 81
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Don't do what everybody else does. You've got this! - Ep 81
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 9, 2023 Show notes available: The Daily 3 – 6/9/2023 1. You don’t have to follow trends. In other words, “don’t do what everybody else is doing.” 2. Stop rushing the process. 3. You’ve got this! Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at Natural Order Podcast O’Leary says, “I’ve never really failed, but I sure have had a lot of opportunities for personal growth. My goal here is to help entrepreneurs so their growing pains don’t hurt as bad as mine did.” Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order. Offer code: OLEARY For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Giving away value versus being valuable - Ep 80
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Giving away value versus being valuable - Ep 80
The Brian D. O’Leary Show June 1, 2023 Show notes available: Have a plan. Be Aggressive. Exhibit Character. We are past our initial launch sequence. Please head over to our website to get on our email list and be alerted when we drop new episodes. Latest episode: Get the best pricing on the all-new Marketing Maverick program which will revolutionize your affiliate marketing business with “unconventional methods.” Available for a limited time. Act now and several Benjamins worth of bonuses will be yours without spending another FDR. Podcast mentioned: “Think Locally. Act Locally.” For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - On Virtue, the "role-player," and internet marketing - Ep 79
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - On Virtue, the "role-player," and internet marketing - Ep 79
The Brian D. O’Leary Show May 31, 2023 Show notes available: The only true source of politeness is consideration—that vigilant moral sense which never loses sight of the rights, the claims, and the sensibilities of others. This is the one quality, over all others, necessary to make a gentleman. "The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist trims his sails.” Author unknown Have a plan. Be Aggressive. Exhibit Character. At O’Leary and Company, our purpose is to guide the entrepreneur on his or her journey… Brian O’Leary has navigated the minefields of self-employment for over two decades with a vast array of pursuits. He said he’s ultimately done that, “so you don’t have to. I’ve never really failed, but I sure have had a lot of opportunities for personal growth. My goal here is to help entrepreneurs so their growing pains don’t hurt as bad as mine did.” We are excited about the launch of our new show. The support has been amazing so far. Please head over to our website there to get on our email list and be alerted when we drop new episodes. Latest episode: Virtue Seven Virtues – 4 Cardinal or “Human” and 3 Theological. Theological Virtues · faith · hope · charity Cardinal Virtues · prudence · justice · fortitude · temperance The Declaration of Independence Just because Thomas Jefferson declared something as “self-evident” does not mean that it is true. I, for one, do not believe that the amorphous “pursuit of happiness” is a natural right. Start thinking about it a little bit and you’ll probably come to the same conclusion. It makes no sense. Teammates and role-players “In the game of life, I want you on my team.” Tim McMenamin Bill Wennington The Moonlight Graham Show Website: For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - In the game of life, I want you on my team - Ep 78
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - In the game of life, I want you on my team - Ep 78
The Brian D. O’Leary Show May 26, 2023 Show Notes available: The Daily 3 (5/26/23) · Service to others should be a personal calling. · Self-Discipline: living in harmony with your goals and values. · Consider strategy in every step you take in life. Bill Walsh – Football Coach His coaching philosophy focused on developing a strong system and culture rather than relying solely on individual talent. Walsh believed in empowering players and coaches to work together towards a common goal, and his teams were known for their precision, discipline, and creativity. Keep in mind Your most important work is in front of you. As is your best work. I don’t care how old you are. Have a plan. Be Aggressive. Exhibit Character. We are excited about the launch of our new show. The support has been amazing so far. Please head over to our website there to get on our email list and be alerted when we drop new episodes. Latest episode: It’s not a secret… But I probably pay less than you for Health Care! Here’s your solution: How does it work? Step 1: Contribute – Members make a low monthly contribution to be part of Step 2: Go to the Doctor – You go to the doctor, ask for the cash price, and pay the bill. ** For emergency events, let us know before you pay your bill. We can facilitate negotiation on your behalf for emergency bills before you pay them. Step 3: Submit Your Bills – Submitting bills is super simple. Just snap a photo, upload to the mobile app, and hit Submit! Step 4: CrowdFund – facilitates Member funding requests, so bills are crowdfunded smoothly and quickly. Can I see any doctor? does not limit your access to care through stifling doctor networks. As a Member, you can keep seeing your favorite doc, or talk to your Care Advocate if you need help finding a new high-quality provider. is not insurance. It is a whole new way of paying for medical bills through crowdfunding. See if is for you. For more, click our affiliate link at “In the game of life, I want you on my team.” Tim McMenamin For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - We deserve apologies. We're never going to get them. Stop waiting - Ep 77
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - We deserve apologies. We're never going to get them. Stop waiting - Ep 77
The Brian D. O’Leary Show May 24, 2023 Show Notes available: Freedom? Today we talked about some bigger concepts. What rights do we have …. Really? What is freedom? Do people “deserve” it? Does freedom come at a cost? Indeed, it does. Most of us, likely myself included, aren’t paying for it. Libertinism A libertine is a person devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, which they see as unnecessary or undesirable, and is especially someone who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour observed by the larger society. Libertinism is described as an extreme form of hedonism. Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those experienced through the senses. Libertinism is not freedom. O’Leary’s Law (#1): “Nice” is not a virtue If anyone came up with this before me, I would like to give them credit. I don’t believe this is a particularly original concept. Lysander Spooner on voting Have a plan. Be Aggressive. Exhibit Character. We are excited about the launch of our new show. The support has been amazing so far. Please head over to our website there to get on our email list and be alerted when we drop new episodes. Latest episode: Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order. Offer code: OLEARY For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Bitcoin maximalists, preparation meets opportunity, possibilities ... and failure - Ep 76
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Bitcoin maximalists, preparation meets opportunity, possibilities ... and failure - Ep 76
The Brian D. O’Leary Show May 19, 2023 Show notes available: Fountain.FM Listen and support us at the same time over at “Taking the Orange Pill” Natural Order Podcast National Divorce? Today, we address the growing conversation regarding “National Divorce” in America. What holds the US together? What is tearing it apart? What is the “natural order” of human political relations? Would a “divorce” help move us in that direction? Or away from it? O’Leary says, “I’ve never really failed, but I sure have had a lot of opportunities for personal growth. My goal here is to help entrepreneurs so their growing pains don’t hurt as bad as mine did.” Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order. Offer code: OLEARY For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Open mind? No way. Shut it on something solid. - Ep 75
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Open mind? No way. Shut it on something solid. - Ep 75
The Brian D. O’Leary Show May 17, 2023 Show notes available: Have a plan. Be Aggressive. Exhibit Character. We are excited about the launch of our new show. The support has been amazing so far. Please head over to our website there to get on our email list and be alerted when we drop new episodes. Three main points from yesterday’s show 1) Opportunities present themselves when YOU are prepared to receive them. 2) If you can’t see those developments in “the background,” that DOESN’T mean the details aren’t in development. 3) If you believe things will work out, THEY PROBABLY WILL. (Maybe not in the way you imagined.) Today’s main points 1) What you NEED isn’t necessarily what you WANT. 2) Forget the concept of an OPEN MIND. What you need is a FREE MIND. Other topics mentioned · Garth Brooks – Unanswered Prayers · GK Chesterton o · Free-will – the power of choice? o · Self-discipline o Book that might change your perspective on the power of self-discipline - For all the rest of it, go to for more information.
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Opportunity presents itself when YOU are prepared - Ep 74
The Brian D. O'Leary Show - Opportunity presents itself when YOU are prepared - Ep 74
The Brian D. O’Leary Show May 16, 2023 Show Notes: Have a plan. Be Aggressive. Exhibit Character. Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order. Offer code: OLEARY We are excited about the launch of our new show. The support has been amazing so far. Please head over to our website there to get on our email list and be alerted when we drop new episodes. Latest episode: O’Leary & Co. “…our purpose is to guide the entrepreneur on his or her journey…” Three main points from today’s show 1) Opportunities present themselves when YOU are prepared to receive them. 2) If you can’t see those developments in “the background,” that DOESN’T mean the details aren’t in development. 3) If you believe things will work out, THEY PROBABLY WILL. (Maybe not in the way you imagined.) Survival Sanctuary For all the rest of it, go to for more information.