StoryTellers Live
On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more common and relatable, shared with honesty and humor. All of these stories reveal what God can do in our lives when we trust Him with the details.
Defined by Jesus - A Story of Struggling with Mental Illness:: Aimee Caverly :: [Episode 314]
Defined by Jesus - A Story of Struggling with Mental Illness:: Aimee Caverly :: [Episode 314]
Studies show there has been a rise in mental illness over the past few years, with one out of every four adults reporting experiences with the disease. However, as today’s storyteller reminds us, there is HOPE! Aimee Caverly, from our community group in Raleigh, North Carolina, vulnerably shares her story of battling mental illness for most of her adult life. From extreme anxiety, fear, and paranoia to delusional visions, intense lies from the enemy, and multiple trips to the psychiatric hospital, Aimee is raw about the suffering she faced as she was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. It wasn’t until she accepted her diagnosis and turned to the Lord that she found healing, purpose, and hope, knowing God can bring light into the darkest of places. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - It is imperative to have God’s Word infused in your life because “self” creeps towards the negative. - When you don’t claim your true identity, you claim the lies of the enemy. - Following Jesus is a lifelong process of God making us more like Him. Do you need help with mental illness, or do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? by Megan Woods Listen to a similar story: : “God’s Healing in A Story of Mental Illness.” in honor of our past storytellers and the 4th annual Stories of Hope Luncheon! to access bonus content! Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham:
Filling My Lamp With Oil: Emily Holman’s Story :: [Episode 313]
Filling My Lamp With Oil: Emily Holman’s Story :: [Episode 313]
The Bible tells us to let God’s Word dwell richly in our hearts (Col. 3:16), focus on what is true (Phil. 4:8), and keep our eyes set on eternity (2 Cor. 4:18). Today’s storyteller is going to beautifully remind you of the benefits that come from living out these verses. Emily Holman, from our Tupelo, Mississippi community, shares her journey of strengthening her faith in God and trust in His Word as she walked through two of her life's most challenging and heartbreaking seasons. This powerful story will encourage you to develop deep roots in your faith and learn the importance of, in Emily’s words, putting “oil in your lamp.” IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - When you find yourself in darkness and pain, you must speak God‘s truth - Like Peter walking on the water, you can do the impossible as long as you keep your eyes focused on Jesus. - With the help of God, suffering can turn to beauty. Links: - The Parable of the 10 Virgins Listen to a similar story: : “Healing Through Heartache- The Loss of A Child; : Suffering in Hope- A Mother’s Story. in honor of Emily and past storytellers. to access bonus content~ including Amy’s discussion with past storyteller Jessica Roberts () on meaningful ways they honor and celebrate memories of their loved ones. Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Our 4th Annual is on March 12th!
Hands Wide Open - A Story of Starting a Business :: Jessica Prier :: [Episode 312]
Hands Wide Open - A Story of Starting a Business :: Jessica Prier :: [Episode 312]
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecc. 3:11 God’s timing in the plan of your life is everything. But what do you do as you wait for that plan to unfold? Today’s storyteller reminds you exactly what to do: you pray, you seek, and you trust! Jessica Prier, from our Vestavia, Alabama, community, shares her journey of growing in her faith and in her gifting as she recalls the ways in which the Lord has led her to where she is today. If you’re in a season of needing guidance from the Lord, this story is going to remind you to have patience and know He is working behind the scenes to bring good to you and glory to Him. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - God places giftings and talents within each of us early on in life. - Sometimes, God closes a door and opens another one. - God wants to do immeasurably more than you could ask or imagine. Links: Listen to Jessica’s mother-in-law’s story- in honor of Jessica and past storytellers to access bonus content! Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Our 4th Annual is on March 12th!
The Goodness of God: Meghan Brown’s Story :: [Episode 311]
The Goodness of God: Meghan Brown’s Story :: [Episode 311]
“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” John 21:25 When life doesn’t go as planned, do you get paralyzed by your circumstances, or do you focus on God and His past faithfulness? Today’s storyteller, Meghan Brown, from our Fairhope, Alabama community, will encourage you to see the love of God in the midst of life's twists and turns. Through detours, disappointments, and a devastating loss, Meghan shares her story of learning the importance of looking intently for God’s goodness, especially when life's challenges leave you asking why. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - In challenging moments, focus on the characteristics of God. - There is a difference in believing what is true and resting in what is true… believe God’s plan is good because He is good. - Good things, hard things, and holy things can occupy the same space. Links: by Hannah Hurnard by Cece Winans Listen to a similar story: in honor of Meghan and past storytellers. to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Lacy Isbell of our Trussville, Alabama community! Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Our 4th Annual is on March 12th!
Grieving with Hope and the Promises of God: Diane Lee’s Story :: [Episode 310]
Grieving with Hope and the Promises of God: Diane Lee’s Story :: [Episode 310]
As believers in Jesus Christ, we know we are not immune to grief, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we grieve with hope - hope in life after death, a new world that awaits us, and an eternity filled with the glory of God. Diane Lee, from our community group in Montgomery, Alabama, reminds us of these truths as she shares her journey of finding purpose in the loss of her daughter. This story will point you to the many promises found in God’s Word when you are walking through sorrow and suffering, and Diane’s joyful delivery will leave you strengthened in your faith and God’s love in the most heartbreaking of circumstances. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - In dealing with grief, allow God to be your strength. - Your suffering is never in vain. - Your pain can fuel your passion - use your story to glorify God and comfort others. Links: Do you need help with mental illness, or do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Listen to a similar story: : “Living In Light of Eternity.” in honor of Diane and past storytellers. to access bonus content~ including a Q & A from the room after Diane shared her story. Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual is on March 12th!
Seek and You Will Find: A Marriage and Salvation Story :: Katie and JT Thornbury :: [Episode 309]
Seek and You Will Find: A Marriage and Salvation Story :: Katie and JT Thornbury :: [Episode 309]
This Valentine’s Day week, we’re bringing you a couple’s story that is rare and raw. From our Homewood community, JT and Katie Thornbury openly share about the profound emptiness in their lives and marriage prior to knowing Christ—and how they miraculously came to know Him, together, well into their 30s. For years, troubled pasts and past experiences influenced how JT and Katie approached life and faith. Plus, striving in their careers and in their parenting meant they usually focused on themselves and not on each other. But through a series of hard circumstances and intense searching, JT and Katie found their hearts and marriage healed by Him. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s than to cheer on the Thornburys and their saved marriage? And even better, their secured salvation in Christ! In this episode, you will learn: –Without Christ’s loving direction, all areas of your life will bend toward emptiness. –Seek Him and you will find Him; He can use your doubts to draw you to Himself. –Even after we come to know Christ, every day requires surrender and dependence. Links: by Tim Keller by C.S. Lewis by Lee Strobel Listen to a similar story: : “Broken & Restored: A Marriage Story and - Ep. Taste of Patreon in honor of Katie & JT and past storytellers to access bonus content Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual is on March 12th!
Unanswered Prayers of Good Desires: A Story of Singleness:: Hannah Finch :: [Episode 308]
Unanswered Prayers of Good Desires: A Story of Singleness:: Hannah Finch :: [Episode 308]
Hannah Finch, of our Oxford community, always looked forward to married life and mom life. As the years crept by, however, she found herself decidedly single. Disappointment and sadness settled in her soul. Hannah never expected the reality of singleness—in fact, she had bigger expectations of God, initially believing that if she did what God asked, He would deliver. Listen as Hannah walks us through her important and profound journey of fighting for faith while living in singleness. It’s what she stakes her life on these days—but no one said it's easy. Hannah gets honest about her big feelings and unmet desires, and proves that accepting how we are made is what allows God to meet us where we are. Do you need to hear that God doesn’t cause your disappointments, but is there when they happen? Hannah’s story will do your weary heart some good. In this episode, you will learn: –Sometimes, even the good desires God gives you may remain unrealized. –God is in control. He is on your side, and He is not holding out on you. –You can trust God’s heart even when you can’t see His hand. Links: Listen to a similar story: : “The Gift of Waiting: A Story of Singleness” in honor of Hannah and our past storytellers. to access bonus contact~ including a “Where Are They Now?” with past storyteller Register for the online workshop being offered on February 6th- . Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual is March12th!
Divine Details: A Heart Transplant Story:: Jeanne Anne Love :: [Episode 307]
Divine Details: A Heart Transplant Story:: Jeanne Anne Love :: [Episode 307]
It’s February and we’re bringing you some love! Jeanne Anne Love, actually. From our Vestavia community, Jeanne Anne and her heart transplant story are a perfect nod to American Heart Month—and to the lifelong goodness and faithfulness of her Heavenly Father. For as long as she can remember, Jeanne Anne suffered heart issues and related illnesses. Though she lived a pretty normal childhood, come middle school, a heart transplant was needed. As Jeanne Anne walks us through this story, what seem to be minor details suddenly resurface as major moments—and it's exciting! The Lord even brought Jeanne Anne comfort through a supernatural encounter. Now, nearly 30 years after receiving a new heart, Jeanne Anne is working with heart patients and parenting a child with a cardiac condition. Listen and be encouraged that the Lord is working every detail of your every day. In this episode, you will learn: –In all your trials, God is right there with you. –Be on the lookout for sweet reminders of His love and care throughout your hard journeys. –You can trust God; He is intimately involved in every area of your life. Links: Listen to a similar story: : “Gaining A New Heart and a New Perspective” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jeanne Anne Love Become a to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Taylor Gindlesberger of our West Cobb community! Register for the online workshop being offered on February 6th- Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings!
He Takes Care of You: A Story of Surrender: Kahlie Metz :: [Episode 306]
He Takes Care of You: A Story of Surrender: Kahlie Metz :: [Episode 306]
Tuning into the Lord’s plans requires step-by-step surrender. In the case of Kahlie Metz from our Tulsa community, surrender was season to season and even state to state. Kahlie shares about years of uprooting and change, including a rocky relationship with her father, lost friendships, and several moves. An actress and singer, Kahlie says to combat the spiral of busyness and stress that had become her life, she performed at home just as much as she performed on the job. But as Kahlie started pouring into the Word, working on emotional wounds and taking her devastations to the Lord, she found peace even in her shakeups. He began speaking clearly to Kahlie through others, and her desires began aligning to His. This Scripture-filled story will remind you: He takes care of you! In this episode, you will learn: —His grace is always sufficient for you. –You can trust Him to lead you through life. –Lean into the Lord, and He will lean into you Links: Listen to a similar story: : Look at What the Lord Has Done. in honor of Kahlie. Become a to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Kim Currie of our Homewood community! ~ Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story, offered on February 6th! Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings around the country!
Giving Over Control: A Story of a Spouse's Addiction - Kelly Connelly :: [Episode305]
Giving Over Control: A Story of a Spouse's Addiction - Kelly Connelly :: [Episode305]
Kelly Connelly, of our Vestavia community, tried to control (and cure) her husband’s addiction to prescription painkillers. It seemed like a perfectly reasonable response from a wife. Only, it wasn’t working—and life wasn’t letting up. The substance abuse continued, and infidelity and divorce entered the scene, making Kelly’s life unmanageable for many years. But that was just it: her life was, actually, unmanageable. And admitting it made all the difference. Kelly came to grips with her shame, perfectionism, and powerlessness through the help of a Bible-based Al-Anon group. She learned to live hope-filled and happy without “The Happy Ending.” When she began working on “me” and giving control over to the Lord, rich truths bloomed among very poor circumstances. In the episode, you will learn: –The Lord will redeem what the enemy has destroyed in your life. –Shame snowballs and can cause you to feel alone. But you are never alone in Christ. –When you come to God—and He wants you to—walls come down. Links: Listen to a similar story: : "Supporting Her Spouse Through Addiction" to StoryTellers Live in honor of Kelly. Become a to access bonus content~ including a Q & A from the room after Kelly shared her story. Register for the Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story workshop being offered on )-and ! Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings around the country!
Let’s Get Real: A Recovery Story :: Kristy Bridgers :: [Episode 304]
Let’s Get Real: A Recovery Story :: Kristy Bridgers :: [Episode 304]
Get ready for some real talk. This raw account of addiction and recovery is also packed with self-reflection and Scripture throughout. Join Kristy Bridgers of our Oxford community as she drills down to the truth in more ways than one. Growing up with an alcoholic father and in a performance-based family culture, Kristy learned to function among secrets and to never ask for help. Into adulthood, with an unexpected pregnancy and stressful newlywed season, Kristy played the part, first putting out the “fires” in her life with caretaking and busy-ness—and eventually by numbing out with alcohol. But when she got sober, Kristy gained a sober view of herself—and the unearned love of the Lord. In this episode, you will learn: –When all other measures of comfort fail (and they will), the Lord stands ready to comfort you. –We are all recovering from something. Getting real with God and getting real with yourself leads to healing. –You do not have to earn the Father’s favor; you are worthy of His love. Links: Listen to a similar story: : "Overcoming Addiction" to StoryTellers Live in honor of Kristy. Become a to access bonus content ~ including an interview with social worker and clinician from . She’ll be using her clinical background in addiction theory to answer Amy’s questions as it relates to alcohol addiction. Register for the new workshop being offered on January 29th- Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates and details on our live gatherings around the country!
Releasing Resentment: The Blessing of Forgiveness:: Jane Menendez’s Story :: [Episode 303]
Releasing Resentment: The Blessing of Forgiveness:: Jane Menendez’s Story :: [Episode 303]
Welcome to the New Year! Our kickoff story is all about new beginnings—but it’s not what you think. This truth-filled tale will inspire you to get your heart right for 2025. Jane Menendez, of our Mountain Brook community, openly shares about a seed of bitterness that settled in her heart long ago. The seed grew into a grudge, which Jane watered and nursed for more than 15 years. Jane bears it all, covering a lawsuit, financial insecurity, and eventually confessing the repetitive ways she entertained resentment in her heart. For decades, Jane tried hard to love, and she tried hard to forgive. Ultimately, only a right view of her own sin could bring about change. As you listen to how Jane learned to face the truth of herself, we think you’ll do some necessary soul-searching, too. In this episode, you will learn: –The Lord will show you your sin, but He will also show you His love and faithfulness. –Repentance is uncomfortable but freeing. –If you’re feeling stuck in your situation, you can candidly ask the Lord to help you forgive. Links: by Oswald Chambers Listen to a similar story: : “Freedom of Forgiveness.” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jane. Become a to access bonus content~ including a “Continue The Conversation” with the podcast hosts! Register for the new workshop being offered on January 29th- Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith Sign up to receive for updates!
God's Power In Surrender : Doris Slappey's Story :: REPOST
God's Power In Surrender : Doris Slappey's Story :: REPOST
Happy New Year! 🎉 As January kicks off, we at StoryTellers Live wish you a wonderful start to new beginnings and pray God's blessing and favor on you in 2025. We have another incredible repost story for you today, featured in the "When God Shows Up—Discovering God in Stories of Faith" Bible study. 87-year-old Doris Slappey, whose story was originally aired on 9/27/23 as Episode 239, shares her amazing life journey and how God met her when she needed Him most. Through vulnerability and humility, Doris' story will teach you about the pursuing love of our Heavenly Father - the perfect reminder we all need as the new year begins! Listen to Doris’ original episode- to StoryTellers Live in honor of Doris. Become a to access bonus content. Shop for our ~ including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up for for updates~ including details on our new workshop offered in January, .
God is Working in the Waiting :: Anna Gualano's Story - REPOST
God is Working in the Waiting :: Anna Gualano's Story - REPOST
Merry Christmas from the StoryTellers Live Team! We hope you are having a wonderful holiday with your family and friends as you celebrate the birth of our Savior. Today's story is a repost that originally aired on 2/1/23 as EP 214 and is also highlighted in our new Bible study, "When God Shows Up—Discovering God in Stories of Faith." Anna Gualano, from our community group in Vestavia, Alabama, shares her journey of being born with brittle bone disease and living in and through the challenges she has faced. Her inspiring story will remind you that you are uniquely made, your life has immense value, God is consistently purposeful, and He's always working in the waiting. We know her story will encourage you this Christmas season! Listen to Anna's original episode - to StoryTellers Live Become a to access bonus content. Shop for our ~ including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive the for updates~ including details on our new workshop:
Fighting Depression Through the Gift of Friendship :: Patti Davis’ Story :: [Episode 302]
Fighting Depression Through the Gift of Friendship :: Patti Davis’ Story :: [Episode 302]
We are just one week away from Christmas, and we have the perfect story to celebrate how the Light of the world can bring hope and healing in the darkest of situations! Patti Davis, from our Raleigh, NC community group, experienced unimaginable abuse and neglect as a child and as an adult. As a result, Patti absorbed lies deep into her heart and soul. Yet, in the middle of spiritual darkness and dark nights in general, the Lord put Himself between Patti and her depression. When she felt the most alone, He provided a specific plan, some great friends, and His healing presence. You will be truly touched to hear quotes from Patti’s time-worn journal as she recounts a season when she learned to ask for help and how friends showed up in droves! Spoiler alert: this story is an all-out spiritual battle, and God wins. In this episode, you will learn: – You are weak, and He is strong. You will receive His power when you focus on Him. – Sometimes, God empties us out to make room for something new. He longs to renew, restore, and regenerate you. – Bring your disappointments to God, get real with Him, and ask all the questions. He will speak to you. You are never alone! Links: Listen to a similar story: : “God’s Healing in a Story of Mental Illness.” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Patti Become a to access bonus content~ including Amy Grote’s discussion with Ashley McMakin of Ashley Mac’s Kitchen! Some valuable insights on how to elevate your holiday gatherings (keeping it easy and enjoyable!) await you! Shop for our Sign up to receive r for updates!
Standing Firm in Sobriety: A Life Update from Brynn Rogel Knox :: [Episode 301]
Standing Firm in Sobriety: A Life Update from Brynn Rogel Knox :: [Episode 301]
Today, we hear from past storyteller Brynn Rogel Knox, who shared her story of recovery from addiction in Episode 120. Four years later, Brynn’s once troubled life has been enhanced by sobriety—but troubles have come in a different form. In one year’s time, Brynn saw the loss of her father and father-in-law and a pregnancy. Tragedy, regrets, and unknowns threatened to topple her peace and derail her progress. But God. In would-be moments of weakness, the Lord detoured Brynn’s thoughts and replaced her desires with His strength. He even blessed her with new and rich relationships and experiences. These days, instead of being numb, Brynn faces all the feelings. Listen and learn how God continues to write Brynn’s story (and yours!). In this episode, you will learn: – Struggles will come your way that you may never understand, and that’s okay. – Walking with the Lord allows you to put your priorities in place. – Beautiful things emerge when you face your hardships in light of His faithfulness. Links: Listen to - “God is Not Disappointed in You” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Brynn Become a to access bonus content~ including Amy Grote’s discussion with Alieta Casey on stress-free, budget-friendly tips and tricks for Christmas decorating! Shop for our , including the third in the trilogy recently released, Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates. You’ll also find details on the new workshop Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story
The Providence of God: A Story of Love After Loss :: Laurel Henson :: [Episode 300]
The Providence of God: A Story of Love After Loss :: Laurel Henson :: [Episode 300]
12/4/2024 StoryTellers Live is launching our 300th episode today (yes, you read that right!), and we’re praising the Lord for what he’s done through the ministry. All week long our team has been remembering the good while anticipating the great things to come. And this blessed rhythm of looking back and looking forward is just what you’ll hear from Laurel Henson, of West Cobb, in her story about love after loss. When Laurel’s first husband died of cancer, she became a widowed mother of three at age 36. Laurel was grieving but grinding, saying “I’ve got this” to God on the regular. As the Lord redemptively paved the way for new love, Ephesians 3:20 shone brightly in her world: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Listen to Laurel and you'll breathe in the precious providence of God. After all, He is sovereign over not just the bitter details of life, but the sweetest ones, too. In this episode, you will learn: – The Lord is always working in your waiting. – He can redeem the hardships in your life and work them for good. – When we partner with God by trusting in Him, He will do much more than we think or imagine. Links: LIsten to a similar story: : “Finding Joy After Losing Her Husband” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Laurel Become a to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Tupelo native Francis Johnson! And… surprises are coming this month for our insiders! Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
When We Can't, He Can: A Sister's Story of Support - Kenzie Hightower :: [Episode 299]
When We Can't, He Can: A Sister's Story of Support - Kenzie Hightower :: [Episode 299]
It’s first Monday freebie time, and we are delighted to debut our Tulsa community with a story from Kenzie Hightower! Kenzie’s typical life took a detour due to her brother’s sudden and life-threatening heart condition. During his three-month hospitalization, she quickly assumed the role of support person and found the new job to be heartwarming, hard, and, well, busy. Kenzie initially buckled under the weight of coordinating all the things and keeping it all together. Still, when she was riding life's highs and lows, the Lord was actively proving Himself to be the one to handle it all. Kenzie grew to rest easy in His sustaining power as she sought to support her people. In this episode, you will learn: – Even the best support person needs the support of Christ when trials come. – Looking on the bright side with a brave face can be exhausting. The Lord alone will sustain you. – You can’t do it all, but He can. Links: Listen to a similar story~ "Love Matters- The Story of an Alzheimer's Caregiver" to StoryTellers Live in honor of Kenzie. Become a to access bonus content. Follow us on social media (@storytellers_live and Live Ministry) to find out more about the giveaway on Wednesday to celebrate our 300th episode! Shop for our . Sign up to receive for updates!
The Interruptible Life:: Kate Shaw’s Story :: [Episode 298]
The Interruptible Life:: Kate Shaw’s Story :: [Episode 298]
Following the Lord’s call can be heavy yet heartwarming. Hear it from Kate Shaw, of our Jackson, Mississippi community, whose foster care journey butted up against a busy schedule and desire to plan. Still, Kate saw each fostering up-and-down as another opportunity to glorify God. From challenging her Type A personality to training her to be “interruptible”, fostering children, Kate says, taught her family to be compassionate and empathetic. And when she prayed for direction, the Lord made his plans abundantly clear. In this episode, you will learn: – When you seek the Lord’s will for your life, you can rest in His purposes. – The Lord may call you to obedience—even when your plate is already full. – He will equip and sustain you as He carries out His plans for your life, because He is faithful. Links: Listen to a similar story~ : “Love is a Verb: A Foster Care Story” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Kate. Become a to access bonus content. Shop for our , including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive for updates~ including information on our soon-to-be released workshop Finding God in the Details!
The Lie of Self-Reliance :: Tara Davis’ Story :: [Episode 297]
The Lie of Self-Reliance :: Tara Davis’ Story :: [Episode 297]
Tara Davis, of our Mountain Brook, Alabama community, experienced a childhood with some emotional and physical abandonment. As a result, learning independence and self-reliance came easily. But unlearning them? Not easy at all. In the midst of relationship hurts, financial rock-bottoms, and even the murder of her mother, Tara finally found that surrendering in suffering is the true way to peace. Listen and learn that freedom comes when you trust God with your deepest despair and live with dependence on Him. In this episode, you will learn: – When you have the right view of your circumstances, peace and hope are possible. – Self-reliant roads lead to dead ends. Full trust in God leads to freedom. – The Lord is near you, and He hears your prayers. Links: Listen to a similar story~ : “Breaking Free From the Burden of Shame” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Tara. Become a to access bonus content~ including a Story Within the Story with Fairhope native : “Finding Purpose in Suffering- Walking Through a Child’s Cancer Diagnosis and Remission.” Shop for our The third in the series, Discovering God in Stories of Faith, is now available!!! Sign up to receive for updates ~ including information on our new workshop, Finding God in the Details, coming soon!
How God Makes Sense of the Unexpected- A Story of Adoption, IVF, and Gestational Surrogacy:: Jessica Gilmer
How God Makes Sense of the Unexpected- A Story of Adoption, IVF, and Gestational Surrogacy:: Jessica Gilmer
Through a sudden diagnosis in high school to a career detour in college to adoption and IVF in marriage to a ministry calling that made it all make sense, this story is one of God weaving His sovereignty and goodness in unexpected ways. Jessica Gilmer, from our community group in West Cobb, Georgia (a suburb outside of Atlanta), shares her journey of learning to trust God’s plans for her life in the midst of disappointments and realizing that sometimes the unknowns of life can also be His perfectly wrapped gifts set to open at a later date. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - The detours of your life can lead you to God’s ultimate path for you. - In the moments where you are carrying heavy burdens, go to Jesus - He will give you rest. - God alone is the Creator of life! Links: Listen to a similar story~ : “Will You Trust Me?” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jessica. Become a to access bonus content~ including a Story Within the Story with Jessica about Mustard Seeds ministry, AND… Have you ever wanted to attend a StoryTellers Live gathering but don’t have a city near you? We are thrilled to offer our Patreon members the opportunity to virtually attend our Tulsa live gathering via Zoom on November 19th at 7:15 PM. Not a Patreon member? Join today, and you’ll receive all the details! Shop for our - the third in the series, Discovering God in Stories of Faith, is now available!!! Sign up to receive for updates!
The Mercies of God Amidst the Loss of Two Husbands:: Elizabeth Garner’s Story :: [Episode 295]
The Mercies of God Amidst the Loss of Two Husbands:: Elizabeth Garner’s Story :: [Episode 295]
God reminds us over and over again in His Word to not be afraid and that He alone is our Provider and Sustainer. Today’s episode is an unbelievable picture of these truths. Elizabeth Garner, from our community group in Memphis, Tennessee, shares her journey of walking through the loss of her first husband to cancer and her second husband to a plane crash. In the midst of this unthinkable suffering and pain, Elizabeth beautifully reminds us of the power of God’s peace, the promise of His daily mercies, and the fullness of life found only in the Word of God. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - Even in the midst of tragedy, God is weaving a tapestry for His glory to be revealed in your life. - When you store up God’s Word in your heart, it will never return void. - In your suffering God longs to comfort you so that you can then be a comfort to others. (2 Cor. 1:4) Links: Listen to a similar story~ : “Your Pain is Your Superpower” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Elizabeth Become a to access bonus content. Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates.
Lies From the Enemy~ How Comparison Breeds Insecurity:: Angie’s Story :: [Episode 294]
Lies From the Enemy~ How Comparison Breeds Insecurity:: Angie’s Story :: [Episode 294]
For today’s first Monday freebie we have a new story from our brand new community group in Raleigh, North Carolina! Angie shares her heartfelt story as she gives us a glimpse into the beautiful role her father has played in her spiritual life over the years, while also vulnerably revealing the insecurities she fights on a daily basis as she compares that same spiritual life with his and those around her. This story will remind you that comparison is in fact the thief of joy, you must take your thoughts captive to Christ and stop listening to the lies of the enemy, and most importantly, ALL the Lord really wants from you is relationship. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - Everyone’s spiritual walk is unique to the personality and gifts God has bestowed on that person. - No one’s spiritual walk is superior to another’s in the eyes of the Lord. - Relationship with the Lord is all about talking AND listening… prayer and reading His Word. Links: Listen to a similar story as Angie’s~ : “Striving to Be Known” by Mark Batterson by Megan Woods to StoryTellers Live in honor of Angie Become a to access bonus content~ including an interview with Karen Sabo, the team leader in StoryTellers Live’s new Raleigh, NC community! Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
Holding God’s Hand Through Childhood Trauma and Parent Estrangement:: Ashley Byrom’s Story
Holding God’s Hand Through Childhood Trauma and Parent Estrangement:: Ashley Byrom’s Story
Ashley Byrom, from our Homewood, Alabama community, shares her story of walking through childhood trauma and tragedy, as well as how God has met her and shaped her over the years as a result. From learning to trust God with her own children to letting go of a destructive relationship with her mother, Ashley helps us to understand we should never judge a book by its cover as we are all a work in progress…and we should always lead with compassion as we never know the path someone has walked. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - There are moments when painful memories from childhood trauma can be stored in your spirit and emerge later in life. - If you keep things in the dark, they will often stay dark. Bring your darkness to the light by sharing your struggles with a trusted, godly friend. - In the reconciliation of a relationship, it takes both parties to participate for healing to occur. Links: Listen to a similar story as Ashley’s ~ : “Foster Care to Freedom” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Ashley Become a to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Statesboro, GA native Liz Corbett Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
Turning Tears into Testimony - Overcoming the Loss of a Child:: Emily Porter :: {Episode 292]
Turning Tears into Testimony - Overcoming the Loss of a Child:: Emily Porter :: {Episode 292]
”I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God?“ Psalms 77:11-13 Today’s storyteller reminds us that in the midst of deep grief and sorrow, we must remind ourselves of the truths of God. Emily Porter, from our community group in Jackson, Mississippi, shares her journey of walking through her son’s heart diagnosis of bicuspid aortic synopsis when he was only a few weeks old to the unexpected loss of her son at the age of sixteen. You will find Emily incredibly encouraging as she beautifully reminds us God never changes; He is not only good but also kind; and it’s okay to hold joy in sorrow. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - As the great Redeemer, God is in the business of turning your tears into your testimony. - Your love for God can’t be situational. - It’s important to choose joy and love every day even if you have to create it. Links: Listen to two past storytellers who are creators and hosts of “The Big Boo Cast” podcast: : “A Cheerful Voice” & : “The Parenting Struggle” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Emily Become a to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Fairhope native Andrea Higginbotham Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
Finding Purpose in Suffering - Walking Through a Child’s Cancer Diagnosis and Remission:: Brooke Preus :: [Episode291]
Finding Purpose in Suffering - Walking Through a Child’s Cancer Diagnosis and Remission:: Brooke Preus :: [Episode291]
Brooke Preus’ life was on a peaceful path for years—and then it veered. Pain and suffering settled upon her family’s world with diagnosis on top of diagnosis. In her story, Brooke, from our Fairhope community, will candidly talk you through her son’s blood disorder and cancer journey—but what you’ll really get is a rich education on how to suffer well as a follower of Christ. Through her study of lamentations, deep prayer, and even worshiping in a storage closet for six months, Brooke learned the pathway from heartbreak to hope. She will encourage you to look outward in your own suffering, and to align your heart and will to the Lord’s. In this episode, you will learn: —The Lord longs to enter into the misery and suffering you’re experiencing. —Share the hope you have in Him even as you suffer—He will put other suffering people in your path. —When you endure pain with faith in focus, a new purpose is found. Links: Listen to a similar story on surviving cancer~ : “Hope Blooms” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Brooke Become a to access bonus content~ including a “Where Are They Now?” episode with Leslie Presson also from Fairhope! Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
God’s Healing in a Story of Mental Illness : Jenny Strickland :: [Episode290]
God’s Healing in a Story of Mental Illness : Jenny Strickland :: [Episode290]
**DISCLAIMER: Please listen with caution and away from little ears, as this story references suicide** Get ready for Jenny Strickland’s story! She will leave you on the edge of your seat while detailing the throes of a physical and spiritual battle with postpartum psychosis. You’ll find yourself cheering Jenny on! From our Trussville community, Jenny doesn’t hold back in sharing the darkness she endured alongside depression, detachment, and suicidal thoughts, and you will so appreciate her vulnerability and authenticity. Plus, this story of a supportive family and healthcare team will warm your heart. Listen and discover the freedom from mental illness that happened in Jenny’s life—and that the Lord didn’t leave Jenny in the depths. In fact, He was right there with her. In this episode, you will learn: —Believe and trust no matter what emotions you feel. —Mental illness affects everyone, and shame and embarrassment is not from the Lord. —He can walk you from the darkness in your life to His great light in any circumstance you’re facing. Links: live by Bethel Music Do you need help with mental illness or do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Listen to another story similar to Jenny’s~ : “It’s Not What I Thought- A Postpartum Story” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jenny Become a to access bonus content~ including an interview with social worker and clinician from Wellspring Christian Clinic about the signs and symptoms of postpartum psychosis. Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
God’s Not Finished - A Traumatic Brain Injury Story- Jala Ross & Jessica Jenkins :: [Episode 289]
God’s Not Finished - A Traumatic Brain Injury Story- Jala Ross & Jessica Jenkins :: [Episode 289]
Season eight’s first Monday freebie is one unlike any other! Jala Ross from our Tupelo community shares her story, alongside her mother, Jessica Jenkins, of being in a devastating ATV accident, leaving her in a six-week coma after suffering a traumatic brain injury and five strokes. As they recount their journey that began only 15 months ago, you will be amazed at their joy in the Lord and be blessed knowing God’s not finished with you yet! IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - Spiritual healing is far greater than physical healing. - God is writing your story, and He’s not finished with you. (Philippians 1:6) - You can have victory in the battle. Listen to a similar story~ : “Redefining Reality” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jala and Jessica Become a to access bonus content Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
I Will Trust You- A Breast Cancer Story~ Kathryn Tortorici :: [Episode 288]
I Will Trust You- A Breast Cancer Story~ Kathryn Tortorici :: [Episode 288]
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re bringing you an encouraging survivor’s story from our Mountain Brook community. Kathryn Tortorici will remind you that the Lord knows your days and will equip you for what’s next. Through her struggle with breast cancer, Kathryn says she learned to fully trust—and that it's possible to be full of tears and full of joy. Plus, you’ll love hearing how Kathryn and a friend were diagnosed at the same time. Together, they developed a heart for God and a heart for others. In this episode you will learn: - Life is like a train track with trials and tribulations as the tracks, but it will take you to a destination. Links: Song: by Twila Paris by Kathryn Tortorici & Nancy Bynon Listen to a similar story~ : “Jesus Plus Nothing Equals Enough” and : “Surrender Her Agenda” to StoryTellers Live in honor of Kathryn Become a to access bonus content~ including a Where Are They Now with Lauren Beckner- Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!
Giving it to God – A Story of God’s Strength~Tamara Estes :: [Episode 287]
Giving it to God – A Story of God’s Strength~Tamara Estes :: [Episode 287]
We love adding communities to our StoryTellers Live circle! Today you’ll hear from our newest gathering near Atlanta, Georgia (West Cobb). Listen as Tamara Estes shares the challenging stories of losing both her son and her husband in separate instances. Grief, loss, and tragedy seemed commonplace in her world for many years. But instead of living in a state of “why,” Tamara learned to trust and believe—and she always trusted in the Lord to provide. Ultimately, God was constant, and His promised presence made all the difference. In this episode you will learn: - It’s not our place to ask “why,” it’s our place to trust and believe. (Isaiah 55:8-9) - God is always available as a constant strength for you. - God never promised you an easy life, but He did promise He would walk with you and carry you when needed. Links: Listen to a similar story~ : “Healing Through Heartache- The Loss of A Child” Become a to access bonus content~ including the Vestavia Live gathering with Kelly Connelly to StoryTellers Live in honor of Tamara Shop for our Sign up to receive for updates!