Student of the Gun Radio
Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a life’s journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each week Student of the Gun will introduce our listeners to all manner of firearms related topics be they sport, recreation or personal defense. Unlike the television format, through the magic of digital radio, we will have the opportunity to explore topics more deeply rather than just give them a quick glance. Discussions will address both that which is current news in the firearms world as well as traditions and foundational principles. Student of the Gun, a beginner once, a student for life.
Vote for Charlie Brown & 9/11: a Somber but Bright Day | SOTG 1258
Vote for Charlie Brown & 9/11: a Somber but Bright Day | SOTG 1258
“Members Take Back our NRA” is the FB group you can go to and help support Charlie Brown and other NRA reform candidates. Our good friend, Charlie joins us to discuss the state of the NRA and his candidacy for the Board of Directors. We have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc this week where we consider learning how to use your precision optic. Froglube has a new product to help you clean your can. Also, during our SOTG Homeroom, we will revisit the embarrassing US Navy “backwards optic” story. It is 9/11, but Professor Paul is celebrating a positive anniversary. It has been five years since his “all clear” scan during his fight against el cancer. Fighting solves everything! Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Gun Review: DS Arms SA58 Rifle Zach wants to thank Tim Hamp 40 Year Anniversary of Miami Vice & Galco Miami Classic [0:18:25] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Long Range Marksmanship Essentials - Learn your Scope [0:32:14] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Clean Your Can - FrogLube Suppressor Maintenance Package [0:36:51] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Commander of Navy warship relieved of duty months after backward rifle scope photo flap Why the US Military Sucks With Small Arms [0:53:45] 5th Anniversary of Prof. Paul Officially being diagnosed Cancer Free In Celebration, Fighting Solves Everything Books are On Sale! [0:55:46] Charlie Brown for NRA Board of Directors FEATURING: Charlie Brown, Shooting News Weekly, Yahoo News, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
Paul Glasco: How to Make a Monster | SOTG Special Edition
Paul Glasco: How to Make a Monster | SOTG Special Edition
Back in May, we had Paul Glasco on the show with us to discuss his new book “How To Make A Monster: A Sensible Look At Rampage Killers”, and in light of recent events, we thought it pertinent to share this interview with you again. In this discussion, Mr. Glaso explains factors that tie all of the recent rampage killers together. What facts has the mainstream media deliberately overlooked or flat out lied about? From : In “How To Make A Monster”, Paul Glasco performs a true root cause analysis of rampage killers - sometimes referred to as "mass shooters". The book looks at how broken homes, being bullied, and children on psychotropic drugs can affect personalities as young people mature. Previous killers from shootings such as Columbine, Virginia Tech, Las Vegas, and Parkland are broken down based on these causal factors. Paul goes on to explain in detail how profitable the business of rampage killings is for the media, politicians, and other opportunists by tracing the money back to these people making the money and why they offer no solutions or suggestions on how to prevent rampage killings or on false claims of "gun safety." Not only does Paul break down potential contributing factors as to how rampage killers may be created, but he also offers suggestions on how to prevent future potential killers from being created and how to recognize and deal with signs of potential trouble. ()
Good Guy with a Shotgun Stops Maniac & Be Strong, Be Harder to Kill | SOTG 1257
Good Guy with a Shotgun Stops Maniac & Be Strong, Be Harder to Kill | SOTG 1257
“Strong people are harder to kill and more useful in general.” So Matt Reynolds, founder of Barbell Logic Online Coaching has said. Recently Matt delivered a motivational talk at the Tactical Response Alumni Weekend. We are going to share that with you. During our SOTG Homeroom from , we consider yet again the importance of being dangerous on demand. This time it was a Las Vegas resident who was called upon to stop a maniac from killing innocent people. As usual, we have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc, a Froglube ProTip and much more. Tune in and listen louder. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:09:23] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Vudu-X 2-12x Prairie Dog Killer [0:19:51] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Lubed up the Centurion 11 & 14 [0:39:02] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Good guy with a shotgun takes out maniac in SUV who was on a rampage in Las Vegas neighborhood [0:49:00] Barbell Logic: Matt Reynolds at Tactical Response Alumni weekend Pre-Order Matt’s Book: FEATURING: Shooting News Weekly, Law Enforcement Today, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : Not long ago, I began a review by stating, “It’s a strange thing to live long enough to see something that was once commonplace become…unique.” Yet here again I find myself preparing to tell a story about a gun that in my youth was so commonplace that no one really needed to explain its history or significance. When I started writing firearms-related articles in the early 1990’s you didn’t need to spend time telling the story of the Browning Hi-Power, AKA the P35. The majority of gun people already knew it. Now, thirty years or so later — wow, have I been writing that long? — we have an entire generation, maybe two, who weren’t raised on the old WWII or Cold War guns. Some of those people confuse the term Hi-Power with Hi-Point. About a year ago, my friend Nicholas Orr wrote a book discussing the historical significance of many small arms used during the last century and a half; A Pipe Hitters Guide to Small Arms & Weapons. With Mr. Orr’s permission, I’ve pulled an excerpt from that book. () From : Sometimes it takes a good guy with a gun to take out someone intent on doing people harm. Such is the case in Las Vegas where a Good Samaritan did just that, likely preventing a man from killing a number of people. Las Vegas Metro police said that a man, who was not identified, showed up for his job with a home remodeling firm and was declared "unfit" to work. He was subsequently fired by his employer. That led the man to go on an unhinged rampage, with him getting into his SUV and driving recklessly down the street, RVM News reported. Some residents who were out on the streets and sidewalks had to dive out of harm’s way. One resident told reporters about the incident. “He was trying to hit somebody, and it was either going to be me or the kid or whoever’s standing in that road,” said Richard Osayna. However, the incident was not without victims. Two men were struck by the suspect’s SUV, including his now-former boss, with the incident happening in Osayna’s driveway. ()
10yo Expelled for Finger Gun & Men in Uniform | SOTG 1256
10yo Expelled for Finger Gun & Men in Uniform | SOTG 1256
No, this is not an old story, this just happened, again. A 10 year old boy in Tennessee was disciplined and expelled from school for the entire year after he “angrily pointed his finger in the shape of a gun”. Get Your Kids Out of Public Schools! (GYKOPS) Professor Paul is compelled to once more address the “sacred cow” issue. Not everyone who puts on a uniform is automatically a hero. Some men, and women, who put on uniforms become thugs and criminals for the state. Listen louder before you comment. Yes, we have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. That company had released the new “DCR” optic with a “Danger Close Reticle”. We have a Froglube pro tip of the week and Paul did what he said he was going to do. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Endless Night: A Pipe Hitters Novel Book 3 PRE-SALE! Physical - Digital - [0:03:07] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: DCR Reticle and an EOTECH throwback discussion [0:18:09] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Weekend Full of Muzzleloading: Shooting and Cleaning [0:32:22] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Beloved Seattle dog walker, 80, killed in broad-daylight carjacking before eight-time felon fatally stabbed her pooch [0:54:11] A 10-year-old pointed a finger gun. The principal kicked him out of his Tennessee school for a year Thoughts on Men in Uniform: Putting on a Uniform is a declaration of allegiance. The question is to whom or what? Wearing a Uniform does not give you moral immunity. Ordinary Men - FEATURING: NY Post,, Nicholas Orr, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
Every American Should Own a .50 BMG | SOTG 1255
Every American Should Own a .50 BMG | SOTG 1255
Every American Son of Liberty should have experience with and possession of the most famous cartridge that John Moses Browning ever invented; the .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun). Professor Paul recently reviewed a rifle that is a cost effective entry-level .50 BMG. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc, we will talk about mounting optics on the big .50. During our Froglube Pro Tip, Paul has come up with another use for the Super Degreaser. Also, during our SOTG Homeroom from , we consider a recent OpEd on Shooting News Weekly. Do you offer advice when you are at a public gun range? Should you? And, how can we best be prepared to give good advice to new gun owners? Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:09:24] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: EOTech Vudu Scope on .50 BMG Rifle [0:30:18] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Used the Super Degreaser on black powder muzzle-loader [0:51:18] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Do You Offer Help or Advice to Other Shooters at the Range? FEATURING: Shooting News Weekly, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : Before we go one step further, I want to go on record as stating that every American son of liberty should have access to and experience with a rifle that fires the greatest cartridge that John Moses Browning ever made, the .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun) round. That being said, any rifle chambered in .50 BMG might seem price prohibitive and that will be true for some. But with the correct budgeting, owning the most powerful centerfire rifle available can be done. Particularly if you don’t try to shoot your wad all at once. Noreen Firearms ULR 2.0 .50 BMG A couple of years ago I walked into my favorite ranch store in Laramie, Wyoming and behind the gun counter was something I had never seen before. The rifle was big — very big — and painted in a desert camouflage pattern. I figured it had to be a .50 BMG and the clerk confirmed that it was indeed a Noreen Firearms ULR rifle. The man behind the counter indulged me and passed the massive gun over for my inspection. I had that conflicted feeling in my guts. I really wanted to buy it right there and then, but the reasonable devil talked me out of it. No, the reasonable devil’s name is not Nancy. ()
London’s Police Commissioner Threatens Americans with Arrest | SOTG 1254
London’s Police Commissioner Threatens Americans with Arrest | SOTG 1254
Taking a page from the tyrant George III, the current Police Commissioner of London has put we colonists on notice that he intends to arrest and extradite to England those of us who violate Britians online political speech laws. We are not making this up. During our Tech Talk from EOTech, we will report on the performance of the VUDU riflescope during the recent High Elevation Precision Rifle training course. Just how far did our friend from EOTech shoot his rifle? We have our weekly Pro Tip from Froglube. Yes, firearms, to include AR-15 style rifles, are simple machines and they need to be cleaned and properly lubricated, not run dry. Also, during our SOTG Homeroom we have another report of a shark attack. This one cost a 15 year old girl her leg. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: Yahoo, NY Post,, Spike's Tactical, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Catch Up on Pipe Hitter Novels - [0:07:18] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: EOTech Vudu Scope Out to a Mile [0:27:33 ] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Cleaned out 37mm Thumper with Solvent and Extreme / The owner's manual said to run the rifle “Dry”? [0:39:23] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: American Girl, 15, Loses Right Leg in Vacation Shark Attack [0:56:50] Why Britain Is Burning - UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts History lesson - The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774 Student of the Gun, The Lexington & Concord, An Instrument of Liberty
Armed at Home & Did We Learn Our Lesson (Best Of) | SOTG 1253
Armed at Home & Did We Learn Our Lesson (Best Of) | SOTG 1253
Are you always armed even when you are at home in the daytime? During our SOTG Homeroom, we consider a deadly home invasion that occurred in the middle of the day. Did we learn our lesson after we were lied to and bullied for three years? What do the WEF elitists have in store for the world of the future? During our Bullet Points we will consider our recent long range rifle class and what kind of hardware you might require. Do you need to spend thousands on a rifle and scope to shoot at distance? (Original Episode #: 1200 | Original Release Date: 08/02/2023) FEATURING:, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:22:30] Bullet Points - TOPIC: Long Range Rifle: How much do you need to spend? in .223 ($472) and ($273) Brownells is on sale! Get it now. FrogLubed rifle at the beginning, fired 300 rounds without a hitch [0:38:48] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: No Charges for Homeowner After Shooting Violent Intruder [0:54:32] The COVID lockdowns were just the beginning, they say it in their own words. DID WE LEARN OUR LESSON? Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: ‘Permanent Climate Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It or Not’ SOURCES From : The WEF’s promotion of the “climate emergency” narrative seeks to “create a change that is not incremental…to position nature at the core of the economy,” according to Schwab’s offspring. Nicole Schwab made the admission in a newly unearthed video that was recorded during a WEF panel discussion back in 2020. The WEF lists Nicole Schwab as a “Member of the Executive Committee” of the WEF who is also the co-director of Platform to Accelerate Nature-Based Solutions & The group of WEF attendees were discussing how the fake threat of an “immediate emergency” can be used to further advance the WEF’s “Great Reset” plan for humanity. “This [COVID] crisis has shown us that first of all, things can shift very rapidly when we put our minds to it and when we feel the immediate emergency to our livelihoods,” Nicole Schwab declares. ()
Rare Breed Triggers are Back & Yeet Cannon in 380? | SOTG 1252
Rare Breed Triggers are Back & Yeet Cannon in 380? | SOTG 1252
Once more Sniffy Joe Biden’s AFT has been put in their place. This time by a judge in Texas. The court found that the AFT “exceeded” their authority by classifying forced reset triggers as “machine guns”. As promised, the Professor reviewed the new YC380 from Hi-Point, a Yeet Cannon in a milder recoiling caliber. During our SOTG Homeroom from we will consider the .380 ACP cartridge and how shooters have been taught to view it. We also have a Tech Talk from EOTech. We are taking the new VUDU X to our long range course. And, we have a FrogLube Pro Tip, how can you clean your can? Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:11:11] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Time to put the rubber to the road and take the VUDU X to HEPR [0:22:12] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Clean your Can - [0:33:17] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: The Hi-Point YC380 – Because Everyone Deserves a Gun They Can Afford Texas Federal Court Finds ATF Unlawfully Banned Forced Reset Triggers Rare Breed Triggers - FRT-15 Trigger Chevron Doctrine
Training is NOT Supposed to be Convenient | SOTG 1251
Training is NOT Supposed to be Convenient | SOTG 1251
Training is not supposed to be convenient, it is supposed to be a priority. Student of the Gun University just hosted another PFT Training Camp. During this show we will discuss the curriculum and many of the lessons that were learned. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul will consider which is more important, buying a new gun or purchasing night vision? What do you think? Also, during our SOTG Homeroom, we will discuss how to get ready for a firearms training class. Additionally, Paul and Jarrad will highlight numerous travel classes that are coming up on the SOTGU calendar. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:07:33] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Do you need Another Rifle or do you need Night Vision? Which is Better: NVG or Thermal? [0:19:29] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Cleaning Black Powder Cartridge Guns, like the 37mm [0:28:57] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Show Up to Training Ready to Go [0:51:00] PFT Camp After-Action and Lessons Learned Comms, Land Nav, Team Movement and Drills, Signaling, Perimeter Security, Contingency Plans, Day and Night Operations, Commaradie Get a Thermacell (best mosquito repellent) - FEATURING: Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
Rep. Rebecca Schmoe, Trump Assassination & Trauma Medicine | SOTG 1250
Rep. Rebecca Schmoe, Trump Assassination & Trauma Medicine | SOTG 1250
First of all, yes, Professor Paul will discuss the attempted assassination of President Trump. As someone who has been a professional bodyguard, he has some insight into executive protection. We have KS House Rep. Rebecca Schmoe to discuss liberty and defending values as an elected representative of the people. We will also discuss how she came to be a strong gun rights advocate. Is the expensive hemostatic gauze really all that much better than standard medical gauze? We will consider that in detail during our SOTG Homeroom brought to you by Student of the Gun University. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:03:49] Trump Assassination Discussion Extended Conversation on Thursday’s Bonus Hour - [0:19:06] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: VUDU Long Range Optics and learning to use your reticle [0:29:58] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Lubing your Balls for Real - FrogLube Paste for Muzzleloading [0:38:17] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Hemostatic Gauze vs Regular Gauze: Is one better than the other? [0:59:13] Rep. Rebecca Schmoe Interview Founding Member of 1 Million Moms Against Gun Control Elected Representative in Kansas FEATURING: Rebecca Schmoe, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
Helmets, Sharks & Alex Bosco from SB Tactical | SOTG 1249
Helmets, Sharks & Alex Bosco from SB Tactical | SOTG 1249
We have a special guest. Alex Bosco the founder of SB Tactical and the inventor of the original pistol brace will join us to discuss the recent court ruling as well as the future of braces and our industry in general. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will talk about the “tech” of modern helmets. Josh Brooks from Hard Head Veterans helps us to understand what goes into modern ballistic helmets. There were numerous shark attacks during the July 4th Holiday Weekend. During our SOTG Homeroom segment we will examine them and discuss what we can do to be better prepared for emergencies. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:07:22] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Protecting Your Melon with HHV - First Half of Interview Hear the FULL discussion on the Friday Bonus Hour! [0:29:30] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Keep your Simple Machines Functioning [0:36:17] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: More Shark Attacks that Never Happen Shark believed to have injured 4 people in waters off South Padre Island on Fourth of July North Texas woman attacked by shark in South Padre: ‘I thought it was a big fish’ Shark Attacks 4 Texas Beachgoers on Fourth of July, with Report of 1 Suffering 'Severe' Bite 14-year-old boy bitten by shark while at junior lifeguard camp in Florida [0:56:35] Interview with Alex Bosco of SB Tactical Braces are Back thanks to Alex and his organization FEATURING: ABC News,, Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
Dangerous Targets & Adam Kraut from SAF | SOTG 1248
Dangerous Targets & Adam Kraut from SAF | SOTG 1248
This week we have a special guest, Adam Kraut, the Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation. Adam will discuss the importance of recent court decisions and the legal battles that American citizens are fighting against criminal government overreach. During our SOTG Homeroom from Professor Paul will discuss a recent article published at Shooting News Weekly. There are some range props and materials used to build ranges that could prove to be hazardous to shooters and onlookers. For this week’s Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will discuss the importance of electronic hearing protection and the benefits of using line of sight radios during training. During our ProTip from Froglube we talked about traps and bears. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: Shooting News Weekly, Talking Lead, CCRKBA, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE 4th of July Sale - Operator, Pipe Hitter, Patriot Fire Team, AND MORE 30% OFF! Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | SOTG University Announces Upcoming Travel Schedule - Joined Marty at Talking Lead Blood Trail: Cut Off: [0:09:26] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Radios & Comms - Don’t mess with the Zohan [0:23:48] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: After Action - FrogLubing your Traps [0:37:55] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: STOP! Don’t Shoot that [0:54:07] Adam Kraut with Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
Arkansas Grocery Store Attack: Always Carry the Fundamental Four | SOTG 1247
Arkansas Grocery Store Attack: Always Carry the Fundamental Four | SOTG 1247
A recent rampage killing sprees at a grocery store in Arkansas once more demonstrates the necessity for the Fundamental Four; lethal, sharp, bright, medical. Never leave your house without them. Have supreme confidence in your ability to use them. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc we will consider mounting and using a mini red dot optic on a handgun. Also, could you hit your target if the dot stopped working? Also, during our Pro Tip of the Week from FrogLube we will consider firearms cleaning and maintenance from the perspective of bore cleaning. Tune in and listen louder. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:07:37] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Shooting with the Optic Off? [0:25:57] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Barrel Buddy Briefing [0:45:49] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Fundamental Four: Always - No Exceptions [0:58:50] Shooting is Not Fighting Arkansas police confirm 4th victim died in grocery store shooting Who is Travis Eugene Posey? Accused Arkansas Grocery Store Gunman Details FEATURING: FOX News,, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
Be Ready & Braces and Bump Stocks | SOTG 1246
Be Ready & Braces and Bump Stocks | SOTG 1246
The saying goes, “Be ready so you don’t have to get ready.” The Government of Denmark just advised its people to get ready and prepare for a potential war with Russia. What is the advice that they are being given and how does that jive with reality? Two court rulings have come down in the last week highlighting the criminal overreach by Joe Biden’s “AFT”. First the prohibition against the pistol brace was thrown out by a judge in Texas. Then the US Supreme Court ruled that the AFT overstepped its authority by classifying bump-stocks as “machine guns”. We have a Tech Talk from EOTech for you. Do you need an optic on your fighting shotgun? Also, we have another ProTip discussion from FrogLube. TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:05:01] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Fighting Shotguns: Optic or No Optic? [0:16:16] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Animal Traps and Steel Drums [0:33:32] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: BE READY so you don’t have GET READY Potassium Iodide (KI) and Radiation Emergencies: Fact Sheet “Willingness is a state of mind. Readiness is a statement of fact” - John Farnam [0:55:45] Brace & Bump-Stock Bans have BOTH been struck down District Court VACATES the ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule, Ending Enforcement of the Ban Nationwide U.S. Supreme Court invalidates ATF Rule Classifying Bump Stocks as Machineguns FEATURING:, Shooting News Weekly, NRA ILA, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : More good news out of the Northern District of Texas. Judge Reed O’Connor has issued a ruling in Mock v. Garland vacating the ATF’s byzantine rule that effectively bans pistol braces. You know…the same pistol braces the ATF had previously said were perfectly fine and an acceptable firearm accessory. That, of course, was back before the Biden administration waged a war on gun owners, their rights, and companies that make legal products those people want to buy. This comes the same week the decrepit but still rabidly anti-gun president was trundled out of the White House and propped up behind a podium at Everytown’s “Gun Sense University” meeting of anti-gun flying monkeys. There the president once again rotely spouted all the same bogus hoplophobic talking points he’s been using since first finding himself in the Oval Office in 2021. Judge O’Connor granted the plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgement . . . For the reasons set out above, the Court GRANTS Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment on the grounds that the Final Rule violated the APA’s procedural requirements because it was arbitrary and capricious and was not a logical outgrowth of the Proposed Rule; DENIES Defendants’ Cross Motion for Summary Judgment; DENIES Plaintiffs’ request for a permanent injunction; and VACATES the Final Rule. ()
Carry a Gun to the Grocery Store & Shark Attack | SOTG 1245
Carry a Gun to the Grocery Store & Shark Attack | SOTG 1245
Do you carry your fundamental four everywhere, even to the grocery store? A woman was stabbed and her child murdered by a maniac wielding a knife in a grocery store parking lot in Ohio. What lessons can we learn? Three people were attacked and maimed by sharks in Florida on the same day in the same area. Fortunately none died despite life-threatening injuries due to the efforts of the people on the scene. Are you carrying medical gear to the beach? Also, during our Tech Talk from EOTech we consider the importance of understanding off set. We have a Frog Lube Pro Tip of the week for you as well. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: The Outdoor Wire,,, News 5 Cleveland, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Father’s Day Sale over on ! Blood Trail, Dad Rules, Leadership Traits Poster, AND MORE! [0:03:00] New Review of Blood Trail by Jim Shepherd [0:08:44] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Calculating off-set is easy with EOTech reticle [0:17:08] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Of All the things that can affect your gun's reliability, cleaning and lube should not be one of them. [0:33:58] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Florida beaches open after shark attacks injure 3 and take a woman's hand Hemingway was right [0:58:03] Suspect in North Olmsted fatal toddler stabbing obtained knife at thrift store just before attack Follow Up - Julian Wood’s suspected killer claims she’s killed before SOURCES From : Two teenagers and a woman were injured in two shark attacks less than two hours apart Friday afternoon in the Florida Panhandle. The woman lost her lower left arm and suffered "significant trauma" to other areas of her body, officials said at a Friday afternoon news conference. The mother of one of the teens said the girl's hand had been taken and her right leg had to be amputated. Both incidents happened between Miramar Beach and Panama City Beach on the Gulf of Mexico. Beaches in Walton and Bay counties were closed Friday and reopened Saturday morning, with warnings. The Walton County Sheriff's Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife monitored the shoreline by boat through the weekend. Panama City Beach Police in the Sheriff's Office helicopter Saturday reported seeing "a notable presence of sharks, specifically bull sharks," near the first incident. () From : North Olmsted officials held a news conference Tuesday afternoon to shed light on what happened in the minutes leading up to the fatal stabbing of a toddler in the Giant Eagle parking lot. According to North Olmsted Police Detective Sgt. Matt Beck, the suspect, 32-year-old Bionca Ellis, was at the Volunteers of America store, which is a thrift shop adjacent to the grocery store, where she obtained some sort of kitchen knife. It's unclear if she paid for it or stole it. Ellis then left the store, walked over to Giant Eagle, located in the 27000 block of Lorain Road, just after 3 p.m., and approached the 38-year-old mother, who was pushing her 3-year-old Julian Wood in a grocery cart as they were nearing their vehicle. Ellis allegedly stabbed the woman and Julian multiple times and walked off. The entire attack unfolded quickly, Beck said. ()
Tritium Sights & Marty from Talking Lead | SOTG 1244
Tritium Sights & Marty from Talking Lead | SOTG 1244
Our buddy, Marty from Talking Lead, will join us for an after-action discussion of our recent time spent in Dallas, Texas at the NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits. It’s always great to have our old friends on the show. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider Tritium sights, specifically “Police Trade-In Night Sights”. Are you getting a good deal when you buy trade-in cop guns with Tritium sights or are you being ripped off? Also, do extra-heavy triggers prevent negligent discharges? During our SOTG Homeroom from , we will answer a question from a listener in regards to the infamous “New York triggers”. TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:03:23] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: “Police Night Sights” on old, trade-in guns? [0:24:52] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Lubing Up Your Knife - Larry’s Experiment [0:39:08] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Heavy Trigger Reduce NDs? [0:59:00] Marty from Talking Lead FEATURING: Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X
State of the NRA w/ Isaac Demarest & Lubing your Shotguns | SOTG 1243
State of the NRA w/ Isaac Demarest & Lubing your Shotguns | SOTG 1243
What is truly going on with the NRA leadership? We have Isaac Demarest, an NRA Board Member, with us today to discuss the changes taking place at the National Rifle Association. During our Tech Talk from EOTech, Inc., Professor Paul will consider the importance of understanding offset. What is offset and how does it apply to a firearm with an optic? Also, we have a Froglube Pro Tip for you. Shotguns need lube too. How much and where should you put the lube? Finally, during our SOTG Homeroom from SOTG University, we have a new friend, Tim Evancich, who will tell us about the patriotic, educational programs that have been implemented at his children’s school. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: NRA ILA, Isaac Demarest, Tim Evancich, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:05:24] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Off Set, Off Set, Off Set! [0:13:47] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Even Shotguns need Lube [0:21:42] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: How to Affect Change in Public Schools w/ Tim Evancich Sept 17th 2024 - Constitution Day [0:45:54] State of the NRA with Isaac Demarest NRA wins injunction against ATF on pistol brace ban What makes you valuable as a board member to the NRA? What is your role? What have been the impediments to the NRA recently? Why didn't they let Wayne Lapierre go earlier?
NRA Dallas 2024 | SOTG 1242
NRA Dallas 2024 | SOTG 1242
The team spent a glorious long weekend in Big D. We have live reports from the floor of the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits held in Dallas, Texas. Thanks to Kel Tec Firearms, we had a recording studio on the floor. Thank you to all of you who came out to our book signing events and said hello. A number of special guests joined us, including Paul Glasco, author of “How to Make a Monster: And Why No One Cares”. Mr. Glaso explains factors that tie all of the recent rampage killers together. What facts has the mainstream media deliberately overlooked or flat out lied about? Also joining us is our long time friend, Dave, from MKS Supply. What’s new with Full Forge Gear and Hi-Point Firearms? Then it was Hammer Time in the booth as “Hammer” joined us to discuss Kel Tec products and mac & cheese. You don’t want to miss this show. FEATURING: Paul Glasco, Dave Kiwacka, Kris Hammer, Kel Tec, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, CrossBreed Holsters, Froglube, Hi-Point Firearms FIND US ON: Facebook, Instagram, X, iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | NRA Dallas 2024 - Coming to you from the Kel Tec Booth! Paul Glasco on his new book “How to Make a Monster and why no one cares” Dave Kiwacka on Full Forge Gear body armor Kris Hammer w/ Kel Tec
Gun Control Gestapo Silent on Philly Bus Stop Shooting | SOTG 1241
Gun Control Gestapo Silent on Philly Bus Stop Shooting | SOTG 1241
Did you hear about the “mass shooting” in Philadelphia? We are willing to bet that unless you live in Pennsylvania, you did not. You might ask yourself why? The media loves blood in the streets and they love pushing gun control, why bury this story? How much scope is too much scope? During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc we consider the pros and cons of high powered optics. Does Gun Control make you safer? Are countries that restrict gun ownership “safer”? For our SOTG Homeroom we will address a horrific story from Mexico where unarmed tourists were murdered for their truck tires. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Blood Trail by Nicholas Orr or [0:10:48] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: How much scope do you need? Considering magnification [0:22:32] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Plastic Fantastic: Care of Polymer Firearms and Firearm Accessories [0:33:11] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Surfers killed in Mexico 'eerily similar' to 2020 San Diego couple's murders [0:58:00] Where is the Gun Gestapo on this? 5th suspect arrested in Philly bus stop shooting that injured 8 students Leading Causes of Death – Males – Non-Hispanic Black – United States, 2018 FEATURING: FoxLA,,, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : The slayings of two Australian brothers and their American friend while on a surfing trip in Mexico are "eerily similar" to the murders of an elderly San Diego couple in the Mexican state four years ago, a private investigator told FOX News Digital. Ian Hirschsohn and Kathy Harvey, a retired couple in their 70s, were killed in their vacation home in El Socorrito, a tiny beach town in Baja California, in the summer of 2020. This case immediately came to mind for Jay Armes III, who specializes in kidnappings in Mexico and works cases all over the world. According to prosecutors, Hirschsohn and Harvey were stabbed to death during a home invasion by a man who stole their bedding, according to a statement by the Baja California Attorney General's Office. They were reported missing by family members on Sept. 2, and their bodies were discovered two days later dumped in a well in a remote area of Ensenada, about 90 minutes south of the U.S.-Mexico border. Hirschsohn’s daughter identified the suspect as a member of the family that owned the ranch where her father’s vacation home was located. () From : Philadelphia police have arrested a fifth suspect in connection with a SEPTA bus stop shooting that injured eight students. Investigators have said they would be arresting more than just the four primary suspects. During a press conference on Thursday, police announced the arrest of 15-year-old Jeremiah Jefferson, who investigators said helped four others carry out the mass shooting on March 6. "We now have evidence that he was in communication with the people inside that car," said Deputy Commissioner Frank Vanore. The four other suspects, who are also in police custody, were seen on video exiting a dark-colored vehicle before the shooting began. They have been identified as 17-year-old Asir Boone, 19-year-old Jermahd Carter, 18-year-old Jamaal Tucker and 18-year-old Ahnile Buggs. ()
Oops, They Did It Again: NYPD ND | SOTG 1240
Oops, They Did It Again: NYPD ND | SOTG 1240
If the NYPD likes anything, they like their NDs. This time a member of New York’s Finest popped off a round while clearing Columbia University of phony paid protesters. What did the NYPD spokesman have to say about the incident? Tune it. During our Tech Talk from EOTech we will consider the BDC reticle. What is it and what is the best way to learn how to use it? We have an SOTG Homeroom for you from There has been yet another attack in a church. This one happened in Pennsylvania. What can you do to keep your house of worship safe? Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE NEW NICHOLAS ORR BOOK - Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:04:34] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Using a BDC Reticle High Elevation Precision Rifle 201 [0:17:00] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: How do you know when you are done with the bore? [0:29:30] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Man Tries To Shoot Pastor During Sermon, Gets Tackled Learn to Defend your Church [0:48:28] Oops, they did it again. Ken Hackathorn “I told you so” NYPD officer fired gun while clearing Columbia protest NYPD Gunfire Wounded All 9 People Injured In Empire State Building Shootout NYPD to give new recruits guns with lighter trigger pulls for improved accuracy FEATURING: Daily Wire, Legion of Michael,, ABC News,, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : A police officer accidentally fired his gun on the Columbia University campus while clearing pro-Palestinian protesters from a building on Tuesday, the New York Police Department said. No one was injured, and the bullet was found in a nearby wall. The matter is being investigated, city officials said. Police arrested 112 protesters this week after college leaders sought help clearing the Manhattan campus - a move that fractured the school community. The NYPD held a press conference on Friday to address the issue, following days of criticism for not announcing the incident when it happened three days prior. "Accidental discharges happen every single year and we average about eight a year and we don't get request [for information] on it," NYPD spokesperson Sergeant Tarik Sheppard said. () From : Police in Pennsylvania said that a man tried to murder a pastor at a church in North Braddock on Sunday while he delivered a sermon to his congregation. Police said that 26-year-old Bernard Junior Polite entered the Jesus Dwelling Place Church a little after 1 p.m. EST and “attempted to shoot the pastor as he was giving a sermon.” “Polite pointed a firearm at the pastor, attempted to shoot, but the firearm failed to discharge,” the statement said. “A congregation member took immediate action by grabbing onto Polite. The member and the pastor were able to subdue and disarm Polite. Polite was held until Troopers arrived.” The statement said that charges were filed for attempted homicide. ()
2A Sanctuary in Michigan & Tennessee Arms Teachers | SOTG 1239
2A Sanctuary in Michigan & Tennessee Arms Teachers | SOTG 1239
A township in Michigan has declared itself a 2nd Amendment sanctuary and has invited all of the adult citizens of said township to become members of a citizens’ militia. Besides the Bill of Rights, is the existence of the militia codified by law in the United States? During our SOTG Homeroom from Student of the Gun University, we will examine the new law allowing teachers and school staff members in Tennessee to be armed at work. Tennessee is not the first state to arm teachers, though, based upon the behavior of the leftwing lunatics you would think this move is unprecedented. Also, during our TechTalk from EOTech Inc. Professor Paul will address the use of a .22 rimfire cartridge as a primary self-defense tool. Is the .22LR the “best choice” for women or older Americans? Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING:,,, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:07:25] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: .22 LR Rimfire for Self-Defense? [0:31:22] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Cleaning Out Your Bore USE CODE: SOTGSPRING [0:40:42] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: TN Governor Signs Bill to Arm Teachers Militia Discussion 2A Sanctuary in Michigan Holton Township dubs itself a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ THE OHIO ADJUTANT GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT, ET AL. v. FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY, ET AL.
Fighting with a Rifle & Cambridge Cop’s Gun Just “Went Off” | SOTG 1238
Fighting with a Rifle & Cambridge Cop’s Gun Just “Went Off” | SOTG 1238
What does it mean to “fight with a rifle”? How important is training when it comes to success or survival? During our SOTG Homeroom we will consider how training will open your eyes. We have a Tech Talk from EOTech and this week we will discuss the importance of maintenance in regards to rifle or pistol mounted optical sights. Also, regarding maintenance, during our Froglube pro tip of the week we consider the cause of “sticky” or “gummy” actions. Lastly, how many times have you heard that it's okay for cops to have guns because they are expertly trained? A 37 year veteran police officer had a negligent discharge in a school bathroom and then blamed the gun. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Prof. Paul Birthday Sale! Books, Digital Training, and More! Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:04:18] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: You Have to Clean the Dust Off Occasionally [0:14:48] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: What causes a “sticky/gummy” condition in gun actions? Use Code: SOTGSPRING for 20% Off ALL CLEANERS! [0:28:01] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Training will Open your Eyes [1:03:15] Officer killed during training “accident” Corrections officer killed during exercise at Pickaway County training academy [UPDATE] Fatal shooting of Ohio Corrections officer killed during exercise at training academy is being investigated as a possible reckless homicide FEATURING: NBC4I, WTRF, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : A lieutenant was shot and killed on Tuesday during a “tragic accident” at the Corrections Training Academy in Pickaway County. Rodney Osborne was fatally shot just before 11 :30 a.m. at the academy’s tactical firing range, according to Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction director Annette Chambers-Smith. Osborne had served with the department for 13 years and worked at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Scioto County. “This appears to have been a tragic accident, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating,” said Chambers-Smith. “We ask that you keep Lt. Osborne’s wife, children, loved ones, and team members in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.” Osborne was part of the facility’s honor guard and had been named employee of the year just last week. He was also a member of the special response team and the statewide special tactics and response team. The highway patrol has yet to announce what led to the fatal shooting. ()
Hackathorn on Red Dots & Defending your Church | SOTG 1237
Hackathorn on Red Dots & Defending your Church | SOTG 1237
We brought back our friend and expert firearms instructor, Ken Hackathorn, to discuss red dot sights, specifically on handguns. Is a red dot sight on an everyday carry pistol an absolute necessity? What are the pros and cons? During our SOTG Homeroom from, we will examine the recent attack on a noted bishop in a church in Sydney, Australia. This was the second mass stabbing attack in 48 hours. For our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider capped/recessed adjustment knobs versus the external turrets. Which one is the best choice for you? Also, we have another Pro Tip from FrogLube. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:02:30] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Riflescopes - Capped/Recessed vs. External Turret to book your seat in our High Elevation Precision Rifle class [0:15:40] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Solvent or Super Degreaser? [0:23:12] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Sydney church stabbing: Boy, 16, arrested after Bishop attacked Learn to Defend your Church: [0:57:54] Ken Hackathorn on Red Dots FEATURING:, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : A 16-year-old boy has been arrested after a bishop and several churchgoers were stabbed during a sermon in Sydney. The incident happened on Monday evening at the Christ The Good Shepherd Church in the suburb of Wakeley. At least four people were stabbed but police said none of their injuries were life-threatening. The incident triggered unrest as hundreds gathered outside the church, clashing with police - two of whom were injured. Vehicles were damaged as people threw stones, bricks and bottles and, according to Reuters news agency, police fired pepper spray. Witnesses said the people gathered were demanding for the attacker to be brought outside. Police said they had responded in numbers to the incident and urged the public to keep away from the area. ()
Spring Cleaning & VUDU X from EOTech | SOTG 1236
Spring Cleaning & VUDU X from EOTech | SOTG 1236
The sun is finally out and it is time for spring cleaning. During our Froglube Pro Tips segment we will consider the term “CLP” and how it applies to keeping our guns clean. Also, we have a way for you to save money as well. For this week’s Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider another new optic in the Vudu X line; this one is a 2-12x40mm rifle scope. What is the best way to learn how to use your rifle/optic combination? Finally, being a prepared person is never a bad idea. Regardless of the potential disaster or crisis, we will always recommend that you are carrying the fundamental four each time you step out of your front door. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: Shooting News Weekly, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | SOTG GEAR STORE SPRING SALE! Books, Medical, Targets & More; [0:00:00] Support your Local Hardware Store [0:10:30] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Vudu X 2-12x40mm SFP - First Look: EOTECH’s New Vudu X Rifle Scopes How do you learn to use a rifle scope? [0:30:45] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: CLP Discussion - What Is It & Why Is It Embraced? Spring Cleaning - #sotgspring [0:56:46] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: How to Optimize our Learning [1:10:45] Be Ready for “IT”
Islamic Terrorists Drugged to Kill & No More Naked Guns | SOTG 1235
Islamic Terrorists Drugged to Kill & No More Naked Guns | SOTG 1235
Once more, we have evidence that Islamic terrorists were drugged up on captagon, the poor man’s cocaine or “chemical courage” when they slaughtered innocent people in a concert hall in Moscow. The primary question you must ask yourself is whether or not you have the skill and mindset to stand between evil and the innocent. During our Tech Talk from EOTech, we will consider a brand new optic in the LPVO arena. EOTech will be releasing the new VUDU X line very soon. Keep an eye out for a video review. Also, for our SOTG Homeroom, we have a tragic incident to report. A young girl lost her life because someone chose not to use a holster and carry a naked gun. Please, please, please, stop carrying naked guns. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Martial Application of the Rifle is coming April 20-21 & June 8-9 - [0:12:39] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: EOTech LPVO Vudu X 1-6x24 SFP [0:23:38] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Clean Your Carry Gun [0:35:36] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: ‘My world is falling apart’: Mom opens up in emotional interview after daughter killed in ‘accidental shooting’ [1:02:02] Moscow attackers ‘were high on ISIS’s favorite drug “Chemical Courage” that turned them into fearless killing machines’ FEATURING:,, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : Dearria Radley was just 13 years old when she took her last breath. The teenager died Saturday after she was shot in what police called an accidental shooting. “It hurts so much. Oh God, Jesus.” In a sit-down interview with News 2, DeAnn Radley made it clear how hard it was to hold back her tears. “Losing her. Losing her. No parent wants to bury their child and this is hard; it is hard and my heart is broken in a million pieces. It’s very hard. I just want to hold my baby,” DeAnn said. () From : ISIS terrorists turned themselves into fearless killing machines by drugging themselves before the Moscow massacre, it is understood. The drug - a favourite of the terror group known as chemical courage - disables fear, allowing its fighters to kill without any unease. Blood tests showed traces of the psychotropic substance, news outlet Baza - which has sources in Russian law enforcement, reports. The drug, known as Captagon pills, was previously used by Hamas brutes before they unleashed their barbaric assault on October 7 in Israel. Four masked gunmen stormed the venue in Moscow on Friday night before showdown hundreds of innocent concert-goers. ()
Moscow Concert Hall & Shark Attack; YOU are the First Responder | SOTG 1234
Moscow Concert Hall & Shark Attack; YOU are the First Responder | SOTG 1234
The terrorist attack at the concert hall in Moscow was horrible, but we have to examine it and learn from it. What can American citizens do and how can they prepare to deal with the threats that we are facing? During our SOTG Homeroom, from SOTGU, we will address a deadly shark attack. What could have been done differently? Could the victim have been saved? Whose responsibility is it to be prepared to save a life? Do you need an LPVO on your home defense rifle? During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we will consider that question in depth. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:02:45] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Do you need an LPVO for a home defense rifle? [0:16:00] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: Don’t mix FrogLube with Petroleum products [0:23:20] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: You are your own first responder Family of woman killed by sharks recalls daughter's last moments [0:48:50] Never go any place where they seek to disarm you More Than 130 Dead in Moscow Concert Hall Attack How the deadliest attack on Russian soil in years unfolded HB 1364 - Georgia bill introduced to protect patrons that are disarmed in a business FEATURING: Shooting News Weekly, AP News, LegiScan, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : As if we needed still another example of the dangers of creating gun-free zones, especially among a largely disarmed populace, we now have last night’s attack by rifle-wielding Islamic State terrorists on a Moscow concert hall. As in all of these situations, initial reports are frequently confused and incorrect in their details, but something known as ISIS-K, based in Afghanistan and Turkey, carried out an assault on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall concert venue apparently killing scores of people and setting the building on fire. The New York Times puts the number of dead at over 60, but a later AP report quotes Russian officials claiming current number 133 dead with many more wounded. Several camouflage-clad gunmen opened fire at a popular concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow on Friday night, killing about 60 people and wounding more than 100, Russian authorities said, making it the deadliest attack in the capital region in more than a decade. Hours after the mayhem began, the Russian national guard said its officers were still looking for the attackers. State media agencies reported that there had been up to five perpetrators. As gunshots boomed through the building containing the concert hall, one of the largest and most popular music venues in the Moscow area, fire erupted in the upper floors of the structure, and the blaze intensified after an explosion, causing the roof to collapse. ()
Carry your Medical Gear, Save a Life (SOTGU on the Road) | SOTG 1233
Carry your Medical Gear, Save a Life (SOTGU on the Road) | SOTG 1233
Do you have your medical gear on you at all times? If not, why not? We bring you a story today that might hopefully make you reconsider your stance on having medical gear readily available all the time. Because as Prof. Paul & Jarrad were on their way down to Texas, they were directly behind a rear-ending on the highway, and instantly THEY became the first responders. Speaking of Texas, SOTGU came to Texas and held the Martial Application of the Pistol class this past weekend! It was a fantastic event, and we’ve got an after action report for you to enjoy. And hey, if this conversation tickles your fancy, then why not join us for the next class?! One of Paul’s friends from his days as a feared mercenary, Shane, also sat in on the conversation, and dropped some pearls of wisdom for you to consume. Listen up, hippies! Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | Prof. Paul’s old Blackwater comrade, Shane, joins us Witnessing a Car Accident: Do you have your Medical Gear? Martial Application of the Pistol After-Action Join the Next Class: FEATURING: Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : Student of the Gun University is pleased to partner with DoubleTap Ammunition to give our students even more of a “value added” experience. All students who enroll in the Martial Application of the Pistol, the Martial Application of the Rifle, or the Martial Application of the Shotgun residency classes will receive a complimentary box of 9x19mm training ammunition from DoubleTap Ammo to use in class. This is the Flagship class at SOTGU, you should take this class FIRST when training with us. Understanding that physical skills are perishable, dedicated students take this class 1x per year. The Martial Application of the Pistol program is designed to give you an in depth and thorough overview of the pistol or handgun as a fighting instrument. In order to accomplish this task, we will consider some of the history of the modern fighting handgun as well as to apply the most important question: what is our goal? What do we hope to achieve or accomplish? It is only by examining and considering our mission, purpose, and our goal that we can undertake the task of learning and expanding our education and skill. We have endeavored to meet and exceed those criteria through the Martial Application of the Pistol program. ()
Ken Hackathorn on Lights & the State of Police | SOTG 1232
Ken Hackathorn on Lights & the State of Police | SOTG 1232
Prof. Paul and Jarrad are on the road to Tennessee to teach you hippies some classes! So to bide the time, we’re giving you the full, uncut interview that we did with Ken Hackathorn, addressing his internet breaking opinion about weapon lights. But not only that, as he and the Professor reminisce and lament about the State of Policing in the country today, and what it would take to get either of them to sign back up for that job. Spoiler Alert: You can’t afford it. So yeah, we have Ken Hackathorn on the show today, an internationally recognized trainer, to follow up on the discussion we started last week in regard to lights on handguns. There is much more than a one minute video short on YouTube. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:00:00] Ken Hackathorn, Gun Lights, and the State of Policing Sign up for a class today!
Ken Hackathorn Sets Record Straight & Is an EMP Inevitable? | SOTG 1231
Ken Hackathorn Sets Record Straight & Is an EMP Inevitable? | SOTG 1231
Is an EMP or cosmic event inevitable which will disrupt communications and electronics? We have our good friend Brian Keeney from Occam Defense on with us for the Tech Talk segment from EOTech Inc to discuss faraday bags and EMP defense. During our SOTG Homeroom we will bring on Ken Hackathorn, an internationally recognized trainer, to follow up on the discussion we started last week in regard to lights on handguns. There is much more than the one minute video short on Youtube. Also, we have a Froglube Pro Tip of the Week for you. Want your guns to run all the time? Keep them cleaned and maintained. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! FEATURING: Brian Keeney, Ken Hackathorn, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | [0:01:38] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: What’s the Real Deal with EMP Bags / Faraday Cages? (feat. Brian Keeney) [0:50:45] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: 90% of Malfunctions are caused by Improper Maintenance [0:55:54] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Ken Hackathorn & Gun Lights People tried to “Cancel” Ken over the Gun Light clip
Wargaming the American Apocalypse: What Can You Do? | SOTG 1230
Wargaming the American Apocalypse: What Can You Do? | SOTG 1230
No intellectually honest person can argue that we have allowed the United States of America to be put into a terrible, dangerous position. Hard times are coming. The question we address is what can each person do about that? We will talk about controlling those things that we can control. During our Tech Talk from EOTech, Professor Paul will consider flashlights and weaponlights. What is the difference between Lumen and Candlepower? Does it make a difference? Also, we have an SOTG Homeroom sponsored by Student of the Gun University. Paul and Jarrad will consider some controversy regarding weapon mounted lights and whether or not they are a good idea. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: | | | | [0:02:09] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Lumen vs Candlepower or “Candela” [0:20:55] Pro Tip of the Week - TOPIC: “Jarrad going to help you lube it up” [0:29:56] SOTG Homeroom - TOPIC: Lights on Guns Controversy: [0:56:46] Wargaming the Apocalypse: 4 Steps for Being Ready if the SHTF Wargaming The American Apocalypse-First Acknowledge That There is an Emergency FEATURING: Shrine Retrofits, Shooting News Weekly, Encouraging Angels, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University PARTNERS: EOTech, FrogLube, Hi-Point Firearms, Spikes Tactical FIND US ON: iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Threads, Instagram, Facebook, X SOURCES From : We would hope that the crash of AT&T services on Thursday 2/22/24 served as a wakeup call or at least as a lesson for the American masses. We are far too reliant on technology that can break down at a moment’s notice. The first cover story for the incident was a solar flare, but that did not stand up to any close scrutiny. Next up was the accidental human error story. AT&T was supposedly conducting a normal, scheduled upgrade and the system collapsed. Oops! In Europe, where Washington, D.C. does not control their media, observers are stating that the AT&T outage has all the signs of a cyberattack. In other words they think the system was hacked. Whether you choose to believe that or not, it’s interesting that within the last two weeks we have been treated to multiple reports where US intelligence services have warned about continuous hacking attempts against our communication grid. ()