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St. Wenceslaus Church – Scappoose, OR: Homilies

Homilies, sermons, Scripture reflections, preaching messages from St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Scappoose, OR (Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon)

info_outline Homily 2-2 I Stand At The Door And Knock 02/02/2025
info_outline Homily 1-26 Inviting Jesus In 01/26/2025
info_outline Homily 1-20 Jesus, I Trust In You 01/19/2025
info_outline Homily 1 - 12 Baptismal Identity 01/12/2025
info_outline Homily 1 - 5 Who's Saved and Who Isn't? 01/05/2025
info_outline Homily 12-29 The Holy Family 12/29/2024
info_outline Homily 12-25 Christmas 12/26/2024
info_outline Homily 12-22 Joyful Longing Week 4 Hospitality 12/22/2024
info_outline Homily 12-14 Joyful Longing Part 3: A Meaningful Life 12/15/2024
info_outline Homily 12 - 8 Joyful Longing: Going Inward 12/08/2024
info_outline Homily 12 - 1 Joyful Longing Part 1 12/01/2024
info_outline Homily 11-28 Gratitude in Adversity "Thanksgiving Day" 11/28/2024
info_outline Homily 11-24 An Approachable King 11/24/2024
info_outline Homily 11-17 The End of the World 11/17/2024
info_outline Homily 11-10 Firmly Anchored in Jesus Part II 11/10/2024
info_outline Homily 11-3 Anchoring Our Lives in Jesus 11/03/2024
info_outline Homily 10-27 No Costume Needed 10/27/2024
info_outline Homily 10-20 Elections and Jesus 10/20/2024
info_outline Homily 10-13 Riches 10/13/2024
info_outline Homily 10-6 Hope for the Brokenhearted 10/06/2024
info_outline Homily 9 - 29 We Are One in the Spirit 09/29/2024
info_outline Homily 9 22 Bless Them; Change Me 09/22/2024
info_outline Homily 9-15 Who is Jesus Really 09/15/2024
info_outline Homily 9-8 Be Opened 09/08/2024
info_outline Homily 9 - 1 Moderation and Balance 09/01/2024
info_outline Homily 8 25 Stay Grounded 08/25/2024
info_outline Homily 08-18-24 "The Eucharist: Nothing" Like it! 08/20/2024
info_outline Homily 8-11 Recognizing Jesus 08/11/2024
info_outline Homily 8-4 Food for the Soul 08/04/2024
info_outline Homily 7-28 No Way? . . . Or is there a way? 07/29/2024