BB2BB005 Five Characteristics #4 - Share the Passion and Engage People
BB2BB005 Five Characteristics #4 - Share the Passion and Engage People
In this episode, Dino and Simon quickly sum up the last episode and its characteristic focus which was solving problems instead of simply seeking answers; then move on to discuss the fourth characteristic of amazing and wildly successful entrepreneurs which is they share their passions and they engage with others. Others can be employees, contractors, customers, fans - essentially anyone who is around. Using this characteristic startup companies that are being performed out of a back bedroom or shed can compete with global giants on the business scale. Simon gives an example using , the founder of . Startup companies can win because they are formed by a concentrated pool of talented, passionate, and hardworking people all pulling together toward one goal/one solution. How do we get the best people possible and make sure they will work well together? Ask this question instead: why would a really great person elect to leave a very safe corporate job with benefits and start working for a fledgling startup business? Engagement Cause Mission The above-bulleted items unlock potential. The mission is what will attract people who want to help propel you forward into success because what you’re doing matters! This should not be labeled as a person’s attitude. It is their character! If you deliver your vision for your business or product and convey it with passion other people will step up. Others will engage you (as you should engage them) because they already have something you’re speaking to inside them. Selling the mission and selling the vision Impossible - Simple It is either within a person or it’s not Passion can not be manufactured If you are lacking in passion or drive it is unlikely you will successfully engage others. Dino and Simon don’t mean engage like the Human Resources checkbox definition which means essentially keeping people business. Our hots mean sharing our visions and ideas with others ie employees, partners, suppliers and so on. A lot of startups were obviously built on passion because many entrepreneurs have forgone salary in order to build a team and generate their product. Simon takes a moment to explain his new project regarding character analysis for professional sports teams. No one on his team is currently making any salary. They are being asked to invest! Why do they do it? Passion! Diven for success. They believe in the cause. They believe it will change lives. Simon takes a moment to discuss Airbnb - which relies completely on word of mouth. See a video where Brian Chesky, founder of Airbnb, describes it’s beginnings . How do these successful entrepreneurs make things happen? How do they get this high level of engagement and buy-in? Foundational characteristic from episode one: finding a problem and caring passionately about solving it Hard work - idea to tangibility Commitment Energy Engagement is relationships People want to be a part of the story In the next episode, our hosts will discuss the final characteristic of wildly successful entrepreneurs! Are you feeling lucky? “Sam Altman () says we need to create loves, not likes” “Fans will forgive far more than customers. Fans will rave about you more than customers.” “Your biggest fans will also be your biggest critics. They will give you honest feedback.” “We can’t function on our own. A team is needed.” Visit our Website!