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Surf and Sales

Everyone is looking for help in sales, yet so few are willing to give it unselfishly. Richard Harris and Scott Leese have teamed up to bring their best advice from their own life experiences, real-world job experiences, and what they see sales reps and leaders do right and, equally, do wrong so you can be the best at your craft as well. And yeah, there will be the occasional surf story.

info_outline S6E9 - Adam Jay and Dale Zwizinski - Strategy and Execution are not Mutually Exclusive 03/03/2025
info_outline S6E8 - Woody Klemetson - AI- The elephant in the room 02/24/2025
info_outline S6E7 - Mark Fleming - The Identity Crisis of Success 02/24/2025
info_outline S6E6 - Dave Brock - From IBM to Wu Tang how random conversations get you there 02/10/2025
info_outline S6E5 - Tobi Oluwole - Only data or dollars will tell you if you're right. 02/10/2025
info_outline S6E4 - Joel Graber - Why Only 8% of Outsourced Sales Shops are any Good 01/27/2025
info_outline S6E3 - Brian Smith - Non Monetary Measures of Success in sales 01/27/2025
info_outline S6E2 - Jason Moss - The two critical elements required for content creation 01/13/2025
info_outline S6E1 - Leslie Venetz - Outbound that isn't gross 01/13/2025
info_outline S5E44 - Kristi Faltorusso - We're all thinking too small. 11/18/2024
info_outline S5E43 - Gabe Lullo - When will the SDR role officially die? 11/18/2024
info_outline S5E42 - Patrick Joyce - Network first, AI last 11/18/2024
info_outline S5E40 - Kathleen Booth - The People Are the Product 11/11/2024
info_outline S5E41 - Adam Robinson - The advantages of building in public. 11/11/2024
info_outline S5E39 - Patrick Monnot: The Elusive Founder/Sales Leader Goal Alignment 11/04/2024
info_outline S5E38 - Chris Karger - Most Underrated Skill in Sales. 11/04/2024
info_outline S5E37 - Luke Wilson - It takes more than hustle 10/28/2024
info_outline S5E36 - Devon Hennig negotiating the salary without fear 10/21/2024
info_outline S5E35 - Appy Choudhary - How far your xDR should qualify first meetings. 09/30/2024
info_outline S5E34 - Mike Lander - How to leverage procurement to your advantage in sales 09/23/2024
info_outline S5E33 - Ben Wright - The 5 Step Prospecting Framework 09/16/2024
info_outline S5E32 - Atul and Sai of Hyperbound Why the better product doesn't always win. 09/09/2024
info_outline S5E31 - Adam Smith - The easy parts of keeping humans in the sales process 09/02/2024
info_outline S5E30 - Alyson Baber - Insights Into Sales Leadership in 2024 08/26/2024
info_outline S5E29 - Katie Chatterton - What is sales enablement in 2024? 08/19/2024
info_outline S5E28 - Janice B Gordon - The future of sales is downsizing 08/12/2024
info_outline S5E27 - Manuel Hartmann Optimizing $0-$1m, $1m-3m, and $3m-$10m 08/05/2024
info_outline S5E26 - Rhasheeda Hughes - The Queen of Sales 07/29/2024
info_outline S5E25 - Shawn Rhodes - What makes exceptional sales people exceptional 07/22/2024
info_outline S5E24 - Meshell Baker - the value of vocalizing frustration vs being negative 07/08/2024