ReRun: Clay Scroggins | How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
ReRun: Clay Scroggins | How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
Hey friends, quick note about today’s episode. While I’m not a break from the show and social media to creatively rest and write book 2, I’m running reruns of some past Surviving Sarah episodes. If you need to get in touch with me, head over to my . You can click the contact button and your email will be sent to me. I will still be writing my monthly Survival Kit newsletter which is a great way to stay connected to you while I’m on hiatus from the show and social media. You can sign up for that through my as well. And of course, you can purchase my book, , from your favorite retailer. If you are planning to read the book as a part of a book club, let me know because I’d love to join you virtually. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this rerun episode. Clay wrote a book last year called . And let’s be honest, so many of us are leading somewhere—in our home, in our work, in our church, in our schools. Each one of us has the ability to leverage influence yet many of us are stuck waiting to be given the authority to lead rather than tapping into the influence that we have. So we talk about the difference between authority and influence, the challenges that keep us from tapping into our influence, how to survive working for someone you don’t respect, what to do when you crave more influence, and how understanding our identity is crucial in cultivating influence.