TehachaPod's Eye on the Capitol-Post Election Edition
TehachaPod's Eye on the Capitol-Post Election Edition
Eye on the Capitol is an informative look at State and National issues that impact your life in Tehachapi. From new proposals, new laws and even future legislation, we do the research and pass on that information while you go about your life. On this special post-election edition, what happens between now and January 20, 2025 when President-Elect Donald Trump takes the oath of office? The steps, the nominations for leadership and the process for the transition of power. Plus, the fate of the 22nd State Assembly seat after Congressman Vince Fong wins both the election to Congress, and the State Assembly, plus, updates on how each State Proposition did in the election, what implementation will look like for what was approved. And, Governor Newsom reacts to a second Trump administration with some fear and planning, while the California Air Resources Control Board further advances air quality, what that could mean for your pocketbook and future motorhome purchases.