27 Exploring Natural Healing Of Autism Symptoms
27 Exploring Natural Healing Of Autism Symptoms
Guest Karen Thomas is a mom and the author of "Naturally Healing Autism: The Complete Step-by-Step Resource Handbook for Parents.” She is passionate about spreading the possibility of drug-free recovery and is set to help parents whose children are on the autism spectrum get natural recovery. This passion was born out of her personal experience. She went through a long research process to get help for her son, who now lives without autistic symptoms. Topics Discussed Karen shares how her experience as a Cranial Sacral Therapist helped her to ignore the traditional treatment advice for Autism she got and sought to find a lasting treatment for her son. When my son was diagnosed with Autism, now 17 years ago, I was told to drug him and try behavioral therapies but I didn't want to do that because I wanted to find out what the causes were, not just mask symptoms, especially with dangerous drugs. My background is that I have been a Cranial Sacral Therapist for over 20 years, which means I work on the bones of the head to balance the brain, and I have extensive courses and research on the brain. So I knew when my son was diagnosed that the brain can and does heal, but I didn't know that much about autism, so I began, like most parents on the journey, seeking various therapists and practitioners and people. Some challenging experiences He had extreme oppositional defiance, extreme OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trouble sleeping, would wake up screaming from stomach ache at 3 am, and constant headaches. I mean, everything was just pointing to these issues of health and behaviors. I knew that the behaviors had a lot to do with health, so I started to work with them, and today you wouldn't even imagine he could ever act in that aggressive way that he used to or have the irritability that he used to because today, he is so calm and easy going and kind and relaxed. Karen shares how she overcame gut inflammatory problems by curating a proper diet plan for her son. The gut controls the brain and controls the immune system. So if your child is always sick, it leads to a gut issue, which is why we need to start from the gut. We also need to start with detoxification support and pathway because even the dietary changes alone are going to start killing off the bad bacteria, and there is a work term that's called “die of” When these bad bacteria die off, they start to release more toxins, so you can see an increase in worsened behaviors of your child and this is happening. You have to support the detoxification pathway better with binders and mutational support. The starting point of a detoxification process and Keren's experience with her son. My food guide is the best resource to start looking at, and it explains why you want to remove these specific foods and the purpose behind them. When we have more education, we tend to take more responsibility, and knowledge helps us know why we want to continue pursuing it because it can be challenging… So for my son, I noticed that he started sleeping better and that was good because there were so many ups and downs that I didn't know then, that I do now, that I can lead parents now correctly through. Karen talks about diet change and creating substitutes for autistic children. I think if you switch to organic foods, that will help a lot even if in the beginning, you are getting an organic chicken nugget and it still has the gluten covering on it, things like that but at least, you are not getting the antibiotics and hormones and additional pesticides because our kids are already so toxic… So just start making some substitutions, it will be a process of trial and error to find the things that your child will eat and like. Recap ● It is okay to refuse to accept the status quo when your child's health is concerned, no matter how long it will take, keep doing your research, and you will eventually get a break. ● Every child's level of recovery is different and the definition is to regain health. ● There are 4 stages of detoxification: Dietary changes, Heavy metal detox, clearing co-infections, and finding supplements. These stages have to be followed in the correct order for effective results. Subscribe Now & Leave a Review , ,, & Visit our Website Follow Us: Connect with Karen (@recoveringautism)