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Bible Teachings from Pastor Ron Hessel

Welcome to The Bible for Everyday Life, where we explore the big questions in the Bible but only have some of the answers. If you’re like us, you’ve come across stuff in the Bible that just seems weird. Sometimes the more people try to explain it the weirder it gets. Maybe you’re just skeptical about Christianity, the Bible and organized church. We get it. So are we. If you’re looking for straight talk, no clichés, and a logical discussion to all things scriptural, consider subscribing to this podcast, where we go beyond the easy answers, the weird answers and cliches, to discover what God really intends for us, in the 21st century, to learn from the Bible. Join us as we raise questions, challenge the status quo, and discover a loving God who is crazy about His kid's everyday lives. Each week we’ll publish a new episode that will be easily searchable by seasons. Be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss out on a user friendly, non-crazy approach to discovering The Bible for Everyday Life.

info_outline 02: 8 Gifts of a Passionate Life - The Gift of Slowing 12/01/2024
info_outline 01: 8 Gifts of a Passionate Life - The Gift of Celebration 12/01/2024
info_outline 03: Is it Time to Glow Up? - Train Smarter not Harder 12/01/2024
info_outline 01: Is it Time to Glow Up? - Do I really need to change? 12/01/2024
info_outline 03: Jesus the God - The Cross: The Ultimate Anti - virus 12/01/2024
info_outline 02: Jesus the God - Jesus’ Last Words 12/01/2024
info_outline 01: Jesus the God - Understanding God 12/01/2024
info_outline 10: When You’re not sure you want to believe - Practicing the Existence of God 12/01/2024
info_outline 09: When You’re not sure you want to believe – The Eyes Have It 12/01/2024
info_outline 05: When You’re not sure you want to believe - Looking Beyond Sin 12/01/2024
info_outline 06: When You’re not sure you want to believe – Can any good come out of guilt 12/01/2024
info_outline 01: When You’re not sure you want to believe -- Romantic Love is Crazy ... in a good way! 12/01/2024
info_outline 03: Starting with where we are -- Spiritual Styles? 09/21/2024
info_outline 02: Starting with where we are -- Where are we now? 09/14/2024
info_outline 01: Starting with where we are -- What is the future telling us now? 09/07/2024
info_outline 04: Christmas in the OT -- God Never Changes 07/06/2024
info_outline 03: Christmas in the OT -- Christmas is about Peace 06/29/2024
info_outline 02: Christmas in the OT -- Christmas is about Deliverance 06/22/2024
info_outline 01: Christmas in the OT -- Christmas Started in the Garden 06/15/2024
info_outline 09: It’s In The Bible Somewhere, Isn’t It? --Don’t be so judgy? 06/07/2024
info_outline 08: It’s In The Bible Somewhere, Isn’t It? -- Dead people go to a better place? 05/31/2024
info_outline 07: It’s In The Bible Somewhere, Isn’t It? -- God Brings Good Luck? 05/24/2024
info_outline 06: It’s In The Bible Somewhere, Isn’t It? -- Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide 05/17/2024
info_outline 05: It’s In The Bible Somewhere, Isn’t It? -- Everything Happens for a Reason? 05/10/2024
info_outline 04: It’s in the Bible somewhere, isn’t it? -- Raise up a Child and He won't stray 05/03/2024
info_outline 03: It’s in the Bible somewhere, isn’t it? -- God has a Blueprint for your Life 04/29/2024
info_outline 02: It’s in the Bible somewhere, isn’t it? -- Forgive and Forget? 12/22/2023
info_outline 01: It’s in the Bible somewhere, isn’t it? -- All you need is faith? 12/15/2023
info_outline 05: Jesus Never Gives Up --Job and the nature of Man 12/08/2023
info_outline 04: Jesus Never Gives Up --Job and the nature of Satan 12/01/2023