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Unfriendly Black Hotties

Christina and Kamille (The Hotties) are here to give you global takes on higher ed, books, TV, movies, fashion, culinary arts, and whatever the hell else they feel like.

info_outline Falderal & Fiddle-Dee-Dee 02/17/2021
info_outline Hotties Classic: Let Us T'Challa Atcha 02/03/2021
info_outline What's Your Kink? 01/20/2021
info_outline The Pumps Will Buy You Time 01/06/2021
info_outline Aggressively Middling, Oppressively Long 12/23/2020
info_outline The Cookie in the Room 12/09/2020
info_outline We're Crowning 11/25/2020
info_outline So, That Happened. 11/11/2020
info_outline Flavor-Blasted Hotties 10/21/2020
info_outline One Fame-O, Please 10/07/2020
info_outline Meat, the Final Frontier 09/23/2020
info_outline A Pretty Gay Episode 09/09/2020
info_outline Himbos and Hot Sauce 09/02/2020
info_outline Booty Hunter 08/19/2020
info_outline They Were On A Break 08/05/2020
info_outline Brain Worms 01/15/2020
info_outline Mommi V. Mommi 11/13/2019
info_outline Proverbial Teat 10/09/2019
info_outline J.Lo, Step On My Neck 09/25/2019
info_outline Cory and the Cop 04/03/2019
info_outline Oh, THAT Tesseract 03/13/2019
info_outline Down in the DMs 02/06/2019
info_outline Holiday Smut Spectacular 12/05/2018
info_outline Snitchin' Sarahs 11/21/2018
info_outline Blood Stew 10/31/2018
info_outline #DumpHim 10/17/2018
info_outline Space Twins & Pleasure Zones 10/03/2018
info_outline Don't Say Taco 09/19/2018
info_outline Jupiter's Bathtub 09/05/2018
info_outline Vladimir Poutine 08/08/2018