All Rise Up - A Podcast To Support Your Business and Life
This podcast has been created to share powerful conversations around health, wealth and sovereignty. Alice Nicholls is a rebel nutritionist, e-Commerce fangirl, digital business owner and adventure enthusiast. 'You're not old until age becomes your excuse'. Today, more than ever, cultivating self-reliance across health, wealth, home and environment is pivotal to being able to thrive in these areas. Within current societal constructs, moving with the majority will see you live a life vastly less than your highest potential. Run from the majority. Be uncommon. Listen to conversations on the topic of business, wealth, health, the earth, nutrition and self-reliance and let us All Rise Up.
Ep. 55. You're wasting your time.
Ep. 55. You're wasting your time.
In this episode, I’m answering a question presented to me about the best way to build a doTERRA business with little ones around. It’s a ‘riff’ episode and I lay-it-down a little on : Why you’re probably wasting your time (your audience’s time and your kids time too). A reminder about what the 1% do. The exact areas of your business to focus on to be successful Why most people won’t do what it takes even with the ‘blueprint’. I also share with you what I believe your first goal should be (so that your wildest vision actually comes to fruition). The rest, I can’t remember. Its school holidays. My brain is mush.
Ep. 54 - Be the Un-professional. Break the rules.
Ep. 54 - Be the Un-professional. Break the rules.
I recorded this episode a week ago and like usual, will publish without listening so that I don't over-think my art, or thoughts. This goes a long way to consistent output for me and it's this that supports my nervous system best. Launch, produce, curate, create, PRESS GO DON'T WAIT. Some of the topics: Can we talk about doing things in an ‘unprofessional’ manner? Can we launch before we are ready? Can we remember that the only narrative of our lives is the one we create and that we get to adjust this at ANY TIME and re-write the ending we’d already envisaged. It is not locked and loaded. Life is an evolution and we get to drive. Exposure therapy and a personal story of surrendering to the consequences of my own actions. (Can we communicate our way out of a situation we maybe 'over-communicated' into? I think in my instance, no. So I weeped but did not wallow my friends). Also, checking in on my 'shields' and what I would have done in the past in my moments of 'cringe'. We will joining together to learn our 'shields' during The Altar next year; a 10 month exclusive community program I am working on. Register interest here: The #1 regret of the dying. WHY has this not changed the way the majority of us live our lives. Let’s unpack this. (hint: consciousness…. get awake!) I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. "This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it. Shields and The Altar information (Launching in Nov): Register Interest here: And more. Always more. Spotify playlist: Songs to weep to 🤣: Book by Bonnie Ware:
Ep. 53 - Are You Investing in your Future Vision + more stories from the floor
Ep. 53 - Are You Investing in your Future Vision + more stories from the floor
This is a podcast episode on stories and topics that have been on my mind this week. I’ve loosely considered what is happening in my life this week, in my business, and things that are inspiring thought within me. I also chat about a polarising ad on the inter webs and whilst I thought about adding a disclaimer and MORE info on the nuance I see after the initial record, I have left it as is. If you do not agree with what I have said or what my opinion is (or comes across as) for whatever reason, I do want you to know I understand there is nuance to this topic and if you think I’m wrong then that is okay and you’re right. These are simply our truths. Links/Notes to people and podcasts I have spoken about in this podcast: Huberman Lab podcast with Dr. Peter Attia Diary of a CEO podcast with Steven Bartlett The Joe Rogan Experience with Alex Berenson The Joe Rogan Experience Photographer Roshini McCartin Instagram: Business Coach Rachel McDonald - Instagram Space-holder + facilitator Claire O’beid with - Atunement - Instagram Four Seasons Journey, School of Shamanic Womancraft.
Ep. 52. 'How the fuck did we get here?' with Christina Austin
Ep. 52. 'How the fuck did we get here?' with Christina Austin
We are joined for the third time (taking the record for most 'chatted-to' guest on this podcast) with @TheAlmostHippy, Christina Austin to talk about… look, I can’t remember much to be honest. (You'll have to listen to the info in podcast intro on why my memory may be a little short…) I am ‘pretty sure’ the podcast included some of the below; and I know that within these topics that there’s a lot of reading between the lines that needs to be done. It’s explicit, so, warning, no kiddies around unless you’re loose at parenting like us. How the last three years have changed us. How we show up online. Revenue streams and businesses online. Authenticity. Polarising topics and passion for potential. Fear and what holds women back. Please go give Christina a follow and standby for what is sure to be incredible business content coming from her in the future.
Ep. 51. The Label That Could Have Killed Me + Secret Women's Business
Ep. 51. The Label That Could Have Killed Me + Secret Women's Business
There 'were' two things I wanted to share with you today and an audio was required for the first because I didn't know how to write it down. I've shared with you before that speaking is often more truthful through me to you than writing, because I don't censor myself and I never edit (this isn't always a great thing🤪) so more unfiltered reality comes through. I wanted to share *some* of the magic and secret women's business that happened last week over the Full Moon Gathering of the Four Seasons Journey in the School of Shamanic Womancraft that I am a part of (what a mouthful). Two instagram videos of some of the energy of these experiences are here: 1. 2. I wanted to share a link to a podcast that I just listened to and got value out of with Steven Bartlett and Africa Brook where she speaks to not identifying as the token 'oppressed woman of colour'. A discussion on labels came out and I really appreciated the truth that was shared in the power of labels. I wanted to invite you to empower yourself with one that works positively for you. Holly got in the car when I was listening to a section where Africa shares her experience with changing her world from porn-sex to the reality of orgasms without ejaculation, and while I asked if she'd be open to listening with me that got a big N.O. (I'm gonna make things weird as a Mum aren't I?). What I didn't plan on sharing was a memory of an experience I went through more recently than not where I was improperly labelled with something that could have killed me in the vulnerable state I was in. I didn't plan on how decades of us being 'good girls' can place us in dangerous places to be manipulated and intimidated by people in 'perceived' positions of power. Here is the link to the audio. I am so grateful to be here with you. I cannot wait to meet you in a space I facilitate in the future. Let's grow parallel together. X
Ep. 50: The - current - world of my world + business
Ep. 50: The - current - world of my world + business
- A brilliantly effective 3 hour branding and marketing masterclass based on a $10.50 croissant. Money - The World of My Business - I mentioned: Hiro Bogo - Jane Hardwicke Collings -
Instant Wealth Creation, While Running
Instant Wealth Creation, While Running
Welcome back to new podcast episodes of the All Rise Up Podcast. A podcast to support your business and life. Episode 49. As a pre-curser to this episode, the sound will, once again, be interesting. You'll hear why when I share where I was recording this episode. It CAN be done like this. I feel honest when I speak, I feel in FLOW when I am moving. If I can't record a podcast while running (the panting may bother you), I'll record it while driving. ;) This one anyway. Within this episode I share what may be the direct results of wealth embodiment work, while running. Unpacking the connection between generational and cellular wealth stories, my own comfort zone in a high-percentile of wealth and the question I asked myself about expansion and creation, and how a $10.50 croissant sparked the launch of a new Masterclass, just for fun. Because business gets to be like that. I am so happy to be back! Let's have some fun with this podcast again. LUNE Sales Page: LUNE Direct purchase link: Tori Washington - Wealth Embodiement
Ep. 48. An invitation to your earth-based home-coming
Ep. 48. An invitation to your earth-based home-coming
SYMBIOSIS: Instagram: Newsletters for your ears: If we consciously create space to be in communion with nature, She will reciprocate with healing and wealth through both our physical and emotional bodies. This will support us to understand her, we, us. The process and the power within all that is. If we are led towards disconnect from this relationship with Mother Earth (and it can only be led - by others and unconscious self - as our own animal nature is completely aware of where we need focus), we cannot understand, and so we fear instead.
And where there is fear, we place a divide between it and us. Mother Earth and us.
So; us and us. The most trusting, powerfully anchored human beings I know are in reverence with Mother Earth and therefore self. This isn’t an accident. When we consciously connect with nature, scarcity, lack, and hopelessness can’t survive. When we understand this, we can lead ourselves out of fear. When we do this, we are the most powerful animals on earth.
Ep 47 - Making sense of the unsubstantiable with Nat Kringoudis.
Ep 47 - Making sense of the unsubstantiable with Nat Kringoudis.
In this juicy long-form conversation, we range from speaking of the (I would say) perfect and magical and ‘of course’ unsubstantiated medicine that Nat is a practitioner of, and Nat’s way of truly listening to understand paths of care for her clients. I love how open Nat is to having hard conversations in public with people who disagree with her, and hearing her approach to this is an important part of the conversation. Nat also shares openly about the reason she was suspended from practicing an area of health that she is both qualified in and passionate about. From nuts, to podcasts, eCourses, eBooks, published books and… err… interesting candles (listen to find out what type of candle Nat launched and sold out of twice!), hear how Nat qualifies the type of products she puts out into the world and how she views the importance of up-levelling in business and the importance of women being open to accessing not only multiple income streams but higher potential and creativity in a world that is due to be shaken up by an inevitable economic crash. I loved this chat with Nat and I hope you do to! If you get value out of this podcast, please pop a share on your social media so others may benefit. Go give Nat some love and thanks so much for listening.
Powerful decisions in hard times, self-honour and un-branding with Brittany Eastman
Powerful decisions in hard times, self-honour and un-branding with Brittany Eastman
Powerful decisions in hard times, self-honour and un-branding with Brittany Eastman. I had the honour of chatting with the ineffable Brittany Eastman I had the honour of chatting with the ineffable Brittany Eastman recently in a long ranging conversation. We started with her sharing openly about her experience travelling Internationally from new Zealand to Western Australia - mask-free - with her little ones during a time when there wasn’t another soul bucking the directives and honouring their rights. We touched on the birth process - of life and business - the medicalised maternity model and forging new paths and new beliefs in a world gone mad. We also touched on the process of business, coaching and focus Brittany brings to her clients and to her creative expressions as the bridge between women, their art, and knowing their sovereign worth in a world full of copy-cats. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed sitting in conversation with Brittany. Please go give her a follow, share the podcast if you got value out of it, and if her creative projects call to you, pop yourself on her waitlists to be notified of their next launch. You can find this magic human here:
Change your State with Jordan Potts
Change your State with Jordan Potts
I have been wanting to sit down with Jordan Potts from Exalto Holistic Hub and Felt Retreats since I met him at a performance breath-work session last year. His work with the breath, and with holistic, functional fitness and strength with kids to adults is not just inspiring, but is rich in long-term wellbeing, rather than the disposable churn and burn we see so much in the health and fitness industry. We chat about: How events our of our control can change the course of our lives from a young age The energy of having the same lessons show up until we are willing to face them Disposable fitness and health vs. true, longterm health and fitness Breathwork and the four models of breath-work Jordan practices The four pillars of self-practice and reliance that can take any person from victim to ownership of self The power of self-love, self-worth and gratitude and so much more. You can find Jordan (and I sincerely hope you do!) over on these channels: _____________ If you like this podcast, please share it on. It may help support someone else. If you LOVED it, please take a moment to rate the podcast in your podcast app. It helps to deliver the content to more people in the world who want support with health, wealth, self-reliance, and self-love and it would mean the world to us. Alice. X
Become the Boss of your Money with Ana Pereira
Become the Boss of your Money with Ana Pereira
I get the pleasure of sitting down with Ana Pereira to chat about becoming the boss of your money in a new world, and merge the action and energy of women and abundance and make our money work for us. Please note this is a conversation between two adults and not in any way meant to be offered as financial advice. Please seek professional assistance if required when making decisions about your finances or wealth and investing, as any topic discussed on this podcast is personal and not offered as direction for you. Any money’s won or lost through using the information that you hear in this podcast is of no responsibility on either podcast guest. TOPICS WE DISCUSS IN THIS PODCAST: What is the IMF (international monetary fund)? Inflation and how this affects the dollar (and how this affects countries who are already seeing insane inflation). What is rent-vesting? What does this look like and why is this a great way of increasing your longterm passive wealth portfolio. Is being debt free important? Is there good and bad debt? Will your super be able to give you the lifestyle you want to have when you’re at that age. Covid and the market crash nobody spoke about. Covid-19 as a cover for financial disruption. What is inflation - money printing and the psychology of people Super. Where to invest and what we need to be aware of and potentially change to make the most of our super. Is our money in the bank safe? Are cash-savings important or valuable? An emergency fund. What happens when the bank crashes and there’s ‘Bail-in’. Why we’ll no longer need commercial banks Precious metals - Gold and Silver - Why Ana sees this an insurance policy against Crypto and the Fiat currency. Why Gold and silver? If you had $1000 to spend on either gold, silver or crypto, what would you spend it on and where would you get it? Where to buy your Gold or Silver What is crypto-currency? Third party danger when transacting in the current environment. What do people need to know before investing in crypto-currency? Who should and who shouldn’t get into crypto. And so much more! ♥️ Please tag me and a Taking radical responsibility on your awareness and knowledge creation. Three top tips: Invest in yourself and your education on money (what’s coming in and out) Manage your money mindset because this is what will trip you up. Work out where you want your money to come from LINKS TO TOPICS REFERENCED AND HOW TO FIND ANA PEREIRA / : - $5 from either purchase of Money Mindset Matters or the 1:1 sessions are donated to Indigenous Literacy Foundation. -
Wealth Sovereignty, borrowing from the future and questioning the status quo with Christina Austin
Wealth Sovereignty, borrowing from the future and questioning the status quo with Christina Austin
This is the first episode of the All Rise Up Podcast of 2021 and we kick off with our second chat with Christina Austin from We chat health, wealth, and sovereignty, plus the 'RDI' of the current environment and why it's so important to be conscious of who is driving your personal decisions around spending. (Hint, up until now, it's probably not you). Other quick topics: If you weren’t chained to debt, what would the last year have looked like for you? Retail business vs. MLM and the mindset on this Mortgages, the university industry and debt in our early 20’s Why doing the right thing means we will always end up broke and needing more The Advocate Planner What is means to 'Borrow from the future' Why we don’t think mortgages are bad N’kay? (Or are they?) Questioning the belief systems we have always have when it comes to money What does spending ‘Double-time’ even mean? Why 'being in the range' of a healthy life is so disempowering A secret part of the show Alice should absolutely have cut out and totally forgot. (eeep) The negative effects of women being taught to be 'good girls' their whole lives. Crypto-currency, Bitcoin and digital currency (and why you should not listen to our 'not financial advice'). 'Work-guilt' and shame and how they drive your life Christina on her view on 'wealth' for her and her husband Quentin. “For true wealth, I have to love what I’m doing, and he has to love what he’s doing. Christina: 'How can you focus on and prioritise your own small space and become self-reliant?' It would mean the world to me if you'd share this podcast episode because inspiring more self-reliant women means a better, healthier future for all of us.
Ep. 42: The Value Chain
Ep. 42: The Value Chain
I sit with three leaders in doTERRA and ask about their experiences on the doTERRA Co-impact sourcing trip to Guatamala, held in Nov 2019. I learn exactly what it feels like to play a role in the Value Chain that this opportunity gifts us (and what that even means). Cherie Birks: "Standing in a warehouse full of Cardamom in Guatemala today, I tried to wrap my head around how to best describe this week to you. ⠀ ⠀ As the dried, crushed pods were being distilled, the strong heady scent reminded of the people we’d met along the unique process. ⠀ ⠀ ‘High quality people’ was a term that was used but so few words in the English language could come close to communicating those qualities. ⠀ ⠀ I am forever changed, for their stories are now our stories. " Instagram: Danyel Waters: "So here’s the thing. I truly believe that most human beings want to leave this earth knowing they’ve made an impact. The width of that impact is variable depending on how big they think and what they feel they are capable of. For me, finding out the lengths dōTERRA go to to ensure that the oil they source isn’t just the most potent, purist & highest quality but to ensure that WHERE they source it from will have the biggest positive effect on the communities who grow the plants we produce these oils from, was a HUGE selling factor. We live in the day and age where we, as consumers are becoming more savvy on just how big a role the dollars we spend can impact the wider world. Most people will understand now, that when you choose to buy cheap mass produced clothing, you’re choosing to support slave labour & brutal working conditions abroad. That when you buy the $1 milk & bread, you’re supporting the corporate giants who are ripping the livelihood of the farming industry to shreds. That when you give no thought to where your food, clothing or household products are sourced before you’re purchasing, you’re handing over your money with ignorance to the personal power YOU have to create change. If we, as a collective, began to exercise our conscious choice to stand behind those game changers out there who are producing fair trade goods, or choosing organic farming methods over chemically tainted profits, who are striving to improve the supply chain for ALL of us, we would witness a ripple effect that has the ability to touch every corner of the globe. Let me share an example of this, where I’ve seen my personal dollar & the dollars of my own customers make a difference this past week. My husband and I were given the opportunity to visit Guatemala on a Co-Impact Sourcing trip, a part of the world we would never have considered to travel otherwise, to see the supply chain of one of the essential oils we sell, Cardamom. Cardamom grows natively in Guatemala, with its biggest consumer being the spice traders. The essential oil industry only purchases 5% of Guatemala’s cardamom. Prior to dōTERRA’s & it’s partnership with Choice Humanitarians influence in the cardamom producing chain, growers, local families with larger plots, were making on average 80,000 Quetzals a year (equivalent to around AUD$15,000 a year). With the efforts of Choice Humanitarian and the backing of dōTERRA, those families now can earn up to 200,000 quetzals a year ( approx AUD$36,000 per year). That’s just by showing them how to grow a plant by seed so that it will produce fruit for years longer than growing from a cutting. By showing them how to harvest so that the yield of cardamom will be higher and fetch a better price. By showing them how to grow & produce other crops on the same land in cardamoms off season. By showing them how to grow a business that can be handed down through generations and the ripple effect felt for decades to come. By paying the farmers a fair & just price and reducing the instances of middle men or “coyotes” as they are referred to there, who pay the least they can for the produce, just to onsell it at a higher rate to another coyote, inflating the price sometimes 9 times over before it actually makes it to market. These improvements to the value chain along with the community projects that dōTERRA are involved in there, such as helping to build a water system to deliver fresh water to rural Guatemalan communities or helping in the construction of a Education Centre where community members can learn skills to help them become employable & propel them out of poverty, were what we witnessed in just one corner of the world that DōTERRA are working in. Multiple that by 48 others countries and you’ll start to understand the magnitude of the positive ripple effect that this company are having on the wider world. THIS is the kind of personal power YOU have by voting with your dollar and spending it with businesses and companies who actually gives a fk about the world. THIS is the dōTERRA Difference. And why we choose to proudly partner & create waves of change alongside them. 🌿 Instagram: Deanne Howard: My mind was blown by the transparency, sustainability and heart that is displayed by the owners at our partner distillery. The processes and sustainability they have created is the first of its kind. They are the world leaders in creating environmental neutral essential oils. Now that I have followed this process from the farmers to the distillery it helps me to truely understand why doTERRA oils are so powerful because there is integrity and heart in every step. I feel so blessed to be partnered with DoTERRA. Instagram:
Ep. 41. The Break-Through Stuff - Sweary episode on David Goggins, triathlon and backing yourself.
Ep. 41. The Break-Through Stuff - Sweary episode on David Goggins, triathlon and backing yourself.
Another car session episode - so excuse the 'foggy sounds' and exclamations from me on other road users... ;). I unpack what's happening in my world and talk about doing hard things. Which we can all do. And be better for it. Also. I am sorry for swearing so much in this one. Cars + passion + the influence of David Goggins had me cussin' like a sailor.
Ep. 40: We don't need more motivation
Ep. 40: We don't need more motivation
This is a generation and an age of personal improvement. We all seem to want to do better, aim higher, live more, live greater. We have life goals or business goals, however for the majority of us, these are not being met or achieved or 'lived'. The data available today says that in the Western World, as a whole, we're feeling like our lives aren't satisfactory. We wish we could do more. We want to live a different life than the one we have today. We tend to focus on becoming more motivated. But what if it was the force of the motivation we already have that was holding us back? In this episode, I unpack why we don't need more motivation to live our dreams. How to buy doTERRA Essential Oils
Ep. 39: Who are you now you get to choose? You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of you on this planet.
Ep. 39: Who are you now you get to choose? You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of you on this planet.
You are God in a physical body. You are spirit in the flesh. You are eternal life expressing itself as you. You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are perfection. You are magnificent. You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of you on this planet. - Rhonda Byrne I'm questioning a lot of old belief's right now and I feel this is a good place to be for me right now. There's a lot of joy and creativity and expansion in my life right now because I am choosing to feel into that. What personality trait is holding you back that have you believed yourself into. + A PLUG THAT WILL HELP YOUR HEALTH We are hosting 9V9 and the Gallbladder Flush again: Enrol here NOW (we commence May 13th 2019)
Ep. 38: Christina Austin. 'The best thing an Indigenous woman can do in this business is be seen'
Ep. 38: Christina Austin. 'The best thing an Indigenous woman can do in this business is be seen'
"The best thing an indigenous woman can do in this business is be seen." - Christina Austin I've never felt more unqualified to share before and at the same time more calm in this because I am ready to grow from what I don't know. In today's episode of The All Rise Up Podcast, I'm interviewing Christina Austin. You'll find her at @Thealmosthippie on Instagram. I learned in our convo, as you will, that this woman doesn't know how to not be authentic. She doesn't have time for it and the whole idea seems pretty tiring to her. She's a mumma bear to 2 beautiful girls Harper + Ayla, which makes Christina a cuddle monster, a top negotiator, a referee, a cook, a cleaner, a driver, an art critic, a builder of barbie houses, and a healer. Christina is also a Diamond Leader partnering with doTERRA. As a preface to this podcast, I want to share that at the time I'm sharing this live with you, that the recordings are three weeks old. I don't edit podcast episodes much. As you may know I want real-raw-un-edited convos in the world. But this one was a little different, which I'll explain in a moment. So on the day I was editing this episode, three weeks after the last recording of it, there was a terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand which killed 49 defenceless New Zealanders, praying in their mosque. There was a great deal of anger around how the story of the massacre was portrayed in the media, and Christina herself was vocal about this across her social media channel. While living in Western Australia now, Christina is a Maori from New Zealand and the events that occurred 3 days ago have rocked her. The terrorist was a white Australian man. Those he massacred were Muslim's. The topic of white supremacy & privilege were voiced by powerful voices like Christina's in the media and of course, rebuffed by others. I realise now that for me, the politicisation of events like these feel like they're on a pendulum. Something happens, the topic gets heated, then it swings away. From me. Because of my privilege. Because of something I'd never even thought of before. Again, privilege. For Christina though, this topic is one she's passionate about, and one that is hers on a cellular level. Her fierce stance is like hot blood in her veins. I bring this information to the front of this podcast because when I interviewed Christina, we did something I never have with previous interviewees. We recorded two conversations on two seperate days. The first was epic. You'll hear it for yourself in a moment. I freakin' LOVED IT. Before the first interview, I'd asked my own Diamond Leaders what they'd be interested in hearing from Christina and one of my gals Danyel Waters, who'd spent time with Christina on a doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing trip to Nepal, said I had to get her talking about her passion for being a voice in her community for indigenous women. Amongst other topics of importance. In the first conversation we recorded, I skirted the edges of these questions knowing that if Christina wanted to bring this to the table, it was set and ready, and she did, in part, bring conversations that I had never considered before to me, and to us. After we recorded the first part of this podcast, Christina realised that the platform was open for more, and we later recorded another hour where we got deeper into these topics. I got schooled in these recordings. I realise I have no qualification to speak about white privilege. I realised I had no fuc*ing idea how to talk about white privilege, or how to ask questions about it without sounding like a dim-wit (I've not cut this out because I am here to learn too), and basically my friends, I learned that my privilege has made me blind to... well... my privilege. During the recording of these podcasts, I realised that there's been numerous times I have personally been ignorant to my own privilege in the world and in doTERRA. I came to this business as the second most powerful person in the world. A rich, pretty, white female in a Western society. Second only to my own husband. A rich white man in a Western society. The finance and freedom I earn with doTERRA, and my own business prior to doTERRA even granted me the opportunity to extend what women don't have access to in a corporate box, and create limitlessness and choice that amplified my privilege. Has my own ignorance to this privilege meant I've said and done things that may not have sat well with others? Now, I'm sure of it. And for that, I am sorry. I even sat numb at one point in the second recording and considered the profile of my previous guests. All amazing. And in honesty, in the same bucket as I am. No diversity. The biggest question is now 'What am I going to do about it?'. Maybe this is a start. I fumble. I sound like an idiot at times. I can hear that I try to agree and even mirror points in this that when listening back to, hold zero relevance or ' sameness' at all to what Christina is saying. I am shook in a good way and I know there is so much more depth to this. This is a big episode. Please listen to the whole thing with an open heart and mind and like me maybe, with the understanding that I've got it wrong before and am just only now walking with wobbly foal legs into this. I will continue to make mistakes in this arena, I'm sure. But I am willing to be wrong, and corrected and wrong and to do something about it. And I can't forget to mention that you're also going to hear some absolute gems when it comes to inspo for your doTERRA business. At the core of this conversation are three points: doTERRA can be and is the most incredible platform for growth, expansion and opportunity for any culture. The work that doTERRA do with Choice Humanitarian is to be applauded WE need to get better at appreciating, celebrating and welcoming diversity. Personally, I hope this episode start conversations that need to be had. I hope that together we can recognise and then action areas for growth. I hope that some of us, as we listen, have the same response as me 'Aaahhhh wow. I didn't/haven't/wouldn't have ever thought of that'. And then 'And now I am thinking of it, I can't let that thought float off. I now have a role and responsibility to play in this'. There's some resources I want to share here with you that were discussed: Resources: Brene Brown: Dare to Lead Other topics we cover off in this podcast include: Christina's first experience with the essential oils and why she bought her first kit Why Christina went into a rage the first time she saw the doTERRA business plan Why it's so cool that in doTERRA 'We're just a number'. Privilege How Christina introduces the oils and business conversations with her enrolments Ranking to Diamond while enrolling 3-5 people per month (10 max!) How Christina built a team when she didn't even have time for a shower, let alone world domination. Why you don't have to be a yoga teacher to share the oils and create an epic business. Why presenting the business opportunity differently to every person is so valuable. How doTERRA gets the it so right when it comes to supporting local indigenous cultures The difference the 'money' makes: doTERRA creating conscious entrepreneurs. "We want to make massive change. We aren't pretentious money-makers. " Who the first people are you'd want to share the oils and business opportunity with, and so so so much more.
Ep. 37: How to elevate any doTERRA business using the Diamond Club Framework
Ep. 37: How to elevate any doTERRA business using the Diamond Club Framework
Diamond Club is an opportunity for doTERRA Wellness Advocates to ignite their business by creating momentum through a concentrated event and travel schedule. Really, it's an investment into the exact same activities that propel leaders to their rank dreams. Any top ranking doTERRA leader has consistently put a focus on customer generating activity and so whether you're 'doing' Diamond Club or not, you can absolutely leverage the power of remaining in consistent activity to reach your own doTERRA business goals. Here's some thoughts I have on how to elevate any doTERRA business using the Diamond Club Framework Physical Health - What you fuel yourself with fuels you. Eating well on the road and at home is easier now than ever. Planning meals and freezing or buying pre-done healthy meals Packing your lunch and snacks for road-trips The quality of your work output is only ever as good as the nourishment you gift yourself. Emotional Health & resilience Fixed vs. growth mindset. Fixed will tank you (and you'll think 'it's not your fault'). Growth will see you rise in your own personal development regardless of the outcome. Or rather, because of the outcome. Abraham Hicks, Into the Vortex Medi's: or Brooke Castillo: Ange Peters: Alice Nicholls: All Rise Up podcast Keeli Martinez: Eric Worre: Business Strategy Check your belief level and practice your posture. This can also be applied to the Natures Solutions Kit quite easily. Keep going back to The process is in those guides. Learn them, know them, love them, share them. Book classes from classes - the definition of a tree and a root system (it's not about who you know now). Alison Bartolo is an awesome teacher for this and I have linked up to some of her work below. Also check out her YouTube channel on her teaching of the Loyalty Rewards Program.
Ep. 36: Just Start. How you're unconsciously holding your business back from success by the stories you tell yourself.
Ep. 36: Just Start. How you're unconsciously holding your business back from success by the stories you tell yourself.
Hello my beautiful friends. Today's podcast episode #36 is packed to the brim with so many juicy nuggets. As with any of the info I share from personal experience, take what works for you and leave the rest. I pressed record specifically to support those of you who are unconsciously holding your businesses back from 'just starting' by sharing the process of witnessing our thoughts and stories and re-adjusting them in a more powerful and positive way. Nek minit.... The podcast is packed with info on: Why I want you to be at the Blue and Presidential Diamond Summit Re-writing the story of why you aren't 'just starting' Why doTERRA wants you to be successful Your WHY and why I think it's so important to focus on YOU and YOURS first before serving more than you already do by sharing the oils. Examples and clues to success! How to buy essential oils
Ep.34 - Transitioning with Gratitude
Ep.34 - Transitioning with Gratitude
Manifestation Hack: Write down all the goals that you want to accomplish in 2019 Go to your voice recorder Record all of your goals in your voice saying "I am" or "I have" in present tense. Listen to your voice recording every night before bed. I am personally going to add to this: Look at your goals list If you have more than 3 you don't have any (If you had to remove one, which would it be? Remove it). Is there any there that you've added because you 'think you should?' Is there one you have left off because your head says it's selfish but your soul says PLEASE?
Why what you think you need is getting in the way of your success.
Why what you think you need is getting in the way of your success.
But if you HAD to do one more thing, what would it be?
But if you HAD to do one more thing, what would it be?
I will add show notes soon. Right now I am uploading and posting as we close the month. Also, I love you. Done is better than perfect. Al. X
The exact number of hours you need to work a week to create a Diamond business with doTERRA
The exact number of hours you need to work a week to create a Diamond business with doTERRA
Alice Nicholls and Arianna Pienaar answer a question in a VIP Facebook group. A wonderful woman interested in creating a business with doTERRA asked me a question back in September that went somewhere along the lines of "How many hours would it take to build a Diamond business with doTERRA if I could work on it full time?" [powerpress] One of my business partners and a doTERRA Diamond Leader on my team, Arianna Pienaar, addressed the Q in a Facebook Live. This is a recording from that! It's got some #truthbombs and a sh*tonne of passion within, as per usual when it comes to me and sharing ad hoc in a social scenario. I can't wait to get Ari back on the podcast for a proper interview! You can find Ari on Instagram here: And myself here: How to buy doTERRA essential oils: How to join our doTERRA team and be empowered in business:
Danyel Waters - Go Change A Life Today
Danyel Waters - Go Change A Life Today
"You owe the world to be as prosperous as you possibly can, because it's people who have money, with a heart like yours, that will make the most difference. "I need to make a bucketload of money, and I need to provide for my family and I need to make sire that all of those around me are safe and secure and then I need to give the rest away, to people that need it." I am so excited to share this episode with one of my own Leaders. Danyel was one of my first few months enrolments when I joined doTERRA and as it goes in so so many teams, the fact that we we strangers and are now tied so beautifully by this business and a shared mission seems written and perfect and just... 'How can it get any better?' (and then of course it keeps doing that). This woman is fire. I have a few who inspire absolute goosebumps across my life when it comes to their ability to lead and Danyel is one of them. It's an honour to work alongside her, an honour to call her a friend and a bloody blessing that she is in my life. She's all kinds of wonderful. We chat about: The single life-changing experience with a single essential oil that changed Danyel's life Moving through negative perceptions of the opportunity *Note from Alice: You can see my own personal gaps in the beginning of my business here. Listen out for what I failed to speak to Danyel about or teach in my early classes. Why personal experiences with the oils are so powerful and why we need to focus on not keeping these to ourself. Sharing these personal experiences are what can change or save a life. Laying to rest some excuses you may use to hold yourself back from actually standing in your power with your business. Building to Gold through connection and by 'just asking'. The tear-jerking goodbye message her kids call out to Danyel when she goes to teach a class each weekend. Emotional Poverty in the Western World, Healing Hands and the deep personal affect travelling to Nepal with doTERR had on Danyel. Going through the pain of change and growth. Losing faith in herself along the way and how Danyel brought it home again. Finding out that the person you discover yourself to be in all your messy weirdness is GOLDEN How to purchase doTERRA Oils:
My selfish request to you, for the world
My selfish request to you, for the world
Tara Bliss - Conscious Inter-dependance. 'All Rise Up' Podcast Ep.
Tara Bliss - Conscious Inter-dependance. 'All Rise Up' Podcast Ep.
"I can't make you EVER get well, or free yourself financially. I can only be the lighthouse, And be stubbornly that. You move I move." It's always just such a bloody honour to speak with this woman about... anything but small talk. Going deep with Tara Bliss in conversation always presents me with gifts to keep for good, and this conversation is no exception. Tara was the person I chose to purchase my doTERRA essential oils through and so cemented our relationship and connection for as long as I can foreseeably imagine. I had no idea of the business, of the company or really, the oils when I pressed 'join and save' through Tara's link and so really, something else must have been at play - we think TRUST - because... what a stroke of universal good fortune. Tara and I tend to be on similar paths of being open to discovery but we are always running different focus points. I receive downloads that change my thought processes every time I speak with this incredible woman and it's a pleasure to share this episode with you. We chat: Whatever is 'conscious inter-dependance' Freedom of choice Owning your healing. Living a life free of excuses. Being a magnet for women What it means to choose out of the current situation with the tools that are in front of you Being okay in the messy middle? Whether Tara has ever wanted to 'put the work with doTERRA down for a while'. Conscious discernment in the information age Choosing yes or choosing no Classical roles of power and women Reconciling a place of peace within ourselves that's going to be different within ourselves The DNA strands of Rebels of Light (Tara's 11 month program that is a journey from self-care to community care) Getting to know all the selves that make us who we are Creating melodies with the oils. How to buy doTERRA essential oils: How to join our doTERRA team and be empowered in business:
This Is About Service - Alice Nicholls with Rochelle Hubbard
This Is About Service - Alice Nicholls with Rochelle Hubbard
I am so grateful to be sharing this podcast with you today. Rochelle Hubbard has the most beautiful presence. I could speak with her for days. There's something about her energy that makes me want to lay in the grass in the sun and just say 'heal me please'. I imagine that it's this energy that has contributed to her success in her doTERRA business. Rochelle and her husband Josh have just rank advanced to Blue Diamond in a way that (to me) seems both as to have come as a surprise to her, and also incredibly bloody graceful. [powerpress] In this podcast episode we talk about: How Rochelle realised that she could strive for Blue Diamond with 24 hours left to go in the month (yep. I know babes!) How she 'flows' in business and approaches her rank Her husband Josh entering the biz, and navigating the transition between the old-school 'thought' of the male/female roles in biz during this phase. How Rochelle was introduced to doTERRA (A great story of persistence on behalf of her upline). Rochelle's background in women's health, being a Moon Mother and cycling with her business Where the business actually starts. It may not be when you buy your oils or host your first class. What activity changes in the business from Elite to Blue Diamond (This one may surprise you!)
A conversation with my husband Cam about our doTERRA biz. A small 'BIG' Business convo
A conversation with my husband Cam about our doTERRA biz. A small 'BIG' Business convo
Today I'm sharing a conversation I had with my husband Cam on our doTERRA Presidential Diamond Business. I'm pretty darn excited today to share this podcast episode with you. It's a convo I had with my husband Cam about doTERRA in our lives. Questions [from YOU] we answer include: The #1 mistake you make when messaging the doTERRA with your loved ones Any tips on how to support a woman to rise? Was Cam as into the oils straight away or did it take time? Did doTERRA retire Cam from his previous corporate job? How do we maintain work/life balance? Who does the housework? ;) And more. I want to put a little colour around this before we step into it. Cam has been witness and walked beside me in this path with doTERRA over the last two years, however his view is one that is high-level when it comes to the t's and i's. He has never seen the back office structure, placements, detailed comms plan nor made strategic decisions about this business we all love. And this has flowed by design. He sees me in MY work and this is what works for US. We go into this in a bit more detail in the podcast. We are both so honoured to be messengers within this mission to see those rise up in the world and we work together in THIS. Sit back, enjoy, absorb and take what YOU need from this episode. With love. Al xx
Mother Magik. Musings and small big business conversations.
Mother Magik. Musings and small big business conversations.