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The Catholic Current

Bringing Christ to the World and the World to Christ! Producer and Host Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. illuminates today’s issues with the love of Christ and the authority of His Church. Each show features expert guests that shed light on relevant and important topics.

info_outline Sin Makes Us Stupid (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/28/25 03/28/2025
info_outline Whatever Happened to Christian England? (John Rist) 3/27/25 03/27/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: Peter, Judas, and the Eucharist 03/26/2025
info_outline Will A.I. Dehumanize Us? (Rob Marco) 3/25/25 03/25/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: Finding Our Way in the Dark 03/24/2025
info_outline Can We Be Good Without God? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/21/25 03/21/2025
info_outline A Pastor Looks at Lent (Fr. Casey Jones) 3/20/25 03/20/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: This Lent—Fast Like an Italian! 03/19/2025
info_outline Christendom's Autopsy (Dr. James R. Wood) 3/18/25 03/18/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: Can a Word Heal Ireland? 03/17/2025
info_outline Loneliness, Solitude, Isolation—What’s the Difference? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/14/25 03/14/2025
info_outline American Priorities in the Middle East (Darrick Taylor) 3/13/25 03/13/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: Here's Goliath! Where's David? 03/12/2025
info_outline The Case Against IVF (Stacy Trasancos) 3/11/25 03/11/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: Why They Won't Leave Us Alone 03/10/2025
info_outline Is It 1943 Again? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/7/25 03/07/2025
info_outline Can Anyone Afford Feminism? (W.M. Briggs) 3/6/25 03/06/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: Questioning Lent 03/05/2025
info_outline Are You Down to Your Last Lent? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/4/25 03/04/2025
info_outline Let's Take a Closer Look: IVF: Mr. President—You're Wrong. Call Me. 03/03/2025
info_outline No More First World Problems? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 2/28/25 02/28/2025
info_outline Canon Law and Immigration (Fr. Gerald Murray) 2/27/25 02/27/2025
info_outline Let’s Take A Closer Look: Do We Need to Talk about Silence? 02/26/2025
info_outline Bible Questions Answered (Steve Ray) 2/25/25 02/25/2025
info_outline Let’s Take A Closer Look: Have You Quiet Quit on God? 02/24/2025
info_outline Ask Father Mailbag #7 (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 2/21/25 02/21/2025
info_outline Tough Talk About Culture (John Horvat II) 2/20/25 02/20/2025
info_outline Let’s Take A Closer Look: Are You Guilty of This? 02/19/2025
info_outline Goodbye to DEI? (Fr. John Perricone) 2/18/25 02/18/2025
info_outline Let’s Take A Closer Look: Good Preaching is Like Mortal Sin 02/17/2025