Shayla Mars: Mental Health and Wearing Masks Pt. 1
Shayla Mars: Mental Health and Wearing Masks Pt. 1
It’s #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth and the newest episode of the GrUBcast is up! Today’s episode features another guest I’ve wanted for a long time, Shayla Mars, and we discuss mental health in the black community, her specific experience dealing with ADHD as a black woman, and how she’s managing finding herself + seeking mental wellness as a young adult. Growing up, conversations about mental health were few and far between in communities of color and, in many cases, that still hasn’t changed. Whether it be due to our upbringing, pressures of society, or our own willful ignorance, as people of color we tend to deal with our trauma in silence and rarely seek diagnosis when it comes to seeking mental wellness. In part one of our conversation, I spoke with Shayla Mars about a range of topics regarding her mental health journey including the hardships she’s faced through her life, the process and costs associated with mental health diagnosis, perceived loss and so much more. It’s engaging within the first five minutes and only gets more raw, honest, and insightful as time goes on. One of the best conversations I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. Be sure to follow us on Spotify, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who might benefit from hearing someone else’s story. With that said ya’, have a great weekend, happiness and prosperity to you all, much love, and as always, keep eating.