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Preparing for the Inevitable

This podcast will help you get ready to face the inevitable unpleasant things that will happen in your life -- things like trouble, suffering, sickness, and death -- the death of people you love and your own death. Trouble, suffering, and death are common threads that run throughout all of humanity. They are inescapable. You will never meet a person who has not, is not, or will not experience these terrible things in life. Yet, we attempt to hide from these inevitabilities, to pretend they don’t exist or that they won’t happen to us. Our world is filled with news of people dying, children suffering, entire government systems and organizations enduring trouble and turmoil, but we tend to see these as things that only happen to "other people" and never to us. Trouble, suffering, and death come equally to all people, of all races, from every socio-economic status, of every religion, in every country of the world. It makes us all equal. This podcast will show you how to accept these realities of life, and not just cope, but face trouble, suffering, and death in your own life and in the world with confidence, courage, class, and most of all, with faith, hope, and charity.

info_outline The Spirituality of Dying, Part 6 08/07/2016
info_outline The Spirituality of Dying, Part 5 07/31/2016
info_outline The Spirituality of Dying, Part 2 07/09/2016
info_outline The Spirituality of Dying, Part 1 06/29/2016
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 7 04/22/2016
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 6 12/22/2015
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 5 12/06/2015
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 4 11/29/2015
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 3 11/23/2015
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 2 11/13/2015
info_outline The Individual, the Church, and the Ars Moriendi (the Art of Dying), Part 1 10/31/2015
info_outline Losing the Christian Death, Part 3 10/23/2015
info_outline Losing the Christian Death, Part 2 10/16/2015
info_outline Losing the Christian Death, Part 1 10/10/2015
info_outline Gradual Dying and End-of-Life Care, Part 4 09/25/2015
info_outline Gradual Dying and End-of-Life Care, Part 3 09/19/2015
info_outline Gradual Dying and End-of-Life Care, Part 2 09/12/2015
info_outline Gradual Dying and End-of-Life Care, Part 1 09/05/2015
info_outline When Death Arrives, Part 5 08/29/2015
info_outline When Death Arrives, Part 4 08/22/2015
info_outline When Death Arrives, Part 3 08/15/2015
info_outline When Death Arrives, Part 2 08/08/2015
info_outline Inevitable #1 07/28/2015