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The Dancer Life Podcast

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh investigating the male classical ballet dancer. I was a professional ballet dancer for 20 years, dancing with the Australian Ballet, Béjart Ballet, Bayerischer Staatsballett, Ballet de l'Opéra National du Rhin. The Dancer Life podcast is aimed at dancers, teachers, parents, families, friends and peers.

info_outline Episode 26: Teaching movement to theatre students 06/30/2024
info_outline Episode 25: Entretien avec Fabienne Dumas 06/06/2024
info_outline Episode 24: Entretien avec Véronique Brunel (dextérité et de la créativité dans la danse) 04/08/2024
info_outline Episode 23: Interview with Théo Vanpoperinghe 04/07/2024
info_outline Episode 22: "Entrés dans la danse" l'accompagnement de danse et appris à joindre le mouvement à la musique. 02/10/2024
info_outline Episode 21: Self care and Burnout 02/04/2024
info_outline Episode 20: Leane Theunissen 09/18/2023
info_outline Episode 19: Gidday, Kicking it with James-Declin" 04/24/2023
info_outline Episode 18: Discussion avec Romaine Belline et Laura Cochez 03/28/2023
info_outline Episode 17: IADMS 2022 Limerick my highlights 11/05/2022
info_outline Episode 16: Paul Burrows 06/04/2021
info_outline Episode 15: Xavier Pellin 05/27/2021
info_outline Episode 14: Passion and the Dancer, Harmonious or Obsessive 05/22/2021
info_outline Episode 13: Hamish Townshend 03/15/2021
info_outline Episode 12: James Števko NYC Performing Artist 06/15/2020
info_outline Episode 11 Lilli Sim 06/01/2020
info_outline Episode10: Interview with Luke Hodgart, PE Teacher 05/24/2020
info_outline Episode 9: Entretien avec Coé Cense, danseur avec le Lido, Paris 05/08/2020
info_outline Episode 8: Interview with athlete and educator, Ben Hodgart 05/07/2020
info_outline Episode 7: An Interview with dancer, Hamilton Nieh 11/09/2019
info_outline Episode 6: Stigma and the Male Dancer with Dr Chris Marlow 10/06/2019
info_outline Episode 5: Stretching with Moira McCormack 09/23/2019
info_outline Episode 4: Interview with young dancer, Aaron Lind 09/07/2019
info_outline Episode 3: Psychological Characteristics 09/02/2019
info_outline My Experience 08/24/2019
info_outline The Male Dancer Life 08/23/2019