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The Marianne Williamson Podcast

People are ready to go deeper, be more truthful, and face challenges that confront us in more meaningful ways. We need to talk about causes and not just symptoms, face some inconvenient truths, and have more than prepackaged conversations among us. One question weaves through The Marianne Williamson Podcast - how did we get to where we are, and how can we change things now?

info_outline Firelight Chat: THE HEART-BRAIN CONNECTION 08/25/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA 08/10/2023
info_outline Firelight Chat: GEN Z ECONOMICS 08/02/2023
info_outline Firelight Chat: DEMOCRACY IN CHAINS 07/26/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: STOP COP CITY 07/19/2023
info_outline Firelight Chat | CLIMATE: WHERE WE ARE AND WHAT TO DO 07/13/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: A MINDFUL INDEPENDENCE DAY 07/06/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: TRANSGENDER IN AMERICA 07/03/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: DISMANTLING THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 07/03/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: THE ISRAEL AND PALESTINE SITUATION 07/03/2023
info_outline Firelight Chats: THE WRITER'S STRIKE 07/03/2023
info_outline East Palestine, Labor and Where We are Now with Max Alvarez 03/02/2023
info_outline My Very Personal Interview with Christian Smalls 07/05/2022
info_outline FDR and his Legacy: A Conversation with historian Harvey Kaye 06/05/2022
info_outline The Privatization of Everything: A conversation with author Donald Cohen 05/14/2022
info_outline Climate Emergency! A Conversation with Climate Scientist Peter Kalmus 04/23/2022
info_outline Freeing Jesus: A Conversation with religious scholar Diana Butler Bass 04/17/2022
info_outline Whole Brain Living: A Conversation with Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor 04/12/2022
info_outline Unions Rising: Amazon v Labor | A Conversation with Max Alvarez 04/07/2022
info_outline Another Civil War?: A Conversation with Author Stephen Marche 03/28/2022
info_outline A Conversation with Congressman Ro Khanna 03/10/2022
info_outline Democracy in Chains: A Conversation with author Nancy MacLean 03/01/2022
info_outline Jefferson and Hemings: On Slavery, Race, and Love | A Conversation with Annette Gordon-Reed 02/21/2022
info_outline Why Independent Media Matters with Jordan Chariton 01/19/2022
info_outline What's behind our soaring military budget with journalist Andrew Cockburn 01/05/2022
info_outline THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN: An Effort to More Deeply Understand 09/28/2021
info_outline Chevron v. Donziger 09/25/2021
info_outline Afghanistan Today with Obaidullah Baheer 09/19/2021
info_outline Discussing the War Machine with Joe Cirincione 09/11/2021
info_outline TRANSFORMING CAPITALISM PART 2 09/07/2021