The Millionaire Student Show
The Millionaire Student Show bridges the gap between Education + Entertainment = EduTainment. Sashin is on a mission to help you find the common denominators between all change makers. In each episode he dissects his guests story with the Pain (Past) they went through in life, the Price (Journey) they paid and what their Prize (Results) looks like today. The reason Sashin formulated the community "The Millionaire Student" is due to him constantly being asked by his mentees, "How do I become a Millionaire?" So he formulated a community that allows people to stay in student mode because the majority of people stop learning, studying and researching once they leave school at 18 years old. Most people have an 18 year old mind in a 20-30-40-50-60+ year old body. And eventually once you become that Millionaire you would need to remain in Student mode to maintain and sustain Millionaire status. ABOUT SASHIN GOVENDER & THE MILLIONAIRE STUDENT ▶︎ CLAIM YOUR FREE GIFT FROM SASHIN 4 PILLARS TO MASTERY AUDIO SERIES (VALUED AT $555) ▶︎ SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VIDEOS ▶︎ CONNECT WITH SASHIN ON : ▶︎ INSTAGRAM → ▶︎ FACEBOOK → ▶︎ TWITTER → ▶︎ TIK TOK →