Malevolent High Level Narcissist Re-Creates A Sparkling New Identity
Malevolent High Level Narcissist Re-Creates A Sparkling New Identity
From the time he/she was very young, the budding narcissist was convinced that he was brilliant, talented, master of social graces, resourceful, socially gifted at magnetizing people to him/her. Often the golden child, these individuals are exceedingly self entitled, overflowing with hubris. They are convinced that they are perfect---superior to others in every respect. They don't develop a conscience and blame their dirty deeds on siblings, friends, family members, acquaintances, rivals, enemies. High levels are "climbers", determined to reach the highest summits of monetary and professional largesse, to ingratiate themselves to the most moneyed power brokers and social movers and shakers. They get their lietenants to do the dirty work. They come out of their misadventures without blemish or murmur. They cheat, steal, lie threaten, collude, betray, scheme---and never get caught. Many fear that lying will bring down holy thunder and lightening. Not the high level narcissist.They take pleasure in mendacity---this is a familiar game to them. Learn to recognize these vipers quickly. Take your own pathway, that of the just, discerning, empathic. Your intellect is keen; your character is fine, your creative talents are many. You shine forth and chart your own course. The winds are at your back now. You see and feel the beauty and majesty of the blue waters of healing, restoration, transformation and creativity. Click below for links to my books on Amazon Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist Click below to go to Mental Health Radio News Network