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Shifting the Narrative

Shifting the Narrative is a limited podcast series about changing the dominant narrative around critical social and cultural issues. Over five episodes, we examine case studies where individuals worked together to change how society views the death penalty, poverty, and guns. And based on this, what lessons can we learn to apply to other campaigns?

info_outline On Guns: Jenna's Story 12/04/2022
info_outline Extra: Our Favorite Podcasts for The New Year 01/06/2022
info_outline 5: Conclusion - What We’ve Learned 09/20/2021
info_outline 4: On The Death Penalty - The Unexpected Messenger 09/20/2021
info_outline 3: On Guns - Bridging the Divide on Stage 09/20/2021
info_outline 2: On Poverty - The Power of The Camera 09/20/2021
info_outline 1: Introduction - What is Narrative? 09/20/2021
info_outline Trailer 09/11/2021