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The Outliers Inn

The Outliers Inn is a place where people from all businesses and roles within business can examine goings-ons from different and hopefully humourous perspectives. It’s a place where we can be a lot less serious about ourselves, what we do, what our businesses do, and the manner in which they do it. Whether you are in finanance, sales, logistics, production. operations, human resources. facilities management. information technology – whatever your role might be – business people are always taking themselves too seriously – or are taken too seriously by others. All that ends here. It’s a place where respectful irrevernce and self-deprecating humor is the order of the day. We release a new podcast at least once a month though when during the month that is varies based on everyone’s schedule. Please consider subscribing to the podcast so as not to miss an episode.

info_outline Episode-84; Predictions, Take-2 01/29/2024
info_outline Episode-83; Endings and Beginnings 12/12/2023
info_outline Episode-82; Oktoberfest 11/06/2023
info_outline Episode-81; What I did on my summer vacation 09/11/2023
info_outline Episode-80; (Re)Setting Attitudes, The Peter Principle, Golf, and more. 02/20/2023
info_outline Episode-79; Travel, Robots, Focus, and ChatGPT 02/06/2023
info_outline Episode-78; Holi-DAZE 12/27/2022
info_outline Episode-77; Thanksgiving 11/16/2022
info_outline Episode-76; Harvest Time 10/23/2022
info_outline Episode-75; Coincidences 09/25/2022
info_outline Episode-74; Travel Tips and Tricks 08/09/2022
info_outline Episode-73; Making Mistakes 06/27/2022
info_outline Episode-72; Time Wasters 05/07/2022
info_outline Episode 71; Ardanans and Troglytes 04/25/2022
info_outline Episode-70; Travel, Robots, Gummy Bier, and Team Effectiveness 02/21/2022
info_outline Episode-69; Goals! 01/07/2022
info_outline Episode-68; 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate! 12/18/2021
info_outline Episode-67; Supply Chain Woes 11/14/2021
info_outline Episode-66; Getting punched in the mouth 10/25/2021
info_outline Episode-65; Wacky Projects 09/18/2021
info_outline Episode-64; Planning in a VUCA World 08/09/2021
info_outline Episode-63; The Importance of Mentorship 06/28/2021
info_outline Episode-62; Getting the jab, optical rip-offs, mentoring, and getting back to nature 04/26/2021
info_outline Episode-61; More COVID nonsense, computer hygiene, and more beer 03/12/2021
info_outline Episode-60; On two masks, the Superbowl, telemetry, and wool 02/15/2021
info_outline Episode-59; Introducing "Mule" 01/27/2021
info_outline Episode-58; Changing of the Guard 01/11/2021
info_outline Episode-57; New Ventures and Longest Nights 12/28/2020
info_outline Episode-56; Travel Adventures During COVID 12/15/2020
info_outline Episode-55; And Now For Something Completely Different 10/28/2020