The Atrocities of Hot Jesus and The Power of Forgiveness
The Atrocities of Hot Jesus and The Power of Forgiveness
Joey reviews the Morgan Library and welcomes guests inside his own Gilded Age mansion for cigars, live piano by an underpaid Nicaraguan immigrant, and stories of his end of life wishes to prolong his important philanthropic work made possible by Middle Eastern oil investments. Also: atheist Sundays, unfaithful pastors, awful music, not enough donuts, and how to break your marriage vows without ruining your life (or your marriage). And, an observation about nothing. Don’t miss the Vatican’s Best Films list, which results in a divine 404 page (are you lost?), an unholy list of Catholic topics, an ominous press release about the Pope, a suspect phone greeting from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops media office, and a contender for most overtly gay homepage in all of Christianity. And, of course, Hell and the new Plague. Today’s ad is for a random Japanese place in Midtown. We don't remember the name.