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The Verse Chorus

Delve deep into the creative, songwriter mind while listening to The Verse Chorus hosted by Jason David Hiatt. During interviews with songwriters of all kinds, Hiatt reveals common ground that can unite all songwriters through devotion to their craft. All songwriters handle the creative process differently. Get a great peek into the minds of different songwriters and their unique philosophies. Expose yourself to new ideas that inspire you to push your songwriting craft to new limits.

info_outline S2 Ep 14: Pt 2 Inspiration and Defining Success with Guest Jason Goolesby 05/16/2021
info_outline S2 Ep 13: Pt 1 Inspiration and Defining Success with Guest Jason Goolesby 04/25/2021
info_outline S2 Ep 12: Mental Health & Truth in Songwriting with Guest Amy Corey 04/08/2021
info_outline S2 Ep 11: The Entrepreneurial Songwriter with Guest Mason Douglas 03/22/2021
info_outline S1 Ep 10: Being Perfectly Imperfect 03/08/2021
info_outline S1 Ep 9: Releasing the Ego 02/15/2021
info_outline S1 Ep 8: Building Relationships in the Music Business with Leah Hudson 02/01/2021
info_outline S1 Ep 7: Using Comedy in Songwriting with Guest Steve Goodie 01/18/2021
info_outline S1 Ep 6: Songwriting as way to Connect (to Others) with Guest Tressie Seegers 01/04/2021
info_outline S1 Ep 5: The Business Side of the Music Business with Guest Bart Herbison 12/20/2020
info_outline S1 Ep 4: Writing as a Couple with Guest Parkway South 12/07/2020
info_outline S1 Ep 3: Influences with Guest John Hiatt 11/27/2020
info_outline S1 Ep 1: Co-Writing with Guest Thomas Dietzel 10/31/2020
info_outline S1 Ep 2: Using Songwriting as Tool to Know Your Heart with Guest David Wilcox 11/02/2020