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The Wolfman Podcast

The Wolfman Podcast is a throw back to old school rock radio shows with interludes of insanity, the absurd and completely obscure. Hang on tight as the Wolfman allows his lunacy to run wild on sound waves.

info_outline SkoldBlooded 10/08/2019
info_outline Laura Returns 05/27/2019
info_outline Alaun Comer 09/10/2018
info_outline Diablo and The Werewolf 08/01/2018
info_outline Captain Guac 07/10/2018
info_outline Mysterious Stranger 07/01/2018
info_outline Werewolf Sex and Relationships 06/05/2018
info_outline Laura Martinez 05/29/2018
info_outline Profe Juan Mendoza 05/21/2018
info_outline Wolfman and Diablo Part Dos 05/16/2018
info_outline The Wolfman and Diablo Show 05/14/2018
info_outline Vinny "Pinche Diablo" Perez 05/02/2018
info_outline Coach Alejandro Pantoja 04/30/2018
info_outline Johnny Rod Returns 04/23/2018
info_outline Captain George 04/18/2018
info_outline Kite Surfing Werewolfs 04/16/2018
info_outline Johnny Rod Drops In 04/09/2018
info_outline Dion Sekone-Fraser 04/04/2018
info_outline The Blue Moon with Johnny Rod 04/02/2018
info_outline Coach John Wolf 03/26/2018
info_outline Super Blue Blood Moon 01/31/2018
info_outline Growing up Werewolf 10/31/2017
info_outline The Wolfman Podcast 10/20/2017