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Meld minds with Michael Phillip and his magnificent multidisciplinary guestsβ€” Scientists, artists, comedians, psychologists, authors, spiritual teachers, and more as they muse about life's most compelling questions.

info_outline Lost Ancient Wisdom & The Evolution of Consciousness, Dr. John Churchill | Mind Meld 409 09/26/2024
info_outline This Groundbreaking Quantum Consciousness Theory Changes Everything | Federico Faggin | Mind Meld 408 09/19/2024
info_outline Remote Viewing, Out of Body Experiences & Seeing Through the Simulation with Chris Ramsay | Mind Meld 407 09/13/2024
info_outline Carl Jung, the Shadow & The Quest For Your Soul | Simon Yugler | Mind Meld 406 09/05/2024
info_outline The Mystery Behind the Matrix: UFOs, NDEs & Mystical Experiences with Dr. Jeffery Kripal | Mind Meld 405 08/29/2024
info_outline Esoteric Platonism and the Lost Wisdom of the Ancients with Dr. Gregory Shaw|Mind Meld 404 08/22/2024
info_outline UFOs, Ancient Wisdom, Carl Jung & NDEs with Keith Thompson | Mind Meld 403 08/15/2024
info_outline The Power of Intuition, Remote Viewing & Soulful Psychology | Emma Seppala PhD | Mind Meld 402 08/08/2024
info_outline Extended-State DMT, Entity Encounters & The Meaning of Life with Alexander Beiner | Mind Meld 401 08/01/2024
info_outline The Cosmic Mind and the Esoteric Wisdom Beyond Science, Dr. Tom Cheetham | Mind Meld 400 07/25/2024
info_outline Synchronicity, Archetypes & the Sacred Philosophy of the Future | Richard Tarnas|Mind Meld 399 07/18/2024
info_outline Returning to Plato's Cave & Creative Individuation with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 398 07/11/2024
info_outline Ground-breaking DMT Research, Entities & Alien Worlds with Neuroscientist, Andrew Gallimore | Mind Meld 397 07/05/2024
info_outline The Esoteric Secrets of Plato's Cave and the Truth Beyond the Simulation 06/27/2024
info_outline Carl Jung, Synchronicity & the Esoteric History of Tarot with MJDorian |Mind Meld 396 06/20/2024
info_outline Synchronicity and the Psychology of Soul with Psychiatrist, Judy Tsafrir MD | Mind Meld 395 06/13/2024
info_outline Seeing Through the Psychological Simulation with Cory Allen |Mind Meld 394 06/06/2024
info_outline Individuation, Synchronicity & Guided Evolution with Michael Garfield | Mind Meld 393 05/30/2024
info_outline Spiritual Awakening, Mass Hypnosis & Collective Individuation with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 392 05/23/2024
info_outline Archetypes, Ancient Wisdom & Putting the Soul Back Into Psyche, Richard Tarnas | Mind Meld 391 05/16/2024
info_outline The Consciousness Simulation & Hidden Ancient Wisdom | Timothy Desmond Ph.D| Mind Meld 390 05/09/2024
info_outline Living Archetypes, Carl Jung and the Mystery Beyond Psychology with Josh Schrei | Mind Meld 389 05/02/2024
info_outline Synchronicity, UFOs and the Mind of the World with East Forest | Mind Meld 388 04/26/2024
info_outline As Above, So Below | Ancient Hermetic Wisdom, Carl Jung & the Cosmic Brain 04/19/2024
info_outline Synchronicity, Ancient Wisdom, Carl Jung & the Hidden Dimension with Tom Matte | Mind Meld 387 04/11/2024
info_outline The Forbidden Ancient Wisdom of the Gnostics, Escaping Plato’s Cave & Carl Jung with Bob Peck | Mind Meld 386 04/04/2024
info_outline Cosmic Consciousness and the Truth Beyond Simulation Theory with Bobby Azarian | Mind Meld 385 03/29/2024
info_outline Experiencing the Paranormal with Chris Bledsoe, UFOs & the Esoteric | Mollie Adler| Mind Meld 384 03/21/2024
info_outline Carl Jung’s Mysticism & the Psychology of Soul with Sarah Mergen |Mind Meld 383 03/15/2024
info_outline DMT Entities, Carl Jung's Mysticism, and Ancient Wisdom | Alexander Beiner | Mind Meld 382 03/07/2024