This Is What We Look Like
Encouragement + Connection {fueled by sarcasm} They turned forty, settled in, and decided...this is what we look like! Join friends Haley and Laura for some real talk about things that make you think, and laugh. Sometimes a little too loudly. Let's be {best} friends!
This Is What We Look Like With A Yule Log
This Is What We Look Like With A Yule Log
Greetings of Yuletide Cheer, my friends! We're smack in the middle of Christmas merriment around here, but paused to bring you this look at some fascinating holiday traditions from around the world. If you've ever wondered what a cat, goat, demon, cousin Eddie, and horse skeleton have in common, then you'll enjoy this one. We pull it all together and tie a nice, festive bow around it! We are both looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year, trying to focus on slowing down, reflecting, truly enjoying, and worshipping. We're linking some advent devotionals below and hope you'll find time to use these resources or others to set a grateful tone your lives this December. Merry Christmas! by Louie Giglio by Melanie Shankle by Kayla Craig
This Is What We Look Like When The Turkey's Still Good One Year Later
This Is What We Look Like When The Turkey's Still Good One Year Later
We've really outdone ourselves this week and posted two episodes! In all fairness, this is a re-posting of our Thanksgiving episode from last year that seemed worht repeating. We hope you enjoy another look at food crimes via casserole dishes, and Haley's friends' moist-maker sandwich. I'm suddenly not hungry. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone. We are thankful that you're here!
This Is What We Look Like With A Smash Cake
This Is What We Look Like With A Smash Cake
We are ONE!! This little baby podcast we've loved and nurtured for a year is now a full-fledged toddler. You know what they say... the days are long and the years are short. We spent this episode talking through a few of our favorite moments from the podcast and then what we've got planned for the future. We are so thankful for those of you who've listened to us ramble for the last year. It's been more fun that we could've imagined.
This Is What We Look Like When We Need To Adjust
This Is What We Look Like When We Need To Adjust
Remember that one time that we talked about our chiropractor for an inordinate amount of time on the podcast? Well, this week is ALL about our friend and chiropractor, Dr. Jason Rehwald. We decided he needed his own episode to tell you all about how he started (what a story!), some of his best moments (grab a tissue!) and his funniest patients (we died). We are so thankful for you Dr. Rehwald, and thrilled you were able to join us this week!
This Is What We Look Like When We Go: Part 2
This Is What We Look Like When We Go: Part 2
As the band Cinderella so famously sang in 1988, “you don’t know what you got til it’s gone.” When we were all forced to shelter-in-place and the world shut down for most of 2020, I felt this way about travel. Heading out for a quick weekend, or a trip with friends, was just a normal occurrence… until it wasn’t. Like so many things, this changed with the pandemic, and I’m finding myself more grateful than ever to be able to talk about travel again. I mentioned this week that vacation planning (or should I say dreaming/browsing/brainstorming?) is one of my favorite pastimes. This week, we’re continuing our conversation about travel and finishing up some of our favorite go-to spots and quick getaways. Whether you’re up for a lengthy flight (aloha!) or you’re wanting a quick road trip, we’ve got you covered. And I failed to mention the trip that David and I just booked recently. We wanted a quick trip somewhere cool (literally) to celebrate the end of the it’s-so-hot-outside-I-may-actually-catch-on-fire season, also known as a Texas summer. I’ve been wanting to go glamping- although I really wish we could find another name- for a long time. near Table Rock Lake has some really cool options at their new development, . We're headed there at the end of the month to spend a few nights in one of their canvas glamping tents! I’ll report back and let you all know how it goes, but based on the forecast of highs in the low 70’s, I can tell you it’s probably going to be magical. Thanks as always for listening to us ramble. Here are a few links to help you find things we mentioned in the podcast. Don’t forget to tell us where you book your next trip! Hawaii: i California: Wineries: Quick Getaway:
This Is What We Look Like When We Go
This Is What We Look Like When We Go
If you don't have spring (early fall?) fever, you will after this episode! Laura and Haley sit down to start their conversation about travel: their favorite destinations, favorite activiites, best lodging, and even some vacations they have waiting in the que. Coast-to-coast, beach-to-mountain, we've got you covered. What did we miss? LAKE TAHOE: WINSHAPE: USVI SAILING: BRECKENRIDGE: House GRANBY: COLORADO PIZZA LOVE: TURKS: BAHAMAS: YOSEMITE:
We've Forgotten What We Look Like: Part 2
We've Forgotten What We Look Like: Part 2
We usually have a lot of words to say, but it's only exaggerated when we haven't seen each other or talked to each other in a while. There was just so much to share! So welcome to Part 2 of our summer recap where we discuss our new obsession with SPENGA (Spin + Strength + Yoga) and what we've got coming up for Season 2! Have we mentioned that we're excited that you're here? Because we are. We really, really are.
We've Forgotten What We Look Like
We've Forgotten What We Look Like
Well hey there, everyone! Do you remember us? Because, honestly, we had to remind ourselves how to plug in a microphone just a few minutes ago. Where did the summer go? After a long summer break, we are back at it and talking about nothing all that consequential like Haley's travels, our kids' injuries, the real estate market, and maybe a new fitness craze. We're happy to be here, though. Nothing quite as fun as some girl talk in the middle of the week. Thanks for being here, friends!
This Is What We Look Like When We Listen Back
This Is What We Look Like When We Listen Back
Just taking a trip down memory lane this week, talking about things we should've said, titles we should've revised, and times we should've muted ourselves. That last one feels like it happened a lot. Like maybe even fourteen or twenty-one times. (iykyk). So savor this little recap before we head for a little summer break to allow for vacation time, family time, summertime, and decide-what-to-podcast-about time. Here are a few links, loves: Go follow for her insta stories documenting her sailing trip Cutest in Carlton Landing
This Is What We Look Like When We Turn Into Our Moms
This Is What We Look Like When We Turn Into Our Moms
We decided after we recorded this episode that everyone would be a little better off if we were actually more like our moms. But alas, we just have palms-out stances and I’m-on-the-phone snapping to show for our 40+ years of being under their mothering wing. Our kids and husbands will just have to deal. Nina and Mary Kay, we love you. This one’s for you!
This Is What We Look Like When We're Easily Influenced
This Is What We Look Like When We're Easily Influenced
Do we need it? No. Have we bought it anyway? Yes. Yes, we have. This week we each go through our list of favorite things we've been influenced to buy, and man, it feels lengthy. If you heard something you like, or maybe you have a wedding to go to and need an easy $43 dress, just click through the links below to find the items that we talked about. May your skin be radiant, and your leggings be buttery, friends. Here we go! Favorite Follows: @heymadinelson @cassiesugarplum @thesisterstudioig @melanieshankle @thepopcast @bobgoff @christinecaine @iammiketodd @eugenecho @drhenrycloudofficial @womenwholovewine @rushbomb @hicaitlinreilly @kelly_bandas Beauty Finds: (Discount Code: HALEY3730) Style Finds: Home Finds:
This Is What We Look Like in 1991
This Is What We Look Like in 1991
1991 versus 2021.... which was a better year to be in middle school? If you liked frizzy bangs, jam boxes, denim vests and TGIF tv shows with the family, then I think the answer is obvious. Our girls may have more than one contour palette, but I'll stand behind my wet'n'wild pressed powder, thankyouverymuch. Our see-through shoe phones may not have had a touch screen, but we were allowed to stay at Six Flags all day long without parental supervision. And do you remember MC Hammer pants? Did you think those were reserved for the ultra-cool, ultra-talented singer/performer? Well think again, my friend. Those hold a special place in Haley's heart for sure. Listen to see why. What trends, songs, or sayings conjure up your middle school memories? Would you trade your experience for the one our kids are having?
This Is What We Look Like When We're Superfans, Part 2
This Is What We Look Like When We're Superfans, Part 2
Soccer, avocados, public speaking... it's all in this episode. Join us as we continue our conversation with Coach Patrick Cobbs about all things sports. He'll tell us a little bit more about his highly-structured plan to play at the next level (spoiler alert: he was too busy enjoying the moment to craft a plan), parenting athletes, and a few things college recruits need to keep in mind as they look to the future. Tell us what you think! We know many of you are athletes or raising athletes. Did Patrick say anything that resonated with you? Anything you disagree with? We'd love to hear from you! (You can follow Patrick on Twitter @PCobbs43)
This Is What We Look Like When We're Superfans
This Is What We Look Like When We're Superfans
This episode is for you if any of the following apply: you have seen a baseball cup on your countertop, you have tried to get the stench out of football pads to no avail, you've spent too many hours of your life looking around the house for knee pads or cleats, or... for you extremists... you own a weather pod (linked below because they're genius). If you're a sports parent, then this week's episode is full of wisdom from our friend Patrick Cobbs. We ended up dividing the episode into two parts because there's so much good stuff. We hope you enjoy!! Get your weather pod and be the smartest person at the fields.
This Is What We Look Like With Spring Fever
This Is What We Look Like With Spring Fever
We're BACK! Did you even notice we were gone? All kidding aside, it feels so good to be back on the podcast talking and wrapping up our spring breaks: whale watching, junk food eating, and the PTSD that we have from spring break last year. Can you believe that its been an entire year since we didn't know the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic? We've got a lot of new and exciting content coming your way this spring, but if you now of something you'd like to hear, let us know!
This Is What We Look Like When We're Peeved
This Is What We Look Like When We're Peeved
Since we're already a little on edge after the Snowpocalypse that hit our beloved Texas this week, we thought it was a great time to discuss our pet peeves. Not that being locked inside with our families sparked any great content. No, not at all. We cover a myriad of annoyances from what you chew, (hint: extra large pickles are a hard NO) to how you chew, and meetings, dishes, parking and everything in between. We've got you covered. What really makes your blood boil? Even though we enjoyed our few minutes here talking and laughing about things that get our goat (remember that from Episode 102?), our hearts are with our fellow Texas who are struggling right now in the aftermath of this weeks' storms. Some are without power, shelter, and food. If you would like to help, most area churches are taking donations or seek out one of the non-profits below. As always, Texans never disappoint with their generosity and grace. We'll get through this, friends. Getting our kids back in school would be a good first step though. (cue tears and fetal position). To Donate to Texans in Need:
This Is What We Look Like When We Tie Up Loose Ends
This Is What We Look Like When We Tie Up Loose Ends
After Episode 111, we felt like we left you all hanging just a little bit, so we are back to talk about Snapchat again this week. We'll share a few stories, and most importantly, some good resources with you on parenting tweens and teens through technology issues. And we promise, we'll be as hilarious as ever (if we ever were?) next week. Here are a few resources we mentioned during the episode: , by John Townsend and Henry Cloud on Facebook Jason Gibson's Parenting Site (links to podcast): , by Lisa Damour
This Is What We Look Like When We Bend and Snap
This Is What We Look Like When We Bend and Snap
We said it maybe five or eight times during the episode, but we aren't experts on kids and we aren't experts on social media. But that sure doesn't stop us from dedicating an entire episode to discussing both. Luckily, our friend Annie has a bit more wisdom to share and it comes from THE most reliable source.... teenagers. In this episode we take a few marco polo messages and expand them into an episode about Snapchat. Annie took our snapchat questions and posed them to her high school students. You may be surprised at what they said- we certainly were. We really hope you find the information to be useful, and don't worry, we promise next week we'll try to laugh some more! , by Thomas J Kersting We Start Now's Connect Safely's
This Is What We Look Like With Our Foot In Our Mouth
This Is What We Look Like With Our Foot In Our Mouth
Sometimes we open our mouths, and the complete wrong thing comes out. If your name is Haley, it happens pretty often... usually in an elevator. Listen to find out how group prayer and Hillsong concerts can both be highly dangerous places, and how sometimes, kids say and do the strangest things. We’ll give you the deets on our new Walmart favorites AND our upcoming Spread the Love campaign! 💗 💗 💗 (Links below)
This Is What We Look Like When We Try Real Hard
This Is What We Look Like When We Try Real Hard
Our resolutions for 2021? Podcast more. Laugh more. Serve more. Connect more. Do math less. Join us as we talk about the usual, the obscure, and the hilarious resolutions of the new year. Haley had some big goals for international travel, but COVID-19 in her actual house kind of ruined that dream. Now she's just shooting for getting her passport renewed. Should she still try? Or should she wait until she's packing the car for her next trip? This year, Laura would like to not hear things. Especially repetitive things. Like the earworm of ice chomping or spoon-to-bowl clanging. 2021 is the year of small dreams, and low-level commitments. What are your not-so-hard resolutions? We're just kidding, 2021. We love you and we're so glad you're finally here. Oh, and for the pillow that made Laura weep.
This Is What We Look Like With A Holiday Hangover
This Is What We Look Like With A Holiday Hangover
We're back, friends! It feels like it's been ages since we've sat down and hit the record button. We're so excited to talk with you again, that even a little COVID sweeping through one of our houses couldn't keep us away. Between Christmas heroes, football playoffs, Walmart surprises and December 26th birthdays, there is a lot to cover for this episode. So let's turn the page together, y'all. It's a new year, and even if it's started a little rocky, it's going to be amazing! We just know it.
This Is What We Look Like When Things Don't Go As Planned: 2020, Part 2
This Is What We Look Like When Things Don't Go As Planned: 2020, Part 2
Our last podcast episode of the year! We are bidding 2020 farewell by recapping the most searched google terms of the year, again. We learned a few things. We may have watched a little bit of tv in 2020. We may have missed an opportunity to make sourdough bread. We may or may not have experimented with curtain bangs. Join us for the last podcast episode of 2020. Can I get an amen?
This Is What We Look Like When Things Don't Go As Planned: 2020
This Is What We Look Like When Things Don't Go As Planned: 2020
Well 2020, we're probably not going to look back on you with too much nostalgia, but we're taking the opportunity this week to recap the year anyway. Google ranks their most searched terms each year, and the list is fascinating, revealing, hilarious, and also heavy. We'll start the conversation here in this episode, and finish up next week. So thanks to curtain bangs and Tinkle razors for keeping this conversation somewhat light. And as for 2020, we need to break up. Like, now.
This Is What We Look Like When We Gag
This Is What We Look Like When We Gag
So what do fish flops, jell-o, and belly port-a-pockets all have in common? Don't worry, we answer that very question in this episode- This Is What We Look Like When We Gag. We discuss all manner of white elephant gifts- the good, the bad, and the wholly ridiculous. Oh, and can you help us decide on a sign-off? We'd really appreciate it. If you need a white elephant gift this Christmas, we're here to help:
This Is What We Look Like After Thanksgiving
This Is What We Look Like After Thanksgiving
We are full of turkey and pie and not too sure what day it is. In fact, Haley seems to have forgotten that we have a podcast. BUT- here we are anyway, recapping our Thanksgiving, sharing about the leftover sandwich experience, and what we've learned from our newfound noodle friends. Remember that we're here for you. - especially if this time of year brings feelings of loss or sadness. We'd love to help you find connection this season, and have linked an advent resource below. -Laura and Haley by Louie Giglio- a beautiful Advent devotional/journal
This Is What We Look Like On Thanksgiving
This Is What We Look Like On Thanksgiving
This week, we take a trip down memory lane to discuss some of America's most fantastic bake-til-bubbly Thanksgiving recipes, including one that can double as decor. We also talk a little bit about quarantine, things that can be hidden in jello, and why gratitude is more important this year than ever before. Have your mayo and cream of chicken soup on hand, folks. You're not going to want to miss this! - Laura and Haley
This Is What We Look Like When We Just Can't
This Is What We Look Like When We Just Can't
Cliches... Love them? Hate them? Either way, we're bringing them to you in this episode with a little salty spin and loads of truth. We'll also give you the origin of some of popular cliches that will literally blow your mind. Let's all lean in, shall we? -Laura and Haley
This Is What We Look Like When We Podcast
This Is What We Look Like When We Podcast
Want to know what we look like? Then this is the episode for you! We tell you our story, what we do in real life, and what we're most excited about-and maybe even afraid of-when it comes to starting this podcast. You'll learn about the wind beneath Laura's wings, Haley's special (and oh-so-loving) departing words for her kids each morning, and a little bit about our prioritization of mozzarella sticks. *SOMEONE PINCH US PLEASE* This is really happening. Come listen and get to know us! -Laura and Haley
This Is What We Look Like-TRAILER
This Is What We Look Like-TRAILER
This is going to be fun, y'all. We can't wait. In the meantime, will you do us a favor? We'd love to have you subscribe to the podcast and our emails, and help us reach 500 Instagram followers by our launch date on November 16th. You can find the links below. We'll "see" you in a few weeks! -Laura and Haley