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The Hero with a Thousand Holds

Exploring our common grappling heritage by diving into the history, culture, roots, and ultimate fate of various folk-wrestling styles around the world – everywhere from the storm-scarred shores of Tierra del Fuego to the steppes of Mongolia to the jagged peaks of the Caucasus mountains.

info_outline Episode 7: Great Giants of the Middle World: Sakha Khapsagai 05/20/2022
info_outline White Rhino Speaks 11/25/2020
info_outline Episode 1.5: Irish Collar and Elbow Remastered 11/14/2020
info_outline A Phone Call to the Inner Mongolian Steppe 09/01/2020
info_outline Episode 6: The Roar of the Rain: Ritualized Jaguar Combat in Guerrero, Mexico 08/17/2020
info_outline Episode 5: By Law Shall Land Be Built: Icelandic Glíma 01/26/2020
info_outline Episode 4: “O Sword, Forged in Khevsureti”: Georgian Chidaoba 09/25/2019
info_outline The Kimura Traps of Angkor 05/10/2019
info_outline Episode 3: Killing Sharks in the Open Sea: Vietnamese Đấu Vật 04/10/2019
info_outline Chipewyan Wrestling - A Grappling Isolate? 02/07/2019
info_outline Episode 2: Beyond the End of the World: Yaghan and Selk'Nam Wrestling of Tierra del Fuego 01/05/2019