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Connected - The Thrive® Podcast

Connected - The Thrive® Podcast is the show for anyone working alongside children and young people, exploring the importance of creating supportive and positive relationships to help children maintain healthy social and emotional development and build their resilience.

info_outline How we created a school to meet the needs of deaf students – and the role Thrive plays in this 02/29/2024
info_outline Taking a diocese-wide approach to creating an anti-bullying culture 10/19/2023
info_outline Creating an anti-bullying culture across a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) 10/16/2023
info_outline We’re a Thrive School of Excellence for mental wellbeing – here's what we do for pupils, staff and parents 10/03/2023
info_outline How to build trusting and open relationships with parents and carers 08/21/2023
info_outline Behaviour: How to engage with hard-to-reach children 04/20/2023
info_outline LGBTQIA+ and mental health: what educators need to know 04/06/2023
info_outline Toileting and continence in schools: why it’s about mental as well as physical health 02/23/2023
info_outline Neuroscience: what classroom staff need to know 02/20/2023
info_outline Cortisol in the classroom: Behaviours to look out for (and how schools can help) 01/12/2023
info_outline Teacher stress: The impact of cortisol on the body (plus tips for staying calm in class) 01/12/2023
info_outline How to de-escalate pupils' fight, flight and freeze responses 12/08/2022
info_outline Attendance: Simple steps to make improvements 11/10/2022
info_outline We managed transition differently this year using Thrive – here’s what happened next 09/29/2022
info_outline How to comfort a young person when you’re feeling bereft 09/12/2022
info_outline Why wellbeing needs to underpin attainment in the education system 09/01/2022
info_outline Quick mental health support wins - without adding to your workload 06/13/2022
info_outline How to evidence the impact of your setting’s wellbeing practice 05/10/2022
info_outline The teenagers leading the mental health conversation 03/03/2022
info_outline How to spot the signs of emotional based school avoidance 02/03/2022
info_outline How Maple Cross School is reducing behavioural incidents 01/01/2022
info_outline From truancy to academic attainment (plus why Northfields chose Thrive) 10/18/2021
info_outline Self-care tips for classroom staff (and the importance of a relational approach) 06/03/2021
info_outline How to reframe 'challenging' behaviour (and putting mental wellbeing at the heart of the curriculum) 05/11/2021
info_outline A conversation with Kim Golding (plus children trained in Thrive) 04/01/2021
info_outline How to prepare for a school return (and Thrive's first School of Excellence) 03/02/2021
info_outline Children's Mental Health Week (and why self-expression is vital) 02/01/2021
info_outline How to manage discharge behaviours in a busy classroom 01/18/2021
info_outline Helping prevent the need for exclusion 05/12/2020
info_outline How Thrive adapted and upskilled staff to deliver online training during lockdown 04/17/2020