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TIPS - Travel, Education, Growth, Study

The TIPS Podcast (Travel, International Education, Professional Growth, Study) gives you advice on issues related to International Education and travelling. Our host, Ricardo talks to leaders and specialists about topics like business growth, leadership, immigration, accommodation, housing, university and college courses, mistakes students make, best things to do in cities, things to avoid and how to travel, why choose Australia and best advice on all issues related to being a student, traveller and living and working overseas.

info_outline Why should we start design thinking to solve complex problems, Margriet Buseman - 104 01/26/2021
info_outline Advice to stop talking and start doing. How to Start taking action, Margriet Buseman - 100 01/19/2021
info_outline Leadership and strategies to spark innovation, Chester Elton - 099 01/18/2021
info_outline Strategies to become more innovative, Margriet Buseman - 098 01/15/2021
info_outline how to get the most recharged value from your time-off, Lyndall Farley - 097 01/14/2021
info_outline Advice to become better at problem solving, Margriet Buseman - 096 01/12/2021
info_outline 095 Strategies to be Motivated and find your purpose, Fred Schebesta Co-founder finder.com 01/11/2021
info_outline The importance of taking a break, Lyndall Farley - 094 01/08/2021
info_outline What do you like the most about living in Sydney, Nicolas Duran - 093 01/07/2021
info_outline Top tips when starting a joint program with overseas universities, Priscila Trevisan, Swinburne University - 092 01/05/2021
info_outline Negotiation and sales tips, Chester Elton - 091 01/04/2021
info_outline Advice for the socially anxious, Mark Metry - 090 01/01/2021
info_outline Most common mistakes people make when they are on sabbatical, Lyndall Farley - 089 12/31/2020
info_outline Biggest challenges when you arriving to a new country as a student, Priscila Trevisan, Swinburne University - 088 12/29/2020
info_outline What surprised you the most when you arrived in Australia, Nicolas Duran - 087 12/28/2020
info_outline Why and How to implement sprints and design thinking to solve any problem, Margriet Buseman - 086 12/25/2020
info_outline How to have a sabbatical at home, Lyndall Farley - 085 12/24/2020
info_outline What was the biggest challenge you had travelling to a different country with different language? - 084 12/22/2020
info_outline Tips when planning your a sabbatical and how to afford it, Lyndall Farley - 083 12/21/2020
info_outline Tips when doing business in Australia and dealing with Australians, Priscila Trevisan, Swinburne University - 082 12/18/2020
info_outline Top tips to use hashtags on Linkedin to maximize exposure, Ira Bowman - 081 12/17/2020
info_outline Learning from others, Jason Feifer Executive Editor Entrepreneur Magazine - 080 12/15/2020
info_outline Best Tips to ensure you have the best Zoom, Skype or phone Interview, Ira Bowman - 079 12/14/2020
info_outline The importance of asking questions and why its a very important skill, Lauren Kress The Business Scientist - 078 12/11/2020
info_outline Secrets and best practices to implement change in a successful way, Sophie den Hartog - 077 12/10/2020
info_outline Best Way To Build A Following On LinkedIn, Career Advisor and LinkedIn Content Advisor, Kirsty Bonner - 076 12/08/2020
info_outline Tips to use LinkedIn to find a job, Ira Bowman - 075 12/07/2020
info_outline Things that surprised you about Australia, Martha Johnson University of Minnesota - 074 12/04/2020
info_outline Top Best Practices To Improve and Have Effective Comminication, Sophie den Hartog - 073 12/03/2020
info_outline Tips to trust your gut feeling, Lauren Kress The Business Scientis - 072 12/01/2020