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Actor Problems

You're an actor because you love it. Because it's fun! Because you can't *not* do it. But have you ever wondered why we're so damn stressed? My name is Tony Rossi. I'm a mindset coach and guest expert for Backstage, helping actors see things differently with the things that make them stressed and overwhelmed so that you can focus on what matters. Actor Problems is a self care podcast for actors that does just that. And remember - we can be messy, actors, and still get the things we want. #notperfect Let's go get 'em, actors.

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info_outline the world is falling apart....(here's what to do) 01/16/2025
info_outline From set mistreating to finding your power - with Katharin "K" Mraz 01/09/2025
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info_outline You're doing branding wrong & auditioning for the "I'm not right for this" role - with Jodie Bentley 02/29/2024
info_outline Getting Uncomfortable + Why You Won't Actually Get Blacklisted - with Dana N Anderson 02/22/2024
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info_outline what to do when your confidence sucks 02/08/2024
info_outline 3 quick tips for the next time you're stressed AF 02/01/2024
info_outline Former talent agent shares why talent isn't everything - with Michael McCracken 01/25/2024
info_outline Laughter, Cancelled Shows, & Watching Friends Get Famous - with Antoine McKay 01/18/2024
info_outline Vulnerability & Self Care with the One Broke Actress (aka Sam Valentine) 01/11/2024
info_outline scared. stuck. stressed. 01/04/2024
info_outline do this (& don't feel bad about it) in 2024 12/28/2023
info_outline this is messy. 12/21/2023
info_outline Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Owning Your Worth - with Celeste M. Cooper 12/14/2023
info_outline why this year didn't suck (even tho it feels like it did) 12/07/2023
info_outline Why good & bad stuff is happening with your finances - with Katy Chen Mazzara 11/30/2023
info_outline My Boston Marathon recap & having hope doing hard things 04/27/2023
info_outline This is supposed to be hard 04/13/2023
info_outline Rejection, adversity, and overcoming hardship - with Cheryl LaMee & The Julie Fund 04/06/2023
info_outline How to make agents want you - with Brian Patacca 03/30/2023
info_outline The #1 thing we forget when we're stressed AF 03/23/2023
info_outline 2 tips for going through transitions (in acting or personal life) 03/16/2023