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1st Friday

1st Friday is a monthly vodcast from Tom Ward and Stuart Reynolds where they discuss all aspects of life through the lens of the Bible. Each month they will focus on a specific topic as well as having a Christian book and worship song recommendation. Let us know what you think by emailing [email protected]

info_outline Final Episode: Q&A 12/02/2022
info_outline Women in ministry 11/04/2022
info_outline Is the UK church fit for purpose? 10/07/2022
info_outline Creation 09/02/2022
info_outline 20 reasons not to have kids 08/05/2022
info_outline What songs are churches singing in 2022? 07/01/2022
info_outline Why do so few pastors have a Christian world view? 06/03/2022
info_outline Why do so many pastors want to leave? 05/06/2022
info_outline How do we deal with theological disagreements? 04/01/2022
info_outline Should Alpha be the beginning and end of evangelism? 03/04/2022
info_outline Integrity - a forgotten virtue? 02/04/2022
info_outline Christians and technology 01/07/2022
info_outline Q&A (Part 2) 12/03/2021
info_outline Q&A (Part 1) 11/05/2021
info_outline Parenting God's Way 10/01/2021
info_outline Marriage God's Way 09/03/2021
info_outline What's so great about Britain? 08/06/2021
info_outline Getting the gospel 07/02/2021
info_outline Battle for the Bible 06/28/2021
info_outline EXCITING NEWS 06/24/2021
info_outline That's entertainment? 06/21/2021
info_outline Lowering your (prophetic) standards 06/14/2021
info_outline Have denominations had their day? 05/19/2021
info_outline Can Christians smoke marijuana? 05/10/2021
info_outline Cancel Christians 04/27/2021
info_outline Can Christians drink alcohol? 04/14/2021
info_outline Has Brian 'head' Welch gone too far with his faith? 04/08/2021
info_outline Conversion Therapy 04/01/2021
info_outline Where did this podcast come from? And should Christians be buried or burned? 03/23/2021
info_outline Mothers Day Special 03/14/2021