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Born Again: A Supernatural Transformation!

Greetings! My name is Ed Iwaniak. Here you will find my story of how I was saved from a life of chaos and darkness and reborn as a precious son of the One true God through His Son, Jesus Christ. At a young age I was traumatized by false Christianity making Jesus not an option for truth. After immersing myself in occultism and new age philosophy (eastern mysticism) for more than 30 years, after surviving an intense battle with drug and alcohol addiction, while awaiting the untimely death of my younger brother, I still had no answers. It was then that I asked God if Jesus really was the only truth and way to life and if He would just show me I would give my life to Him with a sincere heart. He then revealed Himself to me and I was supernaturally transformed...my soul was reborn into light and all the pain of this world melted away for good! I was born a slave to darkness and now I'm free! How hateful it would be for me to keep this a secret! I need to spread this good news to all, there is real hope after all! The truth is indeed stranger than fiction yet our stubborn pride keeps us from simply believing. We ask too many questions about things our little brains cannot possibly comprehend. This world is a twisted nightmare headed for destruction. We need to put down our pride, do what our loving Creator tells us and trust that He will bring us to eternal life as He promises. Jesus Christ IS truth, IS the way, and He IS life. There is NO OTHER way. Believe it or not...it's your choice...all yours.

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