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Wealth Building Momma

Wealth Building Momma Podcast is the millennial mom’s guide to budgeting for her family, teaching her kids about money, and ultimately building a life of financial freedom. Join founder and host, Emily Gonzalez-Gayden, each week as she speaks with successful entrepreneurs and industry elites to uncover and discuss what it means to be financially free, and the action based steps to get you and your family there.

info_outline Your 6-figure Story with Jasmine Womack 11/18/2020
info_outline Inspired by Southern Roots 11/11/2020
info_outline The Key Resource with Kendra Barnes 02/27/2020
info_outline Investing in Cannabis with Courtney Richardson, The Ivy Investor 02/19/2020
info_outline $1M worth of debt PAID with Naseema Elroy 02/05/2020
info_outline What will happen to my house? with Jamisa McIvor 01/29/2020
info_outline Credit Talk with Dalaine Waller of Vraiment Financial 01/29/2020
info_outline Introduction 01/25/2020