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What The Trans!?

UK-based news podcast for trans and non-binary folks and our allies. Join snarky trans fact-finding team Ashleigh and Alyx as they dissect the news, interview guests and chat about pop culture.

info_outline EP126 - Lawyer's Corner 03/10/2025
info_outline EP125 - Tragedies & Tribunals 02/26/2025
info_outline EP124 - Villains & Jokers 02/10/2025
info_outline EP123 - Losing Our MindEds. 01/27/2025
info_outline EP122 - Nonsense in Nottingham 01/13/2025
info_outline EP121 - The What the Trans?! Awards 2024! 01/02/2025
info_outline USA EP10 - An Interview with Evan Urqhart 01/01/2025
info_outline EP120 - We Will Live Out of Spite 12/16/2024
info_outline EP119 - Microaggressions & Medical Malice 12/02/2024
info_outline USA EP09 - Potty Politics 11/30/2024
info_outline EP118 - Kemi, Karen and Codes of Practice 11/18/2024
info_outline USA EP08 - We Will Survive 11/13/2024
info_outline EP117 - Wes² = Bad Healthcare 11/04/2024
info_outline USA EP07 - Halloween, Harris and Haunting Legislature 10/28/2024
info_outline EP116 - Who Let the Crickets Out? 10/23/2024
info_outline EP115 - Party Fouls 10/07/2024
info_outline USA EP06 - Transatlantic Transphobia 09/30/2024
info_outline EP114 - A Lesson in Education 09/23/2024
info_outline USA EP05 - The Return of the Americans 09/19/2024
info_outline EP113 - Hey, Streeting! Leave Those Kids Alone! 09/09/2024
info_outline EP112 - Alerta! Alerta! Anti Cass-ista! 08/26/2024
info_outline EP111 - Prides and Prejudice 08/12/2024
info_outline EP109 - Election Decompression 07/29/2024
info_outline Who The Trans Episode 3! The Giggle 07/08/2024
info_outline EP108 - Election Special 06/26/2024
info_outline EP107 - Blocker Bans and Tory Shams 06/11/2024
info_outline Reviewing the Cass Review 06/03/2024
info_outline EP106 - A Cass-astrophic Review (Part Two) 05/28/2024
info_outline EP105 - A Cass-astrophic Review (Part One) 05/13/2024
info_outline EP104 - A Love Letter from the EHRC 04/29/2024