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Where Are My Seats

A humorous look at today's pop culture from the eyes of two smart alecks from Jersey, let go from a mental institution after a stellar presentation to Homeland Security outlining "how" to get Justin Bieber deported. Join Peter Riario and Nick Franco as they explore the world of entertainment atop Mount Hackensack through a set of some kickass K-Mart binoculars.

info_outline WAMS 2019-02 KP and the Kahuna 02/25/2019
info_outline WAMS 2019-01 The Oscar Fix 01/25/2019
info_outline WAMS 2018-13 Wringing Out 2018 12/31/2018
info_outline WMAS 2018-12 Saints, Souls, and Colonoscopies 12/03/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-11 Halloween 50 10/31/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-10 Ultimate Fighting Casino 09/19/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-09 Justus is Served 08/07/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-8 Let's Join the Space Force 07/07/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-07 Infinity Vacation 05/16/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-6 Ming, Mike, and Midnight Express 03/20/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-5 Dive Bars, JLaw, and Live Wires 03/13/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-4 The Satin Dolls/Hootie Boys Mysteries 03/09/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-3 A Shared Universe With Ming Chen 02/16/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-2 The Return of Nothing Human 01/23/2018
info_outline WAMS 2018-1 Ringing in 2018 01/10/2018
info_outline WAMS 2017-7 Chillin and Shillin on Vacation 11/08/2017
info_outline WAMS 2017-6 Stash, Bash, and Crash 09/22/2017
info_outline WAMS 2017-5 Christmas in August with Geryoke 09/18/2017
info_outline WAMS 2017-4 Game of Sharks 09/06/2017
info_outline WAMS 2017-3 The track that almost got away 08/08/2017
info_outline WMAS 2017-2 We've Got Movie Sign 06/26/2017
info_outline WAMS 2017-01 It's an Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad World 05/02/2017
info_outline WAMS 2016-13 The End of 2016 03/28/2017
info_outline WAMS 2016-12 Kroft Works 01/21/2017
info_outline WAMS 2016-11 Oh Con-ada 11/08/2016
info_outline WAMS 2016-10 Metal Shop 08/30/2016
info_outline Where Are My Seats 2016-9 Dad's Beer.......NAAA 07/14/2016
info_outline WAMS 2016-8 Podfeasting and Doom 07/06/2016
info_outline WAMS 2016-7 Purple Pains 06/01/2016
info_outline WAMS 2016-6 The Answer is Five, Now Call a Locksmith 04/26/2016