WOW - EP363 - The Rock Renaissance
WOW - EP363 - The Rock Renaissance
(Note: if the audio sounds strange it's because I was using my Zoom H1N for the intro and outro - Rocky, my dog, wouldn't let me record in the room with the better mic, so I ask for your forgiveness and give you my thanks) This week Tim Kail talks about The Rock, only everything he's doing outside the ring. He then compares that to what he has going on and what we all have going on. Topics include: Pro-Wrestling Movies Social media Exercise and nutrition Spot on The Board of TKO Sit-com Athletic Wear line with Underarmor including his own shoes. A credit card Acorn w/Visa Terramana Tequilla XFL into the UFL Papatui skin care for men Father Husband Son Being a good person And more! Follow The Work Of Wrestling on , , , and . Thanks for listening!