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You and God's Word

A new podcast is being introduced and it is very important. It is about YOU! The podcast is titled "You and God's Word". Future episodes will cover a wide range of topics that will be of interest you. Let me whet your appetite and share some of the future topics: Eschatology, Who is God, The Bible, Holy Spirit, Social Justice, Glorified Bodies, Rapture, Third Temple, Coronavirus Pandemic 2020, Biblical Wars, Your Future, Abortion, Guardian Angels, Satan, Tribulation and the Millennium. These are just a few of many topics. Stay tuned! These topics are Biblically based and supported by scripture. Please enjoy!

info_outline Image of God 03/16/2025
info_outline The AI god revisited 03/01/2025
info_outline “What is Your Truth?" 02/15/2025
info_outline What is the purpose of your life 01/31/2025
info_outline Individual Apostasy 01/16/2025
info_outline Sunday Sermon Part 3 01/01/2025
info_outline If you are not dead, you are not done 01/01/2025
info_outline Sunday Sermon Part 2 12/01/2024
info_outline Sunday Sermon Part One 11/12/2024
info_outline God’s Algorithm 11/01/2024
info_outline Prophetic Babylon: Political and Commercial 10/14/2024
info_outline Prophetic Babylon—Religious 10/01/2024
info_outline Babylon Part 2 09/15/2024
info_outline Babylon Part One 09/02/2024
info_outline God’s Church 08/15/2024
info_outline 7 Sevens, 62 Sevens, 1 Seven 08/01/2024
info_outline Basic Laws of Bible Study 07/15/2024
info_outline How is Mankind doing 07/01/2024
info_outline Your thoughts on Bible prophecy 06/17/2024
info_outline What is Truth? 05/31/2024
info_outline American Discontentment 05/16/2024
info_outline What does it mean to be blessed? 04/30/2024
info_outline How many people are going to Heaven? 04/15/2024
info_outline What are your spiritual gifts? 04/01/2024
info_outline God’s Universal Church 03/12/2024
info_outline Is the Antichrist alive today? 02/29/2024
info_outline A Heavy Stone and A Cup of Trembling 02/15/2024
info_outline The Throne of God 01/30/2024
info_outline The Holy Spirit in the Tribulation and the Millennium 01/16/2024
info_outline The Holy Spirit and the New Testament 01/02/2024