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Your Smile Matters Podcast

Discover A New Smile Transformation Experience…There Have Been Quantum Leaps In The Smile Transformation Process That Now Allow You To Get Your Dream Smile In As Little As 1 Day…No Matter Where You Live! Hello friends, my name is Dr. Jesse Ritter and I'm a Transformational Cosmetic Dentist. Over the duration of my career I have experienced wins and losses in my pursuit to help patients realize their full potential through smile transformation. I've learned through helping clients of mine transform their smile as well as discussions and consultations with patients who couldn't make the decision to move forward, that there is a TON of misperceptions and myths when it comes to smile transformations. This can lead to inaccurate and fear-based decision making which is a bad way to go about any decision. It's my mission to bring you the TRUTH. I'm going to help you: - Dismantle limiting beliefs - Uncover lies your dental insurance has made you believe - Debunk myths propagated in pop culture about cosmetic dentistry - Discuss what's possible with modern dentistry - Alleviate your fear of dentistry - Provide pros and cons of smile transformation - Navigate the waters of quantum leaps and big change in your life - Deal with external influences in your decision making (i.e. other people's opinions) I am going to interview people who have gotten smile transformations, are considering getting smile transformations, experts in mindset and personal development, experts in personal appearance and style, matchmakers, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and more. My purpose is to open you up to possibility for yourself and give you accurate information to make your own personal decision regarding your potential smile transformation. Enjoy the show!

info_outline 23: Virtual Dental Consultation Trend 09/09/2020
info_outline 22: The Smile Solutions Experience Explained 08/26/2020
info_outline 21: What Is Chronic Tooth Degradation? 08/17/2020
info_outline 20: Amazing Email From A Grateful Patient 08/14/2020
info_outline 19: Dental Patient Stories - We Love To Tell Them! 08/12/2020
info_outline 18: Dentist Advice - How Do You Get What You Want? 08/10/2020
info_outline 17: Dental Problems - Fix Them Now Or Later? 08/03/2020
info_outline 16: Smile Makeover Decision Making - Take Back Your Power 07/31/2020
info_outline 15: Smile Makeover Decision Making - Take Back Your Power 07/29/2020
info_outline 14: Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive? 07/27/2020
info_outline 12: Comprehensive Dental Exam And Treatment - What Is It? 07/24/2020
info_outline 11: Dental Patient Story - Im So Proud Of This Patient For Her Courage 07/22/2020
info_outline 10: Crowns And Veneers: Do My Teeth Need To Be Hacked Down? 07/20/2020
info_outline 9: What Makes A Smile Attractive? 07/17/2020
info_outline 8: Smile Transformation Experiences Don't Have To Suck 07/15/2020
info_outline 7: 3D Printing In Dentistry 07/13/2020
info_outline 6: What About A Smile Transformation Is Easier Now Than A Year Ago? 07/10/2020
info_outline 5: How Can I Get A New Smile In One Day? 07/08/2020
info_outline 4: Practice What You Preach 07/06/2020
info_outline 3: "I Just Can't Do It Doc. I'm Too Scared!" 07/03/2020
info_outline 2: My Origin Story In Smile Transformations 07/01/2020
info_outline 1: Setting My Intention 06/29/2020