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Zane Hodges Library

Zane Hodges Library features messages on the Bible by Zane C. Hodges. Zane ministered at Dallas Theological Seminary for 27 years as Professor of New Testament. Zane also ministered at Victor Street Bible Chapel in Dallas, Texas for over 50 years and published a number of books focusing on the free gift of eternal life by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone and on the opportunities for eternal rewards for believers. Zane was involved with the founding of the Grace Evangelical Society, served on its board of directors, and wrote and spoke for GES. Zane was known for his faithfulness to the text of the Bible through study and prayer. His life reflected a biblical joyful living faith, as he was a friend and minister to many from all walks of life and all ages. Zane desired for others to know and believe in Jesus for the absolutely free gift of eternal life. As Jesus said, "Amen, amen, I tell you, whoever believes in Me has eternal life." (John 6:47) Zane also desired for believers to grow and endure in their faith, so that believers may have the privilege of co-reigning with the Lord Jesus Christ. In 2 Timothy 2:17, believers are told, "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him."

info_outline Miraculous Signs and Literary Structure in John's Gospel (John 13-17) - Part 2 of 2 09/04/2024
info_outline In the Upper Room with Jesus the Christ - John 13-17 (Part 1 of 2) 07/17/2024
info_outline The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) - Part 2 05/09/2024
info_outline The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) - Part 1 04/30/2024
info_outline Luke 10:38-42 – You Aren’t Listening, Are You? (1984 at Christ Bible Fellowship of Del Rio, Texas) 04/19/2024
info_outline Romans 2:1-16 - Seminar (Warning: poor audio quality) 04/15/2024
info_outline Questions and Answers on The Christian Life 01/31/2024
info_outline Colossians 3:12-15 - The Well Dressed Christian 12/21/2023
info_outline Luke 8:40-56 - The Troubled Christian 11/03/2023
info_outline The Olivet Discourse - Part 4: Working for the King 10/08/2023
info_outline The Olivet Discourse - Part 3: Watching for the Climax 09/20/2023
info_outline The Olivet Discourse - Part 2: The Coming World Crisis (Matthew 24:15-35) 08/31/2023
info_outline The Olivet Discourse - Part 1: The Last Great Revival (Matthew 24:1-14) 08/24/2023
info_outline End Times (Eschatology) Questions and Answers (May 17, 2004) 08/08/2023
info_outline 2 Kings 10:9-17, 31 - Get Back to Shore 08/02/2023
info_outline 1 Samuel 28:3-25 - Saul consults a Medium 02/24/2023
info_outline 1 Corinthians 6:18-7:6 - How Committed Are You? (July 1995) 10/26/2022
info_outline 2 Kings 8:7-15 - Get This Stuff Out of My Head 09/27/2022
info_outline Romans 8:9-11 - Are You Among the Walking Dead? 09/16/2022
info_outline Luke 9:57-62 - The Committed Christian 08/25/2022
info_outline Luke 24:36-43; Philippians 3:20-21 - Sudden Improvement 08/16/2022
info_outline Luke 24:28-35 - Seal that Friendship! (1996) 08/04/2022
info_outline Luke 24:12-29 - El Compañero del Camino de Vida (The Companion on the Road to Life) 07/09/2022
info_outline Luke 23:49, 54-56; 24:1-11 - Collapse or Comeback, Which Will It Be? 06/25/2022
info_outline Luke 23:50-53 - Be There, Do It! 05/31/2022
info_outline Luke 23:44-49 - Christian Suffering: The Real Stuff (1996) 05/09/2022
info_outline Luke 23:44-46 - The Cross of Christ is God's Waiting Room 04/14/2022
info_outline How to Approach Problem Passages in the New Testament - Romans 10:9-10 04/07/2022
info_outline Decision Making and Guidance from God - 1 Corinthians 10:25-29 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - (1972-1975) 03/20/2022
info_outline Luke 23:39-43 - Be Impossible to Forget (December 17, 1995) 02/24/2022