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The Ben Burnett Show

A show dedicated to the unparalleled thoughts and analysis of a straight shooter leading others to the truth. He's a great clubhouse guy and if he's coming for you, you'll see him from a mile away.

POWER MOVES with Mike Burns

Comedians Mike Burns and trusty sidekick Mike Bridenstine share their own intimate life stories as well as discussing power moves in the world of food, sports, entertainment, and pop culture in this weekly, cult driven podcast. Recorded in beautiful Saginaw, MI. Subscribe for a better life, daddy. Mike Burns is an author, creator of the Twitter account @dadboner, former writer for Mtv's Ridiculousness, stand up comic, host and head writer for Playstation Vue, Andy Kaufman Award finalist, writer for Vice Magazine, WWE YouTube head writer, a prestigious Just For Laughs "new face", children's clothing designer, art director, fashion buyer, bartender, football fan, avid bad golfer, current social media director, and fiercely loyal friend. Mike lives in Saginaw, MI where he's just a guy happily sitting at the end of the bar screaming at the Detroit Lions game.

The Real Investment Show Podcast

It's a show about life, markets, sweat-equity, and the pursuit of wealth in a capitalist market.

NAHLAS |aktuality.sk

Informácie v súvislostiach, analýzy a rozhovory. Domáca aj zahraničná politika, kauzy a odhalenia investigatívneho tímu. Odvážne otázky, ktoré sa pýtame za vás. Aktuality Nahlas je prvý podcast spravodajského portálu Aktuality.sk o témach, ktoré rezonujú v spoločnosti. Spravodajstvo zasadzujeme do kontextu, vysvetľujeme dôsledky udalostí na reálny život. Stručne a jasne. Od pondelka do piatka, každý podvečer na našom webe a v podcastových aplikáciách.

Tree Radio

This show is as transparent as it can get. We are gonna talk about everything and anything. It's gonna be funny, and insightful. please tune in.

PDIS: People Doing Interesting Stuff

People Doing Interesting Stuff (PDIS) is about just that. Host Dr. Samuel Kelton Roberts talks and thinks out loud with special guests, including activists and organizers, writers, artists, social entrepreneurs, public figures, and others about what they do, and how, why, and where they do it. From the streets to the suites, they're everywhere. We're mostly serious, often humorous, and always interesting. (Adult themes, occasional explicit language)


Rachel Dodes and Brian Hecht are cousins who enjoy dissecting the most abominable news of the week and shutting it all down, usually over whiskey, sometimes with a guest. But don't despair...they always end with a YUP or two, beacons of hope amid all the #NOPE.

The Spokesman Speaks: Ag Insights for Your Farm and Family

Since 1934, The Iowa Farm Bureau Spokesman has been Iowa’s leading agriculture news source, and today it has the largest readership of any ag newspaper in Iowa. While The Spokesman newspaper is available exclusively to Iowa Farm Bureau members, The Spokesman Speaks podcast is available publicly, providing the ag news and farmer education that matter most.

The Orca Podcasts

Nothing is more important to our democracy and our politics than open discussion. Free debate about the ideas and policies that shape our province and country. For a long time, B.C.’s online media landscape has consistently pulled in the same direction, leaving an obvious gap in the marketplace – or if you prefer, an opportunity. The Orca's podcast network looks at B.C.'s competitiveness in a global marketplace, creating jobs and opportunity, and what it takes to create, attract, and retain talent and investment. Our focus is on public policy, issues, and ideas that affect the B.C. economy, investment, jobs and long-term prosperity and opportunities for everyday British Columbians. What matters most isn’t whether we agree, but how we engage with each other. The Orca believes in intelligent, reasoned debate; fresh thinking; and a combination of common sense and new ideas.

All Inclusive

ALL INCLUSIVE is a podcast focused on inclusion, innovation, and social justice. Join Jay Ruderman as he interviews leaders and experts on the latest news, technology and advocacy for social justice. In order to make progress that will lead to an innovative future, honest discussions must be held. That is what ALL INCLUSIVE is all about. All Inclusive is a production of the Ruderman Family Foundation.

Hedera Hashgraph - Gossip About Gossip Podcast

Welcome to the Gossip About Gossip Podcast! Join us to learn about the future of distributed ledger technology #DLT and how it will impact you or your industry. Paul Madsen and our rotating hosts will guide you through the business, technical and practical aspects of this exciting industry, sharing different perspectives and interviewing key leaders in the field. We'll focus on providing entrepreneurs, developers, crypto enthusiasts and those interested in learning more about the field with fresh news and ideas. We hope you'll love our episodes, subscribe now! Hedera is a public distributed ledger built on the hashgraph consensus algorithm. It allows anyone to develop enterprise-grade distributed applications on a scalable and stable platform. Hashgraph is based on a gossip protocol, in which the participants don’t just gossip about transactions. They gossip about gossip. Views expressed on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the official policy or view of Hedera Hashgraph, LLC, Swirlds Inc, or their affiliates. The content of this podcast is for information and entertainment purposes and is not intended to be, and should not be relied on for, legal, tax, accounting, investment or other professional advice.

The Listening Brain

For most of us, we must be able to listen in order to speak. Put another way, listening plus speaking equals successful communication. Fortunately, for children with hearing loss, listening has become less of a challenge due to the availability of testing that allows early detection of hearing loss and the early use of advanced hearing technology – like hearing aids and cochlear implants. This podcast, The Listening Brain, will celebrate listening and speaking in the context of childhood hearing loss. Hosted by K. Todd Houston, Ph.D., a noted Listening and Spoken Language Specialist Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, speech-language pathologist, and Professor, the podcast will explore educational trends, new developments in technology, and advances in research. We will interview professionals in the fields serving a child with hearing loss, and, most importantly, families who are supporting their children on this journey to listening and spoken language success. And, equally, as important, we’ll also hear from adults with hearing loss who will share their unique stories and experiences about growing up with deafness and how deafness is now being redefined for future generations.