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Podcast Zdravá miera je spoločným dielom GymBeamu a projektu Chuť žiť, ktorý pomáha ľuďom s poruchami príjmu potravy a ich blízkym. Medzi hlavné témy podcastu tak patrí zdravá strava vo svete športu aj mimo nej, poruchy prijímania potravy a konkrétne diagnózy spojené s týmto ochorením.
Fuel Your Adventure. Nourish Your Body. If you want to be healthier, this show is for you. If you want to improve as an athlete, this show is for you. If you want both, this is the ONLY show for you. Kelli Jennings is an expert sports nutritionist, outdoor athlete, registered dietitian, mom of 4, and mountain-dwelling ocean lover. She brings over 20 years of professional experience, nutrition coaching, and adventures to this podcast. Her goal is to help all types of athletes, from newbies to pros, improve their health, performance, recovery, aging, and enjoyment. Apex Nutrition Podcast Recipes: Practical. Real. Fun. Fuel Your Adventure. Nourish Your Body.
The FIS Freeride World Tour is the premier global circuit for freeride snowboarding and skiing, where the world’s best athletes compete on legendary, challenging alpine faces at renowned ski resorts worldwide. Welcome to No Fall Zone, the podcast that takes you inside the minds of Freeride World Tour athletes, past and present, who have shaped the sport and left an enduring mark. Hosted by Dave Mailman, the voice of the FWT from the very start, we lift the curtain and give you a true glimpse into the lives of these extraordinary athletes. Tune in to discover the stories, challenges, and passions that define freeriding’s top riders and learn how they continuously push the boundaries of the sport. #HomeofFreeride #FWT #NoFallZone
Tyngre Bänkpress är en podcast om lyftet bänkpress och allt runt det. Podcasten leds av Josef Eriksson som är en välmeriterad bänkpressare nationellt som internationellt. Du kommer lära dig saker om bänkpress du inte visste att man kunde lära sig. En tyngre podcast om bänkpress finns inte.