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Jacked Athlete host, Jake Tuura, interviews those in the field of Athletic Performance, Muscle Hypertrophy, and Injury Reduction. You'll hear guests talk about strength & conditioning, vertical jump, knee pain, fat loss, muscle gain, and becoming a beast in general. Website:
This is THE horse podcast for amateur show jumpers who are interested in competing in Europe and in CSI and FEI competitions both nationally and internationally. On the show International FEI II Show Jumping Coach, Krystal Kelly shares how-to's, tips, and resources for hunter jumpers and show jumpers around the world. Our mission is to raise the standards of education in the sport of jumping and create a bridge between the two worlds. We are your global passport for international competitions! Subscribe to our podcast. Resources: Join our FREE Facebook group: Apply here to train with us: Recommended Programs to Improve Your Riding: New Best Selling Book: Horse Riding Lessons App: (Available in Apple & Play Store)
A place where the most avid baseball fans discuss and debate all things baseball. Everything from minor league prospects to Hall of Fame analysis, and everything in between, Peter and Matt show why they are the biggest baseball fans and why they love to talk about the game.
Alexandria Soccer Association (ASA) is a non-profit, established in 1970 in Alexandria, Virginia. ASA offers year round soccer and futsal programs for kids and adults across the DMV. Tune in to The Pitch (podcast!) to hear from coaches, staff and special guests — and for a peak behind the scenes of a nationally recognized youth soccer organization!
Beyond the Bright Lights is a weekly motivational sports show, hosted by Scott Johnston. Every Monday, Scott who has Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair shares some of the wisdom he has learned using an inspiring or motivational quote from a coach or athlete. Also, Every Friday Scott Interviews an athlete or sports media professional to find out how the lessons that they've learned from sports have helped them overcome the adversity that they face in everyday life.
Du willst am Meer leben und arbeiten? Du willst dich wieder lebendig fühlen und nicht nur existieren? Du willst dich am Sonntag schon auf den Montag freuen, weil deine Arbeit dich erfüllt und Freude bereitet? All this is possible my love - Start your Online Business! All deine Fragen: Wie baue ich ein Online Business auf? Wie starte ich eine Selbstständigkeit? Wie werde ich Digitaler Nomade und viele weitere spannende Themen aus der Entrepreneur Welt werden hier beantwortet. Im UNTAMED Podcast erwarten dich inspirierende Menschen, mit ungezähmten Lebenskonzepten dich sich ein Leben und ein Business nach ihren Werten und Bedürfnissen kreiert haben. Sabine Spallek die Gründerin von SEA YOU SOON (Blog für Surferinnen) startete 2014 ihr erstes Online Business, hat seit dem ein erfolgreiches Personal Brand, die größte deutschsprachige Female Surfcommunity (Dancers of the Oceans) und ein nachhaltiges Surf Fashion Label namens Surf Girl Gang aufgebaut. Im UNTAMED Podcast teilt sie mit dir ihre Erfahrungen und ihr Wissen aus sieben Jahren ortsunabhängiger Selbstständigkeit und verteilt ordentliche Ass-Kicks damit du in die Umsetzung kommst! It's time! Stop playing small – Let's dream big. It's time to be untamed. Website: Instagram: Kostenlose Community:
Pro fisherman, Brad Chappell puts it all out on the table and gives you everything you need to know about the sport of Crappie fishing. He sits down to talk with some of the best to ever wet a line and some of the manufacturers that help make the sport possible. Brad goes above and beyond to give you the best information available. The Crappie Connection is perfect for those long road trips to the lake. Get your fill of what's new in the Crappie world right here!
Wrasslin’ Raw is a wrestling podcast that centers around three friends doing a deep-dive into World Wrestling Entertainment’s past. Starting in 1993, Joe, Ryan, and Jason take a look back at old-school wrestling by watching the WWE show Monday Night Raw in chronological order, along with the Pay-Per-Views as they happen. Bringing together three different viewpoints that sometimes agree and sometimes don’t, Wrasslin’ Raw is a round table discussion centered around individual episodes and events. Our hosts give opinions on matches, wrestlers, and storylines, as well as brief glimpses into the then-contemporary world of professional sports entertainment. Fans of wrestling from their early youth, the boys decided one day to start re-watching old episodes of Raw. This started a texting discussion thread that wound up revealing some reevaluations of old favorites, new appreciation for things overlooked, and an overall richer viewpoint that has been informed by hindsight. Realizing this, the suggestion to record a podcast of the discussion was made and Wrasslin’ Raw was born. WELCOME EVERYONE- TO WRASSLIN’ RAWWWWWW!