Sports Category
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CandiKlynn and ShawTime Shaw talk sports, hip hop culture, and news. A platform designed to celebrate others, inspire creativity while providing resources that connect our listeners to the urban lifestyle experience. Pull up weekly as family, friends, and guests stop by to share expertise, stories, and laughs.
Din podcast om cykling og kun cykling. I denne podcast kommer du helt tæt på cykelsporten og får et dybere og ærligere billede af, hvordan det er at være cykelrytter. Forhjulslir er til dig, der elsker cykling, elsker sporten, elsker rytterne og elsker røverhistorierne fra feltet.
We are female athletes who crave real talk about faith, life, our sport … and everything in between. Nothing is off the table (or off the field) as Natalie Lawrence connects with fellow athletes from around the world to encourage you in your faith, inspire you to grow, and bring you into a community of believers. You are NOT alone as a believing athlete; welcome to the FAMily!
Helping listeners find the right balance and priority when it comes to their faith life versus their sports life, interviews are done with guests who are Catholics in sports - current or former athletes, coaches, officials, clergy, administrators, and more, from the pro, amateur, and scholastic ranks. Whether you're an athlete or a fan, youth or adult, Catholic or not, this show will deliver content that speaks to you and provides opportunities for ongoing reflection for your daily life.
Trail Correspondents is a teleportation machine to the trail- in audio form. Every other week, a select handful of thru-hikers on the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and the American Discovery Trail, give us a glimpse into the world of long distance backpacking. Through their eyes and vocal cords, we learn all about the highs, lows, and nitty gritty details that go into a half-year, cross-country trek. Trail Correspondents is the next best thing to being on trail yourself.
Educating, Informing and Entertaining One ridiculous episode at a time. Interviews with professionals across all equestrian disciplines, insights into careers all over the equestrian industry and episodes keeping you up to date with best practices for all aspects of horse care.
Fuel the Pedal is your source of science-based nutrition for cycling based sports. Here we bring you the top researchers and experts on the field to discuss the lattest evidence in cycling performance optimization and health. HOST: Gabriel Baltazar-Martins, Nutritionist, MSc Sports Nutrition, PhD student in Health Sciences. Portuguese based in Madrid. Language: English