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Fuel Your Adventure. Nourish Your Body. If you want to be healthier, this show is for you. If you want to improve as an athlete, this show is for you. If you want both, this is the ONLY show for you. Kelli Jennings is an expert sports nutritionist, outdoor athlete, registered dietitian, mom of 4, and mountain-dwelling ocean lover. She brings over 20 years of professional experience, nutrition coaching, and adventures to this podcast. Her goal is to help all types of athletes, from newbies to pros, improve their health, performance, recovery, aging, and enjoyment. Apex Nutrition Podcast Recipes: Practical. Real. Fun. Fuel Your Adventure. Nourish Your Body.
A hockey podcast by four beer league players who share hockey opinions, stories, and laughs over beers in ice rink parking lots after their games. They thought others might enjoy their entertaining conversations and the post game atmosphere. They cover professional hockey, junior hockey, college hockey, youth hockey, their local beer leagues, and everything in between. New episodes drop on Wednesdays. Come join, Aaron Michaels aka "A A Ron", Danny Liverette aka "Danny Who?", Eric Rigsby aka "Rigs" or "Riggo", and Jonny Walker aka "J-Wa”, for a couple Beers in The Lot! Check out our affiliate sponsor, Pure Hockey, at for all of your hockey gear needs!
Ultimate Sports Parent Radio (, which aims to instill confidence and success in child and teen athletes, interviews coaches, parents, authors, professors and others about how to identify and overcome mental game challenges in sports. Hosted by Lisa Cohn. co-founder of the Ultimate Sports Parent and Kids' Sports Psychology.
The Turn Around Podcast documents the hoop journey of Bull City's own Stewart “Squirt” Holley. Squirt's raw storytelling is both a cautionary tale and a hero's journey, starting from worn park courts to polished hardwood floors where only professionals are allowed to play. The Turn Around Podcast is a true-life basketball story of how a tall, skinny, Black boy from rural North Carolina became a prison yard baller, international basketball star, and a hometown legend. Squirt's firsthand account provides an authentic insight into the world of basketball, making it a must-listen for fans of the game, underdogs, and anyone who loves a story of determination and success.
Discover how a visionary young man decided from an early age that his career would not be restricted by the established expectations of a society. Know how this decision led to the creation of The Sporting Life Notebook; the Georgia-based organization continuously engaging in a rich collection of sporting initiatives; all with the hopes of creating curiosity amongst unexplored, nontraditional markets and welcoming them to the outdoors. Understand how today, these newly arrived enthusiasts believe had it not been for The Sporting Life Notebooks’ commitment to expose them to the invaluable experiences found in a sporting life, they may have never lived the outdoor activities they are devotedly engaging in today. By doing so, The Sporting Life Notebook is bringing new generations & participants to the industry. In turn, this new blood is enjoying activities they never knew possible, while bringing in fresh perspectives; perspectives ensuring our sporting traditions, wildlife, & habitat will be here tomorrow. And in the end, The Sporting Life Notebook’s belief of never allowing deeply rooted stereotypes to dictate what one will become or enjoy, is inspiring thousands to learn more about & be part of, our outdoor community; a community whose richness will always be directly linked to the diversity found in its members, ideas, & opinions.
Dr. Eisenfeist's Raubfisch-Podcast ist für Zanderangler, Hechtangler und Barschangler die ihre Erfolge beim Angeln auf ihren Zielfisch nachhaltig verbessern möchten, indem sie in jeder Situation am Wasser die richtige Entscheidung treffen. In diesem Podcast erhältst du regelmäßig Tipps zum Thema Raubfischangeln, um dir die Informationen zu geben, die DU brauchst, um noch erfolgreicher auf Zander, Hecht oder Barsch zu angeln. Du lernst deinen Raubfisch endlich zu verstehen, dein Gewässer richtig zu bewerten und welche Köder, Ruten, Schnur, Haken, Gewichte und sonstiges Angelgerät das Richtige für dich ist. Darüber hinaus erfährst du, wie du deinen Köder präsentieren musst, um einen Zander, Hecht oder Barsch zum Anbiss zu reizen. Dr. Eisenfeist bringt dich dazu deine bekannten Vorgehensweisen zu hinterfragen und gibt Anregungen für neue Wege um erfolgreicher auf Zander, Hecht und Barsch zu angeln. Wenn du Zander-, Hecht- oder Barschangler bist und mehr aus der Zeit, die du am Wasser verbringst herausholen möchtest, dann ist dieser Podcast für dich genau richtig!
Brett Tippie is a Freeride Mountain Bike legend and is one most colourful characters in the industry. Listen in as he talks with the superstars, the up and comers, the OG's and everyone in between who live their lives on a bike. Get ready for some good times and some big laughs with the Brett Tippie Podcast.
We love to run. We love the running community. We love runners. But we also know there are some issues in our world that directly affect the sport that we love. Issues that need to be addressed. We want to understand what is happening and know what we can do to help uplift underrepresented genders, celebrate and include different cultures and backgrounds, and address the environmental impact of running. Running Realized is a space to explore, discuss and provide insight to create meaningful change. Join running industry voices Tina Muir and Knox Robinson as we tell stories, consult with experts, and search for actionable ways that we can all be a part of the solution. Our mission is to explore running culture as a vehicle to realize its full potential, and we want you to join us.