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If your love of album-art and epic rock images equals your love of music, you already know Sean Murphy, you just don't know it yet. He’s the guy behind some of the most iconic Rock shots over the past twenty-five years. Weezer, Green Day, Kid Rock, A Perfect Circle, Beastie Boys, Dr. Dre, and Blink 182 to name a few. Through his stories about the mayhem and craziness of each photoshoot, we learn that Sean Murphy may be even more insane than any of them.
Imani Blair is a 25 year old independent artist with a passion for hip-hop and destigmatizing sex for young adult black women. She brings on like minded individuals weekly to discuss the benefits and struggles of chasing your dreams, intimacy, young adulting, relationships, pop culture, and everything in between. Buckle up and Enjoy!
Bez Milionu na účtě! Podcast pro začínající hudebníky. Hudební business není žádný med, poslouchej náš týdenní podcast a nauč se v tom chodit. Internet je plný videí, tutoriálů, článků a ebooků s podobnými radami, jenže pročítat se tím vším je jako oddělovat zrno od plev. Navíc, spousta z nich je v cizím jazyce a psaná odbornými termíny. Informace, rady, tipy a triky, které ti dáme, prošly několikaletým “masteringem” prostřednictvím našich vlastních zkušeností. Víme, co začínající hudebníky trápí, protože to samé jsme kdysi řešili my sami. Zároveň také cítíme, že na současné české scéně chybí začínajícím hudebníkům podobná informační platforma a chceme to změnit. Proto jsme vytvořili tento podcast.
Before a song is released, a record is produced, or a chorus is written, the musicians that write them think. A lot. They live. A lot. And they feel. A LOT. Hosted by award-winning interviewer and radio host Sofia Loporcaro, Before the Chorus dives into the stories and experiences that shape these artists, and ultimately, the music we hear.
Santuri Signal is a showcase of East African sounds - diverse, innovative and experimental music from Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and beyond. We record interviews with the DJ's, musicians and producers themselves, for discussions about their art. Stay on the look out for DJ mixes too!
Presented by ASME (SA Chapter), this podcast is for educators working both in general classrooms and specialist music classrooms. Music Loop aims to inspire and support educators to ‘level up’ their knowledge and understanding of music education and take that learning back to their classroom. Episodes include interviews with those who actively work in the field and explore what works for them ... offering insight into their careers, classrooms and teaching practices and presenting strategies and advice for teachers at all levels. Music Loop is a great resource for all educators interested in becoming part of the thriving music education learning network.
Texx and the City is a media cornerstone of South Africa's thriving music industry, and this podcast is an extension of that, plugging you into all the hottest music news, reviews and interviews, through insightful and stimulating conversations with the people who are on the ground making things happen, the people who are plugged into the culture.
It started as an idea in our kitchen. My wife, Connie, and I thought: what if we were to pay homage to those who came before, those who were such an influence to me and my peers? We decided that this was to be a visual story bringing you along on a journey to unknown places and new experiences. There is jamming with old friends and new, and we share how it is to be musicians, now, in this place and time, while reflecting back on those who inspired us to take a chance with music. We’re just tripping on our roots.
Heatcheck Habitual is about the feeling I get when I’m launching in-rhythm jumpshots that splash through the mesh… It’s actively chasing that thrill & channeling that feeling into other creative outlets, taking heatchecks again & again about basketball, pop culture, and big picture life musings.